2087. Chapter 2087 Punishment

    [Thanks to Markzheng, a person who loves Loli, Zhao Xing lighting, 曌乁尐, the king of the morning star, the peninsula of the peninsula, the week, the night, the night of the children's shoes, the first day to send, ask for a subscription, monthly ticket, recommended ticket】

    Feng Yu Chen, who just ran to the town, began to look for Luffy and others because he saw his and Luffy's wanted order in the wall of the town, and after inquiring, he knew that the town's managers had eaten. Devil Fruit's Smoker Smog Navy Colonel.

    Although it is not clear how big Smog's reputation is, Feng Yu Chen is still very jealous of Devil Fruit. For the reason, Luffy's rubber man and Esdeath's temperature queen make him feel the incredible Strength, just by virtue of him now. The strength of Strength and Devil Fruit's ability to fight is really a bit difficult.

    Of course, this is not Feng Yu Chen's fear, but once he fights, he must concentrate and fight with the mortal consciousness. However, there are other players in this town, and one will be counted. Yes, there are a lot of people who want to be 'fishing Neon'.

    In the early days of the game, there are very few people like Esdeath who can eat Devil Fruit. Therefore, more means are 'too much bully', 'conspiracy trap', '螳螂 螳螂 蝉, 黄 在 , , '鹬蚌 争 ,, fishing Neon 得利'…

    In short, they are all omnipotent.

    There is only one life, and Feng Yu Chen does not want to challenge the limits.

    Esdeath This guy must have killed all the people in the world who had just met, and then accidentally ate Devil Fruit, then joined Navy. With her ability and domineering, few people can compete with her. This guy is a queen who can get mixed up in any place, and maybe this guy really has to kill what Aokiji borrowed.

    Because Devil Fruit is the embodiment of the devil, a person can only eat one at most, and has a ability. If more than one fruit is consumed because of the ability to cope, the body will burst because it cannot bear the curse.

    However, Esdeath is the queen that even the devil can conquer. I am afraid that eating two Devil Fruits will not die.

    Once that time, Feng Yu Chen was struggling.

    Although there are two couples, Esdeath is a different person. It is different from the battlefield at home. Since it was decided to be an opponent at the beginning, Esdeath will definitely do a great job. If Feng Yu Chen can't keep up with his footsteps, although he will not die. But it really has to be locked up every day.

    Think of such a life, Feng Yu Chen feels terrible and terrible, in order not to let this happen, he can only keep working hard and strong.

    Just running, Feng Yu Chen found out that the wind was getting bigger in the sky.

    The loudest part of the sound is at somewhere –

    Yes, the punishment platform.

    Luffy The guy said, it seems to be going to One Piece Roger's execution desk, the idiot, himself is the reward of the sea thief, actually still running around.

    Although Feng Yu Chen can completely get rid of Luffy and escape, he has been stunned for so many days. He is taken care of by Luffy. Although they are not sure how they take care of themselves, they may open their mouths and stuff them inside. Food, however, it is really a matter of taking care of them now.

    What's more, before, in the battle with Arlong, Luffy said to Nami, the mad battle was just to tell Nami, she is their companion.

    Perhaps a person should be more cold-blooded and ruthless in order to get the maximum benefit. However, such a person is destined to have no companions, and there is a blood in the body. Although he is a companion who has just determined the relationship, he feels that even if he is put on Life is also worth it.

    In this world, is there still less time to be desperate?

    Not at all ~!

    So, get used to this life.

    Just when he is crazy, fight with Luffy, the newly-acquainted companions.

    This is really –


    However, it is –


    "Mina, I am going to die…"

    Just arrived at the penalty station, Feng Yu Chen saw Luffy being bound by the clown Buggy he had encountered before on the execution desk.

    However, what shocked him was that this guy was actually laughing, and he was able to laugh out when he died.

    Then, another strange thing happened. A flash of lightning fell from the sky and fell into the clown Buggy and the execution desk. Luffy was saved as the punishment platform collapsed.

    However, at this time, the Navys rushed out.

    SawluShura is here…"

    Several Navy held a musket at Feng Yu Chen because Feng Yu Chen's name didn't tell anyone, everyone just relied on rumors, Shura's rumors, so Feng Yu Chen's name was passed down to Shura, and Navy headquarters also looked for it. Not Feng Yu Chen's surname, but soon, Esdeath will tell his name to Navy headquarters?

    YoYou are here, sailor…"

    Luffy smiled and waved to Feng Yu Chen.

    "Zoro…Sanji, take Luffy to the port, hand it over to me…"

    Feng Yu Chen's body disappeared instantly, and then Navy in front of him fell down on the ground.

    Extremely high speed, able to launch a very fast attack on the enemy in Split, although there is no energy, but the dots of the method can still be used, not the dots of hyuuga flow, but he learned in the Chinese martial arts inside, can easily let people faint dots, But the demand for strength and accuracy, in science above should be paralyzed people's nerve center, right?

    is missing

    What happened

    "Where did you go…"


    The Navys holding the muskets were at a loss, and they had guns, but they couldn't find a figure, and a person felt black in front of them and fell on the ground.

    "Oh ?"Then give it to you, let's go…"

    Luffy ran up under his straw hat.

    "It seems to be your strength, then the little sister will be handed over to you…"

    Said Sanji.


    Feng Yu Chen nodded and looked at the Navy team who was present: "If you continue, you will not be in a coma. If you do a mortal realization, you will kill me. Those who are qualified to shoot are already killed. The consciousness is over."

    "Calm, don't panic! Tashigi, you stayed to deal with him! I am going to chase the straw hat Luffy ”

    Just then, the strong man who smoked two cigars came out and looked at Feng Yu Chen. He didn't care. It was probably that Feng Yu Chen was not strong. The reward of 10 million was definitely weaker than the straw hat. A lot, Tashigi and the rest of Navy can subdue him…

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