2149. Chapter 2149 Judicial Island: Unlimited Dreamland

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    ThisIs this really a problem? ”

    Nami stood on the body of Sea Dragon King, and his limbs were shaking. After all, this huge sea king was seen for the first time.

    “Well, did you just communicate with Laboon (the island whales of Gemini) when you first entered the Grand Line? This is as docile as Laboon. ”

    Feng Yu Chen Touched the head of Sea Dragon King like a puppy, and Sea Dragon King enjoyed it.

    "Hmph!"Although that's the case, it's a lot bigger than Laboon. Laboon is also a kid in front of him…"

    Nami gradually subsided. Well, on this Grand Line, she also had nothing to see. This super-large sea king class is also considered 'normal'. It’s strange! I have long known that Feng Yu Chen is a monster, damn, such a big sea king can easily call…

    “The sea kings of more than five kilometers do exist, but for the first time, the sea kings are the most powerful species of marine life in the Grand Line. The nests are mostly in the windless zone on both sides of the Grand Line. In the wind, unless there is anything that allows them to take the initiative to enter other seas…"

    The obese woman who started the sea train looked at the sea dragon King-like and explained.


    Nami looks at Feng Yu Chen.

    "Oh, I summoned it, summoned a bunch of sea kings, saw this the greatest, and then let it carry me and Asuna. After all, we don't have a sea train, but Robin's words, I have to be with her. Talk face to face…"

    Feng Yu Chen said, "What is 'my lady', then leave without permission, too much to put me in the eye, to be well-trained…"

    "No."Robin actually wanted to save us. The chief of CP9 had the power of [Buster Call]. In order to protect us, Robin had to sell herself and promise to do things for them…"

    Nami explained.

    "No, he and you are your friendship. I have more important things with her. I have to talk to her personally. Some things can't be delayed any longer. Maybe I should make a change…Luffy, the captain, make a sense of enlightenment, I am going to destroy the judicial island, so, will you continue to cover your crew? Still, you know that once you have done this…"

    Feng Yu Chen's eyes are sharper and more murderous.

    "Haha, is it interesting?"

    Luffy pressed his hat and said, "I did it at the beginning!"

    "Interesting your sister! What is the intention of this…When it’s over, it’s going to be pursued by the world government…”

    Nami smiled bitterly.

    "On the thief boat, do you want to live an ordinary life? Nami, you won't have this awareness? ”

    Zoro looked at Nami seriously.

    "Ahhhh……Forget it, start moving forward! ! ”

    Nami said helplessly.

    "Well, I have to start moving forward!! Charge!

    Feng Yu Chen patted the head of Sea Dragon King.

    Split second , Sea Dragon King with Feng Yu Chen and his team to catch up with Robin.

    Soon, they caught up with the ship sea train that captured Robin.

    "Give me the train sea train down!!"

    Feng Yu Chen said to Sea Dragon King.


    Sea Dragon King screamed and suddenly the whole ocean was boiling, and the huge waves instantly turned the sea train over.

    The sound of the snoring is enough to form a tsunami, and the sea kings are amazing.


    Rob Luke and others walked out of the compartments, but saw the sea kings like the huge mountains, and suddenly the whole heart mentioned the eyes of the blind, how could such a huge sea king come here, should stay No wind belt is it?

    "You don't seem to know, people who caught us, want to go this way? I heard that your base is the judicial island? Very good, I will take you with you and let you see what is called real fear! ”

    Feng Yu Chen did not look for Robin's meaning, directly to Rob Luke and others.


    Sea Dragon King grabbed Rob Lucci and their sea trains hit the island of justice.

    Feng Yu Chen is going to take the initiative, but the gift to the door is 'the will to destroy'.

    Soon, Feng Yu Chen, they arrived at the Judicial Island.

    "The Island of Justice Enies LOBBY, also known as the island of the night, only the day without night, set up for the world government, which is a nominal court, as long as the person who is taken to the judicial island must have been identified as a prisoner, the prisoner will only be escorted through those empty court, and finally will reach a cold and huge door of steel, That is, the door of justice, the prisoners who pass through this door, generally have to go without return, symbolizing the absolute justice of the world Government. ”

    The dock chief, Barry Looks, said at the building in front of him.

    "Well, let this place come to the night today!!"

    Feng Yu Chen set foot on the island, then his eyes again showed a golden turbine, and the whole person began to distort. Then, the darkness gradually enveloped the entire island, and a huge bloody moon appeared above the sky. The moon is very low from the top of the person's head, making the entire island a bloody color.

    As the darkness came, Feng Yu Chen's body slowly twisted back –

    "Unlimited dreams! Welcome to my space, then the door to 'the door of justice'…"

    Feng Yu Chen's eyes gradually turned into a state of reincarnation eyes, a black and white tomoe appeared on the cheeks, the hair curled up to form two Kakuzu shapes, white bottoming tights, black tomoe pendants at the neckline, abdomen There is an eight trigrams chart in the position, a blue-white Chakra robes, and a white nine-tomoe pattern behind it.

    "What do you want to do, won't make you misbehaving! Here is my site! ”

    Rob * Luqi suddenly became a huge leopard, disappeared instantly, and then appeared in front of Feng Yu Chen's –

    "Shinra Tensei (Almighty Push) !! ~”

    Feng Yu Chen ruthlessly reached out and his right eye became the white Rinnegan. A powerful repulsion released, and Rob Lucci flew out.

    "I will be your opponent, Yu Chen, continue to do your thing!" Zoro, start fighting! ! ”

    Luffy was blocked by Feng Yu Chen and looked at the robbery Luke.

    Although he was bounced out, Rob Lucci didn't have any injuries and still stood up like nothing, this time his opponent changed to Luffy.

    "Cover hat kid, let go, you are not my opponent!"Rob Lucci feels that you have to stop Feng Yu Chen, otherwise there will be terrible things happening, and if there is a real conflict, start Buster Call –

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