2157. Chapter 2157 Play your sister's night ward

    [Thanks to the lemon is not cute, just sour, my harem is listening to me, the book friend 150815185537234, the night's thrilling children's shoes are rewarded, today the first more sent, seeking subscription, monthly ticket, recommended ticket]

    "Close the previous chapter, Arlong is Oka Shichibukai's narration changed, I used one hours to consult a variety of materials, which also led to upload a lot late, after all, I am more approve people, the heart has bumps can not write down, will arlong that part of the anime TV quickly browsed, Found in 31 episodes have told, he is Oka Shichibukai of the sea man very flat men, years ago to see things, memory is not very clear, to everyone caused misleading trouble, sorry "


    Mirabel ?

    Feng Yu Chen was bitter after hearing these two words. He just sent CP9. Now there is CP10. Mirabel's time and fruit ability is quite troublesome. What is her purpose?

    As an archaeologist, Mirabel will definitely investigate the history of the world, so it will inevitably catch the line of the world government and enter the enemy's interior.

    However, archaeology is archaeological. Now, what kind of shark strategy you play now, how to look at it is not a very calm strategy, maybe it will be a big dispute of the pirates?

    Why? Are you restless? Didn’t you see me like this? ”

    Esdeath looks at Feng Yu Chen with a look of sorrow.

    "Forehead, that guy can be desperate for his own research. I hope that I can get to the mermaid next time. I have to complete the agreement before I can end the journey of the world. At least I hope that the players will not die too fast…"

    Feng Yu Chen is worried that the pirate world will end early. After all, the number of players will be reduced to a certain extent, the game will be meaningless, and it will naturally end, but he at least wants to reach the new world with Luffy and complete the agreement with the mermaid. To guide the next generation of 'King of the Sea King Poseidon'.

    The system stipulates that the top 50 players will receive rewards, and Altina said it is uncertain how many people will survive.

    So sure that there are fewer than fifty people, and there is probably a time base and a number of benchmarks. For example, if the number of people reached the stage, it will end if it reaches the standard. If the number of people drops sharply to the stage of the game crash, it can only end early. .

    At present, there are 18 players in Feng Yu Chen strikes to kill, according to this rate, more than 1000 people, probably around 50 people, of course, this data may not be very prepared, but he feels that there are more than he killed, there is less than he killed, he should be in the middle of the strikes to The player in the kill ranks, after all, Feng Yu Chen is not simply living for the strikes to kill player, but is experiencing the journey.

    So his strikes to kill number should be in the middle, then the remaining number should be within one hundred. Sure enough, the real nod to start, Mirabel's shark strategy, although he is not clear, but probably let the first half of the route The balance of the seven routes was disrupted.

    "In other words, the seven routes will cross, then the players will meet and kill, and the road to the world government is also a road, this road will be very dangerous?"

    "You really don't understand anything? Mirabel doesn't have the power to break the structure on seven routes, but the island you are going to next is the Champagne Islands. Then, it's time for you to make a decision. I expect Mirabel's plan to start there. ”

    Esdeath turned over Byakugan, and Feng Yu Chen was really laid back. Didn't the world's information start to take risks?

    "How can I have time to think about these things, and I will sleep for a while each time I wake up, is there anything wrong…"

    Feng Yu Chen said with a smile, he actually wants to know some information, but there is no chance at all!

    "If you want to get to the Navy headquarters, you must first arrive at the Champagne Islands. If you want to take me back from there, you will pass Mirabel's board first, and there is something to tell you that someone has reached the second half of the Grand Line. Paragraph, is a player, very strong, this person is likely to become Oka Shichibukai…"

    Esdeath reminded him.

    "Well, it doesn't matter."

    Feng Yu Chen shook his head and didn't care.

    "So, if you look at your performance well this time, I will reward you…"

    There was a blushing color on Esdeath's face.

    Hello?Here is the ward! ”

    Feng Yu Chen looks at Esdeath, this goods will not play with him ' night disease building ' stem bar, although later in high school, heard the dormitory inside roommate lying together to talk about this topic, but at that time he was only watching "Date A Live" just, completely to Three Yuan is not interested, but now esdeath to play with him two times meta version of the ' Night Disease building ', there must be a mistake …

    "Is the bed interesting? I am wearing a uniform inside…Don't worry, everyone is supported by me, thinking that Asuna is getting tired with you every day, I am very embarrassed, even today is Special, don't say you can't…"

    Esdeath throws away the body's Navy justice uniform, revealing the nurse's outfit inside –

    "Mirabel, but with me, you like the temptation of this uniform, it is a little tight…"

    Feng Yu Chen couldn't help but widen his eyes. He really had a uniform. However, Esdeath's figure is still very good. The abundance of the upper circumference is tightly held by the nurses and swaying.

    "It's not fun, my body is still bandaged…"

    Feng Yu Chen smiled bitterly, would it be to be pushed down?

    "Nothing, my man's strength, I still know…"

    Esdeath's face is getting more and more flushed, and she is also a woman who is in love. How can she be indifferent? When she heard Feng Yu Chen parked in the water capital, she came with Lieutenant General Kapu. Lieutenant Capt is watching him. Grandson Luffy, and she is watching Feng Yu Chen's –

    "People have been preparing for a long time. If you refuse, I will be very angry…"

    "Amount, play again in a few days…Absolutely not today…"

    Feng Yu Chen wants to raise his hand to stop, but Esdeath is already in his body.

    "You can't move, I can move, well, I want to start 'treatment'…"

    Esdeath slowly untied the body's uniform.

    "Treat your sister! I am not sick…"

    Feng Yu Chen felt terrible, and he knew that Esdeath was not just to provide him with information, but he was paid.

    "The more you struggle, the more excited I am…"

    Esdeath fascinated the little mouth and kissed Feng Yu Chen.

    Pledged of

    Feng Yu Chen feels the softness of the mouth, there is no way to go, really…

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