2125. Chapter 2125 Three Eyes and Twelve Wings of Emperor Jiang

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    With a little climb, Feng Yu Chen finally arrived at the battlefield, but at the moment some Feng Yu Chen was angry –

    "Chopper, how are you?"

    Feng Yu Chen looks at Chopper, who is still on the ground. His body injury is all about taking care of him. It can be said that since Chopper joined, his body can recover very well. Care is very grateful to him.

    "Hey, you are here, but you are not allowed to shoot. This person is my opponent…"

    Zoro said with a bite on the handle.

    In front of him is a man wearing sunglasses with a sword in his hand and a white sword. The end of Sword hilt is round.

    "Are there another one, so you can kill it together."

    The sunglasses man said with his middle finger and pressed his glasses.

    "Is this guy hurting Chopper?"

    Feng Yu Chen pulled out the behind's assembly sword. "Spoke you and find that guy again!"

    "Spike me? Ridiculous, my pet will be able to defeat you! ”

    The man in sunglasses pointed at the big dog of behind.


    The huge dog actually stood up and punched, like a boxing player in the fighting field, demonstrating against Feng Yu Chen.

    Asshole! Do you want to die? ”

    Zoro suddenly slashed to Feng Yu Chen. "This is my opponent. Did you hear it?"

    “Ha! What you said is yours is yours! ”

    Feng Yu Chen coldly snorted said that the claymore in his hand blocked Zoro's sniper.



    The sunglasses man looks at Feng Yu Chen and Zoro, "You will all die, no disputes…As long as you die, there will be no disputes. ”

    "you shut up!"

    Feng Yu Chen and Zoro coldly look at the sunglasses man, and then the two again competed.


    "It’s up to you to shut up!"

    The man's forehead of the sunglasses wrinkled and waved the sword in his hand and slammed it over. The sword changed its shape as if it were a cloud, and then –

    From his feet, the whole earth began to rise.


    Feng Yu Chen and Zoro both reciprocated and retreated.

    "Hey, welcome you, wait a long time…"

    At this moment, a man wrapped in the wall of the wind appeared in front of Feng Yu Chen, and his body also had wings.

    The man is wearing a silver silk gown with three eyes on his face. He has a golden eye in his forehead. It seems to be able to penetrate everything. Behind can see six pairs of light wings of different colors. Compared to these ordinary ones. The angelic inhabitant of the Kingdom of God, this person is more like an angel!

    ComingYu Chen, that's him…"

    Asuna clenched the sword at the waist.

    "Welcome to the Kingdom of God, I am God 'Emperor Jiang '…"

    The three-eyed and twelve-winged man smiled at the sight of Feng Yu Chen and Asuna. "Being able to come to this country of God, explain that you have experienced a lot of winds and waves, have enough courage to reach the sky, but here will be your ultimate Grave, I am waiting here for a long time, I look forward to your coming, come on, you will be the beginning of my journey…"

    Emperor Jiang ?

    Feng Yu Chen frowned, the name seems to have an impression, but I can't think of it. It seems to be a player with enough strength. It shouldn't be coincidental that I got Devil Fruit, and my personal strength is very strong.

    It is very remarkable from the perspective of three eyes and twelve wings.

    "Well, Zoro, that guy is handed over to you, my opponent has appeared, take care of Chopper, or kill you!"

    Feng Yu Chen put the hand to his lips.

    "Oh ?"Don't die, the guy is very strong, Luffy is flying by him…"

    Zoro is not worried about himself. He is more worried about Feng Yu Chen. Can he overcome this real 'angel'? This guy is too surprised. The two gods of the Kingdom of God, one wind and one thunder, their pirates this time. Encountered a big crisis in history, Luffy didn't know how.

    "This sentence should be correct to me, you must not die first, otherwise the world's first claymore is a joke."

    Feng Yu Chen's body gradually covered the blood.

    Shura blood gas – the initial awakening.


    Emperor Jiang looks at Feng Yu Chen. He feels the extraordinary atmosphere from his body. It seems that there is a general encounter, it should be in the dominating world…

    The breath is very clear, but the memory is sealed. In short, the body of this guy makes him very uncomfortable. It seems to be a long-time 'old friend', but the grand ruler of the Great Ruler, the life span of a hundred years is Dead, no one except his few guys can be exempt.

    Well, it doesn't matter what it is, he has to knock him down here.

    "We are fighting on the other side, we can't open our hands here…Asuna, you don't have to come! ”

    Feng Yu Chen's behind stretched out the bloody wings and flew to the far side of the island of God. He understood that there was no way to defeat the Emperor Jiang without using more powerful means.

    Sorry, Esdeath, just promised that you no longer use this Strength, and now it is used again…

    In fact, he is not likely to use this sub-order awakening.

    The reason why Asuna is not allowed to come over is that he is afraid that when he is really "forgetting", he will lose the human reason, and the ruin of will will destroy everything he sees!

    However, after this battle, it was not clear that Feng Yu Chen could live. He only knew that Emperor Jiang had to be fully defeated now. After that, if he could survive, he would look at his Saint Mark.

    In theory, as long as the heart can beat, Saint Mark will continue to regenerate, basically can not die, but if the injury is too heavy, the recovery time is too long, then the consciousness is in a free state for a long time, can live Going on is also unknown.

    But this time he gambled, he had to do it. Emperor Jiang, although he couldn't see through the seal's memory, he could know from the bottom of his heart that this person is very dangerous. Since it is dangerous, there is a need to kill it.

    Kill him and win Devil Fruit!

    Infinite world, isn't it to swallow one opponent and then sit on the throne?

    Perhaps Feng Yu Chen really wants to thank Esdeath. If she is not following Feng Yu Chen, he probably won't study how to become stronger?

    Without Esdeath's pursuit, Feng Yu Chen might think that if he goes on like this, he can defeat ordinary people with sword skills, so he can really overcome those little tricks. However, the real strong, he does not have Strength to challenge. .

    Wang, the strength of the footsteps can not stop.

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