2097. Chapter 2097 Nico Robin's curiosity

    [Thanks for invincible moe moe, wind butterfly weeping, red dust monarch, Zhao Xing lighting, Markzheng, moe moe loli control, heart stunned, light rain July, blush empire, yang dry, 殇 牛, angelbzilong, scum is I-喔 oh children's shoes, I will send them today, and I will ask for a subscription, a monthly ticket, and a referral ticket.

    After Feng Yu Chen and Robin entered the cabin, they began the so-called negotiations.

    Of course, it's not about the Princess Vivi, the Kingdom of Alabasta, the Baroque work, but about the infinite number.

    The strength of Nico *Robin is quite strange in Feng Yu Chen's opinion. It should be the ability to eat Devil Fruit. It is possible to grow his arm in other people's bodies. It is very weird.

    And it is very powerful to be able to investigate the infinite number of clues in such a short period of time.

    “Ask in advance, is your career an archaeologist?”

    Feng Yu Chen asked cautiously.

    "Oh, where did Mr. Shuro come to me at Satomi? Can you actually know my career? ”

    Robin's hand is gently stroking over the face, and the next topic will be very interesting.

    "Guess…Sure enough, it’s the same temperament as the guy, persistent and passionate, deep and mysterious, elegant and alienated. I have to say that archaeologists really are a mature profession, however, well, I am the least I like such a mature woman, oh…"

    Feng Yu Chen's forehead is covered with black lines immediately. I feel that I don't want to say anything. It will definitely be entangled in all kinds. Really, there is no way to meet such people. The pursuit of history and new knowledge like Mirabel The person is the kind of guy who breaks the casserole and asks the end.

    And this guy is now holding his grade, and also revealed that knowing the information of all the people with this grade, he has to cooperate with it.

    "Really?" It seems that a friend of Mr. Shura is also an archaeologist. You seem to be less able to cope? ”

    Robin is awesome, interesting, then it's a lot easier.

    "Well, thanks to the guy, now I see people like you are in a cold, forget it, what do you want to know, ask…"

    Feng Yu Chen said, turning the tea down.

    "I just want to know the origins of your mysterious brand. Wouldn't it be an organization?"

    Robin caressed Feng Yu Chen's brand and showed his anticipation.

    "To say that the organization, in fact, is not, well, in short, you can understand that this grade is a symbol, we these people in the fight against each other, the number of people die, then the grade will be the message, the red dot shown above is the position of the enemy, the range can be scanned to the whole world, as small as a kilometer range

    As long as the red points are displayed, they are all enemies, there is no reason to fight, purely for the killing and the existence of hunting and being chased. ”

    Feng Yu Chen said half-covered.

    "So what is your leader? That is, who is manipulating this game? ”

    Robin continued to ask.


    Feng Yu Chen's mouth Kakuzu showed a sneer.


    Robin felt a credible and untrustworthy message.

    "You have not misunderstood, it is indeed God, the god who created this world. This is a game played by God. There are thousands of participants, and there are probably dozens of people who can survive in the end…Well, you believe it or not, in short, I am telling you, but I risk a lot.

    If you check it out, there will be no secrets. Do not believe that you can just grab a person with a brand name and torture. We are just players who participate in this game.

    As for the referee is God, for the world we are just passing passengers. This world is just a battlefield for us. Where should we go from?

    What can tell you, and the last thing you can know, is –

    We are people outside this world. ”

    Feng Yu Chen reached out and took his name back from Robin's hand—

    "Well, if you know, you can leave, and if you want to continue to trouble me, then I will have to take all the Strength to kill you!"

    "You are not the people of this world? Where are you from? ”

    Robin felt that he had seen a wider continent in general, and she would not doubt the authenticity of Feng Yu Chen's words, for she had tortured a player, yet Feng Yu Chen's answer made him more convinced of one thing, and that there was a more magnificent world outside the world, Then the historical texts she could study were even more numerous.

    "Look at the way you look, you already know something, so I hate you guys, obviously normal people will not be bored to pursue this unbelievable ' lie ', but you easily believe, but I can only say sorry, the world's historical gears are always constant rotation, can live to the end of the people will know everything."

    However, this is not interesting to you, because you are not a participant in this game, you continue to explore the historical text of this sea thief world. ”

    Feng Yu Chen said that he was asleep in bed, he had to sleep for a while, and before the body's injury did not heal, he needed enough rest to save enough Physical Strength Energy to slowly recover the body and let the body heal itself.

    "It is very interesting, I want to see the world outside the world, in the end what kind of magic, if the world is really just to let you players to compete for life and death and create a game battlefield, then it is too shocking, then, the historical text of the world is even optional, For mystery loses its meaning in the face of something more mysterious than it is. ”

    Nico *Robin wants to know exactly what the 'real world' is –

    "Mr. Shura, can you teach me some of the languages ​​of your world?" Of course, I am ready to pay. If it is a game, I must cooperate with the most powerful players. I hope that my vision will not be wrong. I will cooperate with you. How? Alabasta has a list of all players I have…"

    "No, I am a person who compares 'just use myself' and 'does my own way', so my opponent, I will handle it myself, without bothering you, know the answer and go quickly, I am going to sleep."

    Feng Yu Chen yawned and closed his eyes and fell asleep.

    "So what do you need? I don't insist on more, can some of your world's languages ​​always be? ”

    Robin said.

    "Then you just find a player to torture and you know."

    Feng Yu Chen, "Do not disturb me any more, really, let you not rest…"

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