2104. Chapter 2104 Blood of the Flame: The Tide of Magma

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    The time spent there made Smog feel that it was meaningless, except to see the smile that One Piece had before his death.

    The pirates who are still able to laugh out in the face of the death penalty are really rare.

    However, at this moment, I suddenly felt that something inside my heart was resurrected.

    It is true that he, as Colonel Navy, has the rumored natural devil Fruit, but is this really enough to make him proud?


    However, at this moment, nothing is gone!

    In the face of the real pirate demon, Smog can't deny that he is really scared, death?

    Nonsense, who is not afraid.

    However, when One Piece died, the kind of king was like a king. Under the attention of everyone, he boarded the penalty station, but smiled and died.

    So, he thinks that he really can see the scene of death in such a fear?


    Sure enough, it’s right to run out of Loguetown. Although there is always a good time there, the real life will be met in the Grand Line. The ease of life makes people fall behind. It seems that life is not good, and you know your strength. , understand the so-called powerful meaning, but become stronger.

    "Fearless struggle? Even if you die, fight me? ”

    Feng Yu Chen asked, now he still has a human consciousness, but will soon become a true Shura demons.

    "How can Navy escape in front of the pirates! It’s really better to die. It’s still the same sentence, I will definitely get your guys into Navy prison~! ”

    Smog’s eyes were dark and he held the weapon in his hand and yelled at Feng Yu Chen!

    "The blood of the flames!"

    Feng Yu Chen slowly extended his right hand, and a trace of blood gathered in the palm of his hand. The shaking suddenly increased sharply. When it was late, it was fast, and the palm of the hand pressed onto the ground.


    Then, everyone felt a hot temperature, which seemed to melt everything, and then accompanied by a bang like a volcanic eruption.

    The area where Feng Yu Chen and Smoog are located explodes in an instant, like the blood of the magma-like flames violently erupting, all the places touched by this blood color are quickly eroded away, buildings, flying insects, birds and animals, etc. Everything that has a form is eroded into a void.

    The blood has a strong killing intent, and even if it is a few kilometers away, you can feel the devour of the smell. Luffy and others feel that their throat seems to be caught, as if they have a pair of invisible hands. Touched their bodies.

    Although it is an illusion, this feeling is not false!

    The blood split second of several people close to the battle zone was taken out and turned into a dry corpse.

    After the eruption of the bloody magma, a bloody cockroach condensed in the sky, like a real demon! !

    "Colonel Smog!! Get off me. I don't want it

    Tashigi struggled in Zoro's arms and shouted, but Smog at the moment may not be able to hear it.

    "Give me a little quiet, stinky woman!"

    Zoro said helplessly.

    "That man…Once the people around you are hurt, they will fall in love with all the strengths. If they become demons, they will tear their opponents into pieces. It is very reassuring to be his companion. It will be very tragic to be his enemy…Don't worry, your sergeant is still not dead. If the guy is conscious, he will deviate from the heart. ”

    Asuna patted Tashigi's shoulder. "This time it is a warning. You won't be so lucky next time. In short, don't hurt the people around him, then he won't go crazy. Once he touches the bottom line, he will become a demon." Although I am seeing him for the first time…"

    "What? Colonel Smog will not die? ”

    Tashigi looks forward to the look at Asuna.

    "Well, your colonel ate Devil Fruit, there will be ways to avoid the evil, and he is still awake. If he is really violent, I am afraid that all of the entire town will die, except for his companions, even if it becomes The devil, he will also use the body to remember the taste of his companions."

    Asuna nodded.

    "This is fine…"

    Ten thousand years

    Usopp and Nami suddenly burst into tears, and it would be great to not kill them.

    "This man is very good…It seems that Shino’s goal is still very good…”

    Ace smiled and nodded. He pressed his hat and patted Luffy's shoulder. "Your little friends are very reliable."

“……Well, if you envy, Ace, are you not going to our pirate group? ”

    Luffy swayed and said.

    "That can't be done, Luffy, I am Captain of the White beard Pirates. I will definitely push that person to the position of One Piece. In my eyes, only he has that qualification."

    Ace shook her head and smiled heartily.

    "I want to be One Piece, the guy said that if I repent, I will kill me…"

    Luffy also said firmly.



    After the blood magma, Feng Yu Chen compressed the Strength. Using this Strength would consume his Physical Strength and blood. Excessive use would be very troublesome. He was just skilled in the semi-lifting ability. To continue to adapt to the rules of the world, Nen used to say it again, when it is time, you don't have to be so embarrassed.

    The fog of blood gradually faded, and the land of Feng Yu Chen behind became devastated. Within the bloody pothole, Smoog climbed out, and there was no serious problem except for excessive blood loss from the body. The results made him very dissatisfied. Feng Yu Chen missed it, left him a life, and was forgiven by the pirates. This is really a shame!

    At the same time, it relies more on the ability to smoke fruit. Otherwise, he will be like the dead bodies. This area, even if it is hit by Feng Yu Chen's Strength, will be killed by this violent blood, but will die instantly. He has Devil Fruit and he is another matter.

    Feng Yu Chen step by step, suddenly fell to the ground –


    Luffy's extended arm caught Feng Yu Chen.

    "Luffy, I have to sleep a little longer, not for a long time, Chopper, please help me stop the blood, and the sorrow is so bad…"

    Feng Yu Chen gradually closed his eyes.

    "Oh ?"Give it to me, come to the boat…"

    Chopper's body suddenly became bigger, putting Feng Yu Chen on his shoulder and quickly ran towards the Going Merry.

    "Roronoa *Zoro, I will definitely catch you!"

    Tashigi looked at the Smoog, who was crawling out of the bloodhole, and put a word in his teeth and turned and ran to Smog.

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