2144. Chapter 2144 is interrupted by dreams

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    The nightmare fruit can be regarded as a mixture of intrinsic time, and it can be said to be extremely illusion.

    Open up the dream space, realize the battle in the dream, and then finally convey the causal relationship to reality, the ability to use dreams as food.

    Of course, this ability is also dangerous, that is, the opponent's dream can still be effective, that is, as long as the rational Strength can be displayed, but the relative consumption of 'dream', or spiritual force.

    However, when it comes to spiritual power, Feng Yu Chen thinks that his spiritual power is broad and infinite, and the spirit of the sea is so strong that it has not been exhausted.

    So this Devil Fruit is for him.

    "You can analyze so much in split second. As one of the three major players of Navy's headquarters, there is indeed a ability to match it. There is nothing wrong with guessing. This is the space of dreams, the power of nightmares, you can use it here. Ability, but it will consume your spiritual, what about overuse?


    Sleep forever!

    So you are careful. ”

    Feng Yu Chen's double-handed has a black and white dagger –

    "The crane wing does not owe, my heart is solid stone…Heart skills to Mount Tai, force to wear mountains…The heart is crossing the Yellow River, the sword is breaking the water…Life has reached the palace, only the name of the day…The same as the crane, the two heroes are different…Dry will * Mo evil! ”

    After the spiral sword, Feng Yu Chen did not stop his attack. In the double-handed, the interest of Frost gradually gathered on the two black and white daggers, gradually turning into two huge black-white swords like wings.

    With Feng Yu Chen's Mercedes-Benz, his double-handed sword behind his body is like a black-and-white wing flying in the sky. When it flashes again, the black and white light instantly slams into Aokiji's body! !


    Two blood rushed from behind, Aokiji quickly retreated, and the pain from behind was so painful that he would breathe hard, and would it hurt in dreams?

    "do you know? I have set the pain of this dream to twice the level. If you or I are injured, you will suffer twice the original pain. Your frozen fruit ability must be rarely injured. The ability of the natural department Devil Fruit is already quite powerful, and elementalization is not painful.

    So you should have few chances of getting hurt.

    When a normal ordinary person is injured, it is likely to reduce some of the perception and coordination of the body because of the pain.

    However, after a bloody Shura suffers from pain, he will become more and more brave.

    Very unfortunately, the years I spent, the countless injuries, the pain has long forgotten what it is, I am different from you.

    And there is a good news to tell you, do you know how well people are sleeping?

    People's nighttime sleep is generally divided into 5 to 6 cycles of recurrence, each sleep cycle is about 60 minutes to 90 minutes.

    In general, sleep is divided into a light sleep period, a light sleep period, a middle sleep period, and a deep sleep period 4, and then enters the rapid eye movement sleep period.

    So, in the nightmare, will it last forever?

    No, if the pain is now twice, then the next few times will become four times, eight times, sixteen times, thirty-two…

    When I started this ability, we entered the state of sleep at the same time, and because of the ability of Devil Fruit, the time of these five sleep periods is quite short, not just a few minutes, but a time, but Very fast! So you understand, go on…"

    Feng Yu Chen's mouth Kakuzu reveals a smirk, so how long can Aokiji last?



    After Sanji and Zoro arrived at the venue, they found that Feng Yu Chen and Aokiji were facing each other, and now they have closed their eyes.

    Luffy was frozen on one side.

    What is this?

    "First lift Luffy back and say…This way, his heart will lose its beating…"

    Said Sanji.

    "Well, I will come back to see him later…"

    Zoro just came down and found two blood splashing behind Aokiji! !

    How is this a strange scene, two people can have no fighting movements, is this?


    Then, Sanji also noticed that Feng Yu Chen and Aokiji's body had various injuries at the same time. Both people's mouths Kakuzu overflowed with blood, but Aokiji was much worse than the body, and the body's wounds were dense and shocking. Fortunately, Frost freezes the wound and stops the bleeding trend, otherwise it will definitely die.

    "How come you don't move! Has Aokiji been defeated? ”

    Usopp ran over at this time and did not notice the strange atmosphere on the scene. After seeing Aokiji body with blood, she immediately screamed Feng Yu Chen's shoulder and said, "Haha…I know that this guy is definitely feasible, too powerful! ”

    Don't……Usopp. ”

    Zoro and Sanji both shouted, and even if they were stupid, they couldn’t shake Feng Yu Chen’s body.


    The next moment, Feng Yu Chen and Aokiji both opened their eyes. Aokiji double-handed showed two ice skates to support their body, and Kakuzu's blood spurted out.

    Feng Yu Chen also supports the body with Sword in the Stone –

    "Asshole, who let you move my body! Nightmare time has been broken! ”

    Feng Yu Chen is not mad, look at Aokiji, coldly snorted said, "You are lucky, you go, it seems that you also understand my biggest shortcomings, but you can go back to cultivate, next time, we still Will see you again! ~! ”

    "The nightmare space can be broken, as long as someone touches your body in reality, are you sure to let me go? Once your deficiencies in this ability are exposed, you know the consequences, and with this ability, you will also be noticed by the world government Special~! ”

    Aokiji said as he gasped.

    "Interrupted once, I can't attack you anymore. The strength of your general is even important. Zoro is not your opponent, at least not now. Therefore, neither of us has a way to give each other a fatal blow. Go, look at the face you didn't break Luffy, allow you to leave, hurry, don't let me regret it! ~”

    Feng Yu Chen bites teeth, the first use, consumes too much ' dream ' food, forced to be interrupted, but also add insult to injury, he is completely in the push, but even if not interrupted, he will kill Aokiji is not so easy, just in the nightmare space, Aokiji performance is quite fierce, And he was able to use a limited number of fantasy forces, after all, just got that fruit.

    In short, he will continue to grow for a while, and the strength of the nightmare fruit has not yet been fully developed…

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