2180. Chapter 2180's conversation with White beard!

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    Feng Yu Chen's sleep is not a complete sleep. During his sleep, he still has the necessary consciousness. When he sailed to the Champagne Islands, when Luffy was originally, Feng Yu Chen's potential consciousness heard an important word.

    The life card that Ace handed over to Luffy changed.

    This special item unique to the pirate world, which is not afraid of water or fire, is made by mixing its own nails into the material. It is a kind of paper that represents the vitality of Master. Usually people will tear him to the separation. Relatives or friends, and the torn paper will attract each other.

    The life card will shrink when the Master is weak, and the Master will return to its original size when it returns to health. If the Life Card is slowly turned into Ash, the Planning Master is not far from death.

    When Luffy discovered the change of Ace's life card, he shouted to find Ace, and the direction of life paper was in the direction of the Champagne Islands. Although it was not sure what the reason was, Luffy's mood was very depressed. Let Feng Yu Chen feel it.

    At the time of Alabasta, Feng Yu Chen had a meeting with Ace, knowing that Ace was going to arrest a man named Black Beard, who had met when they went to Sky Island. I am afraid it should have failed.

    Coincidentally, however, when Feng Yu Chen and Esdeath were together that night, they learned about the arrest of 'White beard', but these clues made Feng Yu Chen think of Ace being arrested by Navy, so he Have a plan.

    This is a game, Feng Yu Chen does not think that single-handedly can sneak into the past, since the opponent has no choice, then he has to double it!

    It is vital that the power of nightmare can make a difference in reality!

    Feng Yu Chen differentiated his two avatars, one to the windless band to summon the sea king class, and the other to the new world (the second half of the Grand Line, contact with White beard, let White beard send troops in advance, fight with him!

    However, the general Strength must have been able to pass such a long distance, however, Feng Yu Chen has the skill of Hiraishin No Jutsu (Flying Thunder God Jutsu)!

    Can have an impact on the reality, the hail avatar will not disappear, and the hail avatar stores a certain amount of dream food!

    Everything is in the Feng Yu Chen's plan, and he can go to the present level without relying on luck and courage, and also has a planning strategy.



    Two days ago, Feng Yu Chen arrived at the White Beard territory of the New World and arrived at his pirate ship.

    The time is night.

    "Hey, everyone's mood seems to be very low…It seems that you have received a 'good' message. ”

    Feng Yu Chen stands on the bow and looks at everyone on the boat. Each one has a strong atmosphere, which is moving, especially the big man in the middle, like Titan, with a crescent moon on his face. The curved white beard, this is his biggest feature, making people look at a very powerful look.

    "Who are you?

    "Suddenly, I can get close to here in an instant, and I can count it…"

    "From the portrait, it should be a newcomer called Shura…"

    "Haha, I heard that he wants to break the door of the Navy headquarters…"


    The crew on board and the crew on the pirate ship are somewhat different. It seems that they did not be surprised by the sudden arrival of Feng Yu Chen's. It seems very confident that he will not gain any benefit here. It seems that because of this I am happy with interesting people.

    However, there are still ordinary crew members.


    As Feng Yu Chen's body released a powerful domineering shock wave, all the ordinary crew members fell, and White Beard's pirate sails swayed violently –

    "The overlord is domineering, can have this degree, it seems that your qualifications are quite high…Oh hahaha, funny young people…Don't talk, drink it! ”

    White beard didn't feel unhappy about Feng Yu Chen's shot for the average crew, because Feng Yu Chen just let them sleep, and there is no killing intent.

    "Well, though not (ontology)…Well, this pot sprinkles I have to drink! ! ”

    Feng Yu Chen took over the huge sprinkling pot that White beard threw, and flew into the sky. The jug was slightly tilted in the air. Feng Yu Chen opened his mouth below, and all the wine flowed into his mouth.

    "Hello hahaha! A cool young man I like it! ”

    White beard looks at Feng Yu Chen, once again, once again sent out a special charm of laughter, that is carrying a smile of years and human feelings, generous!

    "Drink and keep the wine, then even if you have boarded your boat, then I have a request, no, it is a request!"

    Feng Yu Chen put down the jug and said, "I am the 'sea king.'"

    Sea King What about ancient weapons? I remember it should be on the fisherman's island. ”White beard said as he sipped.

    "It is indeed in the fisherman's island, but I am also the blood of the sea king. Probably you know that I am calling the sea king class in the judicial island…"

    Feng Yu Chen said.

    "Well, what about that?"

    White beard is not moving.

    “Your family, Ace is now in the prison of Navy headquarters, and my family is also in the Navy headquarters. I am not trying to join you. I just think that smart people should act now, right now. And the straw hat pirate group is about to arrive in the Champa Islands.

    At that time, there will be a battle, Navy's headquarters is determined to get rid of me, so I can't sit still, when I will attract enough Navy attention in the Champagne Islands, then you can save Ace, Navy's acting style, We all know that all the pirates we caught are going to be executed, not to mention Ace is the son of that person!

    Gorr*D* Roger!

    Navy must have thought that you will postpone the date of the attack, so we have to act in advance and beat him by surprise!

    I will summon thousands of sea kings to attack the world's government shrine, Malijoya, where Marcy Vatican, where Navy's headquarters is located, is adjacent to the shampoo islands, the red clay continent, and the 'sacred land' of Marley Jorge, the Champagne Islands and Malicio. The Asian Games will attract a certain part of Navy, and by the time the Navy headquarters will be reduced by at least half!

    This is the time to save Ace most. I don't think you are a dull person. What is more important than face? You know better than me, and we take what we need, I didn't help you, and you didn't help me. That's it. The strongest white beard at sea, what is your wish? ”

    Feng Yu Chen's mouth Kakuzu smiled –

    "And I have the Strength that will raise your aging body to a peak for a short time!"

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