2079. Chapter 2079 Progressive VSGeppo

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    After Kuro was beaten out, the pirates showed a surprised expression, but there was no fear.

    Their expressions can only be explanation surprised, not able to explain fear.

    It seems that they believe that their Captain Crow will stand up again.

    Of course, Feng Yu Chen is not stupid enough to make the glasses male die.

    After all, his Strength is not very big, probably in the eyes of people in this world, it belongs to the series of 'Flower Boxing Legs'?

    However, weak attack does not mean that you can't kill the enemy. After all, the glasses man is only human, then human beings have specific human key parts, such as the heart…

    The fallen glasses man did not split second and stood up on the ground.

    However, Feng Yu Chen is not the same as the average person. He is the person who knows the most murderous aura. He can feel the spectacles and the murderous aura.

    There is a kind of person in the world. The more angry you are, the more calm you are. The more icy murderous aura can find the opponent's key in split second.

    Anger makes people lose their theory, and that's just what happens in the impression of the average person.

    "Usopp Pirates…Check-in

    At this moment, the three little devils ran out from the jungle behind them. Something like sticks and shovel hit the eyes of the eyes. After a few hard fights, they came to the long nose Usopp. By the side –

    "You guys…Hurry and leave…idiot! ! ”

    The long nose Usopp suddenly screamed in amazement, and their behind Kuro ****** was slowly standing up, with long-bladed palms pushing the glasses and walking straight from Usopp, they would not They were in the eyes and directly confronted Feng Yu Chen again –

    "You guys…Have you understood my pace? Who is it? You! Such insight should not be a general generation…Well, it doesn't matter. If you meet me, it is the end of life! NoIt should be all of you dying! ”

    Kuro ****** talked to herself, his face slightly raised his head slightly, and the double-handed ten-finger long-edge overlaps, and then –

    Instantly disappears!

    "No……Captain Crow…Give us some more time…"




    Feng Yu Chen didn't say anything, but the pirates showed their expression of fear, because Captain Crow's trick was that he couldn't control the strikes to kill object, because Speed ​​is almost impossible to predict even by himself. Therefore, once this trick is implemented, everyone present will be spared.

    Mobile Speed ​​is invisible to the naked eye, faster than the previous pace.

    Feng Yu Chen sucked the cigarette and vomited it gently, then swayed the noble sword in his hand and closed his eyes. Then his feet stopped on the ground for dozens of times, and the body instantly disappear! !

    "Disappeared……That guy has disappeared too…"


    "There will be the same moves as Captain Clos…"


    "What the hell is it?"


    "boom! boom! boom! ”

    Another space of the space came a burst of cross-talking sounds, Mars flew, and could not see any figures, but soon there will be results –


    As the sound of the rags was coming, then the two figures fell on the ground, Kuro ******'s chest was inserted with a noble sword, and Feng Yu Chen's chest overlapped. Rikudou (Six Path) knife wound, but the result is obvious, Feng Yu Chen survived, and Kuro ****** is dead…


    "Captain Crow? died? ”


    "Who is that guy, how can I have this…Strength


    In the split second, Feng Yu Chen’s smoking action is actually concealing another thing. The six Attribute points obtained by killing three people before are added to Speed, so Speed ​​becomes sixteen. After the body's agility improved, Feng Yu Chen recreated Geppo with his combat experience, however –

    In the end, it is a weak body. It is difficult to adapt, and it is a serious illness that has just healed. As a result of being attacked, it stabbed the heart of Kuro ****** and severely injured Kuro. Death.

    Hello?The long nose over there…"

    Feng Yu Chen looks at Usopp.

    YesAt, I am at! ”

    Usopp's body stretched out in an instant, and the pain was forgotten. It was able to bring the powerful and scheming, one of the strongest pirates of the Eastern Sea, the cat thief Captain, capable of fighting a powerful pirate with a Navy of a warship. Captain Locke’s instant spike is simply beyond the power he foreshadowed.

    "Help me to smoke."

    Feng Yu Chen struggled to say that the sequela of forced use of shaving is that the body can't move.

    "Your chest is bleeding…What kind of smoke is it? ”

    Keya also ran to Feng Yu Chen's and screamed and screamed.

    smokeBut a good companion for men…LOL

    Feng Yu Chen said with a smile.


    Usopp gave Feng Yu Chen a cigarette like a younger brother.

    However, Feng Yu Chen immediately stunned after taking a sip.

    Hello?Hello?Are you OK?

    Usopp screamed.

    "After falling asleep, this guy really likes to sleep…"

    Luffy said uncomfortably, "Well, let's fix the rest, Zoro…"

    "People are not sleeping, but this guy is really not the time to wake up, every time he wakes up, he will be seriously injured…"

    Zoro feels that Feng Yu Chen's luck is just back home, every time he wakes up is a strong battle, then fainted, but this guy is too strong, actually kill the guy who can't see the move, the strength Good, I really want to have a sword with him, after all, he wants to be the world's first claymore.

    I…I also want to protect the village! ! The famous Captain Usopp is coming! ! ”

    Usopp looks at faint Feng Yu Chen, think about what Luffy had said before. Suddenly there is a glimpse of consciousness. It has not been a way to continue this kind of timidity. But he wants to be a real man, how can he continue this way? And this village is his most precious treasure, even if it is to fight for life.

    After seeing a few people from Luffy, Zoro, and Feng Yu Chen, he realized that the real pirates were such brave Warriors. He also wanted to be such a person. One day, he would become so powerful. Certainly, it must be! ! ! ……

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