2116. Chapter 2116, the man who manipulated time, turned out to be –

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    Those who can disrupt the time, those who race against time, those who leave the time, look for the other side of the realm in the corridor.



    As he calmed down, Feng Yu Chen thought back to everything he had encountered after he set foot on the island.

    He felt that at least at the beginning it seemed to fall into the bureau of the guy. If this person has the ability to manipulate time.

    Then he can reproduce the past time of other players on the island. In other words, the fact is that only one player is used. The detector itself does not go wrong, but the time is disturbed.

    So when Feng Yu Chen and Asuna are close to the island, when is it?

    After all, Feng Yu Chen wants to hurt himself. It must be that his time has been manipulated by the opponent, but it is too outrageous to manipulate a person without touching it, isn't it?

    In other words, this player's time warp and prophecy is done in two steps.

    First, through some style, predict the future of Feng Yu Chen's, or see his future time, and then put the produced recordings in the phone bug.

    This is the first step.

    The second step is to reproduce Feng Yu Chen's in the past by some style. It is not the future, but the past. It is like Feng Yu Chen's sword. It is now the sword of the past, so with Feng Yu Chen’s thoughts at the beginning were set, and the opponent’s ability to foresee the 'future' and then distort the 'past' of the 'now'.

    Therefore, a result has emerged. Even if Feng Yu Chen knows 'future', 'now' can be prevented from changing 'past'.

    The sword of the past was inserted into his chest.

    Knowing the principle of this ability, it is much easier to break.

    What this player has is just a twist of time, not a Strength of space.


    "Hey, hello, Asuna?" Calm down, stop moving forward, I am Yu Chen, we are caught in the enemy's surgery, not a dream, but a distorted time.


    Verify my identity?

    Ok, I will just say something that we know.

    Remember to return to the sword world, I played a bed shock in the room next to your father-in-law, and then I was kissed by the mother-in-law in the bathroom the next day…

    Amount, what I even said about this…

    Ok, in short, I can confirm my identity. Then, you can go back to the Going Merry now. I am playing hide and seek with this guy. Really, this is really a tough opponent.

    Didn't you receive the recording?

    Sure enough, it seems that my time is distorted, your time is not distorted, how can we say that we are so far away, he is impossible to complete the arrangement on both sides in split second, there is only one enemy on this island.


    What ghost, I am not kidding, I think you did not catch the opponent?

    It’s right to suddenly disappear, and there is a limit to the amount of time he can manipulate.

    Well, I hang down, now time is life, I am racing against time. ”

    After the contact is completed, Feng Yu Chen knows that he has broken the dead. It seems that the opponent's prediction of the future time is limited. From the beginning to the present, it has been nearly ten minutes. If the other party understands his current behavior, he will definitely Come attacked.

    Then the opponent's time is limited to ten minutes.

    Predict the ten minutes of future time.

    It’s not clear how to distort the past, but it’s clear that the odds are already there.

    The last sentence in the prophecy –

    'Blood life and death will be written by you two…'

    What to write, not written, this is not the opponent's pretending elegance, the haiku written, but the latter things he can not predict.

    In other words, if the first few words are prophecies, then the last sentence is 'hints' and 'guess'. Feng Yu Chen and Asuna in a panic will gather together to identify each other, but by then People hidden in the gaps can predict the future of Asuna, probably guessing.

    This prediction for the future is impossible for a person to predict twice in a very short period of time, in other words, Feng Yu Chen's prediction ends, Asuna's prophecy begins, if Asuna is not in the position of Feng Yu Chen's, then this hidden The guy has no way to make a prediction.

    Then, the rest of Feng Yu Chen’s future cannot be predicted. He has already passed the most dangerous ones –

    'Death ten minutes'

    The next 'death ten minutes' will be replaced by Asuna, but Asuna is not there.

    "Come out, play with the little mouse of time! I have been hiding behind the scenes, but I can't do it. Your predictions are here. ”

    Feng Yu Chen said to the space, he believed that the guy must be able to hear him.


    After waiting for a long time, Feng Yu Chen still did not find any echo.

    "Yu Chen, the detector is back to normal, I saw your position, the player you said has left the port in the north."

    At this moment, the communication sent by Asuna.


    Feng Yu Chen suddenly smiled, and the thief was also especially cautious. After he had arranged everything, he chose to escape. In this case, no matter whether he was alive or dead, the guy did not have any loss.

    I was teased, but in the end I couldn’t vent this anger! !


    Feng Yu Chen screamed.


    At this time, a strange bird in the sky flew to Feng Yu Chen's, revealing a secret letter tied to the leg. After the letter was taken out, Feng Yu Chen discovered all the truth and the one who played with him. The true identity of the player –

    "Sister husband and wife kissed:

    Everything is fine, first of all thank you for allowing me to enter the world to play, and second time this meeting is very good, right?


    Brother-in-law big cold sweat when the kind of shivering look is simply too ' beautiful ', hard to see the expression, now must want to snap me, then quickly find me oh, people are waiting to be pushed down by the brother-in-law, it is best to take Silvia and Veronica together, wow, that kind of picture is simply too beautiful, Brother-in-law can strive to realize other people's dreams Oh.

    – Mirabel (smirk) <(@ ̄) ̄@)> (satisfied blush). ”

    Feng Yu Chen looks at the last words, the cheeks have been twitched, and I said in a raging fire: "Meng your sister, I will push you down next time!! Asshole, almost kill your brother-in-law! If it weren't for me that I was a little intelligent, I would like to go to the streets today! ”

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