2109. Chapter 2109 'Wang''s game

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    "What a joke, your victory and defeat determine the life and death of this country?"

    Kohza looks at Feng Yu Chen, roaring loudly, it’s just too much fun! ~

    "This Laddie, it's too rude…"

    Cobra also thinks that Feng Yu Chen is a little hurry. It is his responsibility to save the people of this country. He can tell the history of Crocodile what he can do, and he can't read the historical text.

    "The big things in your country, like a chessboard…"

    Feng Yu Chen ignored the two people of Kohza and Cobra. Before coming to an old fashion, the claymore in the hand was squirted out. Between the swords and the glittering, a chess board and two rows of chess pieces were carved out.

    "Mr. Crocodile should also be a person with ambitions, then 'Wang' is a very confident person, then we will have a real game match, now this board is the Royal Castle we are in [Albana 】, then the rules of the game are –

    Eat each other's pieces until each other's king falls.

    I am king with you. As long as one of us dies, all the other forces will become captives.

    Before we have a win or loss, your men, and my companions will fight each other, you win, you can blow up the square.

    However, if we win, we can dismantle the bomb. Of course, under the premise of this battle, King Majesty will tell Robin Miss where the historical text of Pluton is, so how does Mr. Crocodile look? ”

    "Interesting, it seems to be able to pass the boring time, or, as you said, Robin, you go to Cobra to find historical text, I come to play games.

    However, this game has to add a rule. If your companion loses, then you will accept my attack without resistance. Of course, it will not let you die in an instant. Just want to hear your mourning voice, I don’t want I hate people who have the courage to challenge me, but they won't make you too proud.

    The pirates like you are everywhere in the Grand Line, and soon you will understand the real gap between us. ”

    Crocodile said with a grin.

    "No problem, you will be stupid, I believe my companion, although the time spent together is very short, even their skills are not completely clear, but I still believe that strange group of people, even so It doesn't matter if you lose your life, and if they win, don't they save everyone here?"

    Feng Yu Chen nodded and didn't shake anything.

    Very goodThen let's get started…"

    Crocodile's hand with a gold hook suddenly hit Feng Yu Chen.


    Feng Yu Chen's sword easily blocked the Croocdile's gold hook, but with Crocodile's right hand hitting Feng Yu Chen's chest.

    It was just Feng Yu Chen's body that disappeared instantly, appeared in the behind of Crocodile, and the claymore in his hand slammed down!


    However, Crocodile's body instantly turned into sand.

    At the same time, Albana began the battle.



    "Kill it…"

    "The king fired…"

    "Kill the king!"

    "Kohza was killed…"


    Various sounds came from the square.

    What happened

    Kohza looks at the King of the Kings and the rebel army, panicked.

    "Because both sides of the army have Crocodile's Baroque work, it is very easy to incite war. After all, the people of this country have suffered a lot of pains, and a simple language can make them fight. ."

    Feng Yu Chen said with a sigh.

    "Haha!"This change is also reasonable, this board will be more complicated! ! ”

    Crocodile's body condensed in another place, double-handed, and said with a mad smile. "No one can stop this battle. It has been so long, and the misunderstanding between the king and the civilians has intensified. At the extreme, not one or two of your words, you can end it!"

    Damn it… I am going to stop them! ”

    Kohza gritted his teeth and ran out of the palace.

    "King Cobra, can you take me there now?"

    Nico *Robin looked at the king around him.


    Cobra is somewhat worried about the people at the battle…

    "Don't worry, I am gambling on my life, and don't underestimate your daughter, and don't underestimate the people of this country. If a country's strength is easily destroyed by this danger, then it does not exist. Isn't it meaningful? Alabasta, the country that is fighting the desert, isn’t it just by the teeth? ”

    Feng Yu Chen smiled and gave a thumbs up to Cobra –

    "Believe me, believe in yourself, believe in Vivi, believe in Kohza, believe in everyone, miracles will happen, the people of the desert country can survive, isn't it the son of miracles?"

“……Mmm…Ok, then, I believe in you! ”

    Cobra looks at Feng Yu Chen without any firm face, he decided to believe that this young boy, since he is a companion of Vivi and entrusted his companion of the mission, he must be convinced that he believes his daughter will bravely continue the country. Going down, the pride of the royal family.


    "Your Speed ​​is very good, no wonder you can get here in a short time. You don't have Devil Fruit. You have such a Speed. It's really worthy of praise, but your Speed ​​is just like this under the wind…"

    Crocodile pulled an hourglass out of his arms. "I gave the straw hat for three minutes, and I also gave you three minutes. Thanks to me, but I struggled hard…"

    Three minutes I am afraid you can't kill me! ”

    Feng Yu Chen Mouth Although a relaxed look, but the heart is feeling this is a difficult battle, the reason without it, blood gas mode has been closed, every time the use of blood gas mode, re-use will need to interval a break time, just used the blood gasification wing, rescued the king cobra, used once, It will take another three minutes to get enough use.

    Probably related to medicine, in medicine, under the chest compression, the time for the blood to do a whole body cycle is about 3 minutes.

    Feng Yu Chen After using the blood gas mode, the blood in the body needs to return to the normal level before the blood gas explosion can be turned on again.

    This stage is the blood gas impurity stage, because the murderous aura element produced in the blood gas explosion needs to be filtered before it can be used again –

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