2142. Chapter 2142 General Aokiji

    [Thanks to Markzheng, moe moe lolicon, the world's ** silk, ★ Yunfeng ★, words.Suriel, wr4565t, Indoors, lemon is not cute, just the acid, biboop, night screaming children's shoes, today's first to send, ask for subscription, monthly ticket, recommended ticket]

    Recovered the memory, Feng Yu Chen and Zoro's battle still did not win, but it seems that both have already defaulted to this result.

    Feng Yu Chen went to sleep in the cabin, and after he had a bloody outbreak, he went to sleep to restore Physical Strength and raise Hematopoietic Speed.

    Zoro began to practice Sword Technique on the observation deck on the ship. After seeing such a scene, Zoro was not shaken by Feng Yu Chen's murderous aura. Instead, he learned the ghost knife Asura, which is beyond the three-knife flow. Knife flow.

    Asura is one of Rikudou (Six Path). It is the Hercules of Desperate or the god of the demigod. It has three six-armed images. This is Zoro's ghostly aura.

    It is because of this kind of Way of Sword that can not be aggressive, so Zoro can stay in Feng Yu Chen's murderous aura space, and accept the murderous aura evil, and realize Asura's sword.

    The reason why the battle is stopped, one is to recover the memory, this meaningless battle should not continue.

    The two are because the battle has ended. Zoro, who has made Asura's knife from Feng Yu Chen, naturally understands the gap between the two people. Even he thinks that the Hawk-Eyes Mihawk can defeat Feng Yu Chen's strongest swordsmanship. Not necessarily.

    The three, according to Feng Yu Chen's words, he is not a simple swordsman, so there is no point in this competition. With Way of Sword as the lifelong target, the result of mutual duel is the most valuable.

    All kinds of factors, the battle was aborted, but Zoro strengthened his training, and he was unwilling to be experiential. Even Feng Yu Chen's real sword skills were not forced out, even though 'The Madonna' is equivalent to 'Tendou's knife' It's amazing, but he wants to compete with Feng Yu Chen's sword skills.

    Even if Feng Yu Chen didn't say it, he also understood that Feng Yu Chen felt that there was no need to show it, so he retained his sword skills.



    After a few days of sleep, after a few days of cooking, Feng Yu Chen began to walk out of the cabin to breathe fresh air.

    “Is it a good weather?”

    Feng Yu Chen, who stretched out, looked around with the Going Merry, but found that no one was there, probably on the island?

    It seems that I have reached an island again.

    At this moment, Nami, Usopp, and Asuna also Chopper carried an ice sculpture and ran back.

    "Hey, where is this stolen artwork? Nami? ”

    Feng Yu Chen asked.

    "Don't say anything cool!! This is Robin! Robin! ~ Do you know? ”

    Nami frowned, and then with Asuna they carefully moved the ice sculpture onto the boat and rushed into the washroom.

    "Robin? This ice? Who are they? Asuna ? ”

    Feng Yu Chen asked, frowning.

    "It’s Aokiji, the general of the Navy headquarters. It’s probably the frozen fruit of the nature department. Luffy is fighting with him. He is letting us all come back.”

    Asuna's forehead shrank with cold sweat. "It's a very strong opponent. I almost got frozen. Fortunately, the speed of the starlight fruit is fast enough. However, he can't beat him. After breaking into ice, he climbs from the ice. It’s up.”

    "Aokiji? I remembered, Esdeath said this guy? Fuck that, man.Check Out

    Feng Yu Chen jumped off the boat in an instant.

    "Go, let's go to support!"

    Zoro and Sanji also ran back at this time, their hands and feet were frozen, although not serious, but it looked like a painful look.


    Feng Yu Chen nod, since it is frozen strength, then gamble, as Ice fairy he, should have resistance to ice, the next is how to fight, Navy headquarters of the general, then the strength of the experience must be quite high, so that the use of the corresponding strength , coupled with the power of frozen fruit, since Esdeath said that for the time being there is no way to defeat, then explanation this frozen fruit is really strong, his physique may not be immune to everything.


    In a quick move, Feng Yu Chen saw Luffy being frozen into ice by a tall man.

    This man is absolutely more than two meters tall, tall and burly, wearing a white suit vest and dark blue shirt, always with a green eye mask in front of the forehead.

    Luffy was frozen when he touched the person.

    "Hey, look at you, should it be the man of Esdeath? Being chased by that woman, you are hard enough. ”

    After seeing Feng Yu Chen, Aokiji's face was still calm, calm and calm.

    "Well, hard and actually not, your woman has a little temper, you still worry about yourself, she wants to kill you as a target, you should be worried that you are right."

    Feng Yu Chen shook his head indifferently and his body tightened.

    "Maybe, that guy is a genius, it is only a matter of time before he is promoted to the general. If he is killed, it is not bad. If it is her, in addition to seeing this pirate group, see Robin and the straw hat kid, I want to see what men have the courage to be the man of the woman."

    Aokiji looks at Feng Yu Chen, scratching his head and saying, "However, it is actually a little disappointing. I thought that Shura was a man of arrogance, and it was an ordinary boy."

    "Then don't need you to worry, let alone Esdeath is a gentle person."

    Feng Yu Chen retorted.

    Tender Haha, the first time someone said Esdeath gentle, in navy headquarters, no one will feel that the temperature queen will be how gentle, even if it is their own people, that guy is also the same cold and harsh, compared to her strength, you actually not show the mountain does not dew appearance, according to her development speed, Not to say is the general, the Marshal will one day fall into her hands, by the five old stars particularly valued … "

    Aokiji wants to confirm the true purpose of Esdeath from Feng Yu Chen. If Esdeath has other purposes, then the entire Navy headquarters is in danger. Her performance in the Navy headquarters is a queen-like title, which is admired by many people.

    He is quite valued by the subordinates. He enjoys the same general treatment with the same meal. The tactical layout is like a military god. Even Sengoku has high hopes for her, plus the support of the five old stars. Her status is in full swing, and recently she has won 500 million Bailey pirates…

    "You have too much nonsense, what do you want to know from me?"

    Feng Yu Chen is not idiot, I know the purpose of Aokiji's questioning.

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