2118. Chapter 2118 Sleeping your sister, dig Gold!

    [Today's second, send a subscription, monthly ticket, recommended ticket]

    Although I don't know how Robin got the secret order that only Navy seniors have, it's not something that deserves attention.

    Feng Yu Chen is worried about the Esdeath guy, what will he plan to arrest him?

    Devil Fruit.

    There will be different growth in the hands of different people, and it should be super perfect in the hands of Esdeath. It is not yet known that she can beat her with the blood repair mode.

    She should not end this simple.

    This woman, Feng Yu Chen knows her horror, the more she suppresses it, the more she becomes crazy.

    Moreover, there are very few players currently encountered, perhaps on other routes. After all, the watchers of Gemini have said that this Grand Line has a total of seven routes, each with a certain number of islands, choose one of them. Before the route, the navigation route can only be selected in the initial reverse of the mountain, and once it begins to sail, it cannot be changed.

    If the players are evenly divided into seven routes, then if there are more than a thousand people, and there are more than one hundred people on the seven routes, then count the forces, Navy, the pirates and their forces, and finally divide again, should be It is the appearance of dozens of people.

    Feng Yu Chen currently has 17 players killed and should have at least 20 or 30 talents.

    However, since he has already killed people, then other players should also have some success.

    In the end, the rest of the people are actually very few.

    The next ones should be strong, they may have joined the pirates, or joined other forces.

    It is almost impossible to rely on the accumulation of Attribute points to become stronger.

    Devil Fruit has become the player's first, of course, the guys like Asuna, Esdeath, Shino, and Mirabel are good enough to get Devil Fruit, even if they are listed.

    Other players should be mostly bought from the black market. The value of this fruit is generally around 100 million Bailey. It is idiotic to dream of making so much money. However, since it is a pirate, it can be robbed, at least Feng. Yu Chen knows that Nami's private Gold is worth a lot of Bailey.

    So, is he going to buy Devil Fruit?


    However, at this moment, Feng Yu Chen saw Luffy and they came back, just –

    "How did you hurt this?"

    Feng Yu Chen looks at the sun and falls asleep. Luffy and Zoro, who are swollen and bruised, said with a frown.

    "You are also hurt, haha…"

    Luffy looks at Feng Yu Chen body's injury suddenly laughed.

    "There is a joke, you two are going to accept Chopper's treatment, really, why not fight back!!"

    Nami said with a sulking voice.

    "Let's go find…Cricket *Kullik, be sure to go to Sky Island ~! ”

    Luffy pressed his straw hat and said.

    "Sky Island? What thing?

    Feng Yu Chen asked, frowning.

    "Sky Island is the island in the sky, you will be sleeping, well, in short, it is useless to explain to you, you only need to know that our next target is Sky Island, Luffy, they should go to inquire about Sky Island. The news."

    Asuna explained.

    "Really?" The island in the sky, interesting…I will sleep again…"

    Feng Yu Chen yawned and entered the cabin.


    Feng Yu Chen, who was sleeping, was suddenly woken up by force –

    "Sleep your sister! Get up and help Uncle to dig Gold! ”

    Luffy's voice rang in his ear, and then Feng Yu Chen felt himself pulled into a room—

    "Uncle, I saw it, that is, this guy can stay in the sea for half a month and can't die…I asked him to help you find Gold…"

    "Let me sleep for a while, it's still early…"

    Feng Yu Chen blinked at the dark night sky outside the window and closed his eyes again.

    "Hey! Give me up and dig Gold! Don't dig Gold, don't sleep in the room later, and Zoro, they go to sleep in the warehouse! ~”

    Nami woke up Feng Yu Chen with a punch.


    Feng Yu Chen nodded helplessly, looks at Nami, "Where is Gold? What are you special about wanting to get rich and want to be crazy? ! ~”

    "In the sea, go to the sea and look for Gold! Don't come up if you can't find it! I went to Luffy, Zoro, Robin, Asuna, Chopper, Sanji to find a guide bird, meet before dawn, do you know? If you can't find Gold before dawn, you will abandon it! ”

    Nami's eyes turned into stars, Gold…Gold ……

    "Forehead, I will curse you this female demon…"

    Feng Yu Chen said with a smile.

    "You are the devil? Go find it…"Nami pulled Feng Yu Chen out and threw it into the sea.

    "Then I will find half of me if I find it!"

    Feng Yu Chen suddenly turned a blind eye and said that he could not buy Devil Fruit.

    "One point won't give you!"

    Nami said coldly, "And I grab the money, you want to be beautiful."

    "Hey, hello, isn't it, you asked me to look for it, don't you have a hard time?"

    Feng Yu Chen smiled bitterly, what a woman, the whole person is like Grande.

    "Then give it…You are half done! ”

    Nami said with a heartache.

    "Half, you send a meal!"

    Feng Yu Chen said coldly.

    "What do you want for money? Your body clothes are all bought by me. Most of the things you eat are my money, and you don't have to find a woman with your girlfriend. To sum up, you guys don't need money at all, and you have one. In the month, I have been sleeping for more than 20 days. If you give you money, you can’t afford it?”

    Nami number falls on Feng Yu Chen.

    "Forehead, I want to buy Devil Fruit, I want to be a capable person…"

    Feng Yu Chen directly stated the purpose.

    "Devil Fruit, 100 million Bailey! It’s not worth the money to sell you…Forget it, I will add more, give you 10%! ”

    Nami said with pain.

    "10%, isn't it the same? If you let me pay for the Year of the Monkey, I can buy Devil Fruit?"

    Feng Yu Chen climbed ashore and slept directly on the ground to sleep, not doing it, just don't do it!

    "Okay, then you will be divided into half, but you have to remember to eat me, use my all my clothes to give me back, and your girlfriend's expenses, the cost of two women is very big. ."

    Nami's mouth, Kakuzu, reveals the smile of the little demon, and he is profiting and rolling you to death.

    "Amount, I only have Asuna a girlfriend?"

    Feng Yu Chen emphasized.

    "Robin Miss also admitted that it was you…So you understand, today I saw that she bought a lot of high-end clothes and accessories…"

    Nami said, "Left and right, you have to pay the price…"

    "Cost your sister, Robin is not my hook on the boat. When I woke up, she was already on the boat. Forget it, five or five points, I will pay you back…"

    Feng Yu Chen doesn't think that the amount of food he wears can be worth much. If you really have to dig up Gold, hehe…

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