2084. Chapter 2084 Navy Head Reward Order

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    After waking up, Feng Yu Chen carefully watched a battle between monsters and monsters. Luffy used various rubber attacks and he became a rubber man with rubbery fruit.

    However, the fish head Arlong itself is a monster, his body is a weapon, serrated nose is not equipment, than the weapon also sharp nose in the accelerated state can penetrate anything, can tear all the teeth, even if it is destroyed can quickly regenerate, and strong and powerful jaw, Let his biting force reach the force that even a cannonball can bite.

    Also in the water of the Strength, the speed in the water is reaching the limit, the overlord in the sea can even bite the inhaled seawater as a shell.

    Luffy had a lot of suffering, but he didn't have any thoughts to give up. He simply fought and simply enjoyed the battle.

    After Arlong took out the weapon chopping peak (a jagged blade of the knife, like a shark teeth arranged blade), Luffy was teased into a room, and then, what happened inside, Feng Yu Chen is not clear, however, a drawing was thrown out of the inside, the room inside the table, paper, Pens and other items were thrown out, and then Luffy burst out of the powerful strength, will Arlong beat.

    “Nami is our companion!!”


    At that time, Feng Yu Chen only heard this sentence, after the celebration and other things, he actually not remember much, spiritual some trance, but this time he did not faint again, slowly recuperate up, although can not use Saint Mark's strength Recovery, however, Saint Mark's passive attribute is slowly returning to his body, and after many serious injuries, the body left no scars, the skin has become more delicate white.

    As the saying goes, scars are the charm of men. However, this Saint Mark Bloodline makes Feng Yu Chen unable to retain the charm of scars.

    After leaving Cocoyasi Village, Feng Yu Chen, where they are going, is the only town that passes through the Grand Line.

    Loguetown, from here on, the magnificent sailing route is officially opened.

    "Hey, it’s a good recovery…Already able to sunbathe? ”

    Sanji handed him a glass of juice alongside Feng Yu Chen's.

    "Well, it's okay, well, it's almost restored, but…Hello, Zoro, don't you always use that kind of enemy to meet the red eyes. Look at me. Okay, it wasn't my own will to fight that day…Your spiritual is ruined and shouldn't be looking for me…"

    Feng Yu Chen looks at Zoro, who was staring at the chord and staring at him. "You are not particularly vulnerable. You can go back to rest and shake your sister here…"

    "You are also my goal, one day, I will defeat you~!"Zoro clasped his waist and said a word firmly.

    “Ha! Beat me, sorry…Although that day is not my own will, however, I will not say anything to anyone, I have reasons for not failing! If you want to defeat me, you will come up with a mortal awareness! However, the last death must be you! ”

    Feng Yu Chen eyes narrowly staring at Zoro's eyes.


    Hello?Hello?No way

    Usopp shunned behind the mast, and the whole body was smashed. The body of Feng Yu Chen and Zoro was a strong murderous aura, and they would not be involved in it.

    Captain Luffy! Don't you care? How many times have these two people fought from the beginning to the present? If we continue this way, our ship will not be Crush by Grand Line! ”

    Nami rolled up the nautical chart in her hand and frowned.

    "Nami Miss ! That's right…I am definitely on your side! ”

    Sanji heard Nami's voice and ran away emotionally.

    "Well, it's fun, isn't it?" The battle to gamble on life is very good, come on! ! ! ”

    Luffy is afraid that the world will not sneak at the sight of Feng Yu Chen and Zoro.

    Forget itI don’t always come up with real strength, it’s boring, and there’s only one knife, it’s too easy to…”

    Zoro frowned and said that he pulled a little knife back into the scabbard.

    "Well, I never shot my companion…Waiting for the day, after we really become an opponent, come back to me to fight…"

    Feng Yu Chen waved his hand and took out his infinite number. It showed a lot of red dots on it. It seems that it will not be boring on the way.

    "Nami Miss, seems to be coming to the next town?"

    "Oh, huh? How did you know that?

    Nami looks at the sea map.

    "Well, by feeling, I pre-feel that it will be a battle to fight for life, in short…Specially, I have never encountered any good things since I entered this pirate group! ! ”

    Feng Yu Chen spit up, "damn, stunned three times, but every time I wake up, it's a big fight!"


    "Haha!"Mina, Mina, look, you see…MineMine

    The newspaper brought by the seagull was waved by Luffy and there was a reward for two people. The first one was Luffy, defeating Navy Alvida, Colonel Carmon, clown Buggy, Crick Admiral, Arlong. After that, Navy's overnight reward for Luffy reached 30 million.

    The other one is Feng Yu Chen's. After killing Clau Captain, he battled with Hawk-Eyes Mihawk. Although there was no victory, Navy remembered him and the bounty is currently 10 million.

    Although Navy’s headquarters heard some rumors, but did not see it with their own eyes, naturally it would not believe that Feng Yu Chen really had a hard time fighting the Hawk-Eyes Mihawk, so he only calculated the bounty of Captain Crow.

    However, it is considered to be the price of the person who has the price tag.

    "Haha, I am above…"

    Usopp looks at Luffy's small back view of the bounty in excitement.

    "Why not have me?"

    Zoro and Sanji are dissatisfied. Zoro probably wants to compete with Feng Yu Chen on the bounty, and Sanji wants to show his price in front of Nami.

    "Hey, hello, how many of you, can you have a little head? These two flyers show what you know?" This shows that we have been eye-catching by Navy, but have filed it, and the Navy headquarters will act now! ! !

    Really, can't you understand the situation? There will definitely be trouble before entering the Grand Line. ”

    Nami saw the hidden danger of the overnight order.

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