2077. Chapter 2077 Shura-like man

    [Thanks to Markzheng, gentleman, cannon, North American black tea, wr4565t, Leizhi double rain, cool and thin * still pens off Lisao, Palace Weeping, Sumgum children's shoes, today's first to send, ask for subscription, monthly ticket, recommended ticket]

    With two gunshots, all the townspeople quickly escaped, and three ordinary residents dressed in men stood in the center, two of them were shooting with a gun to Feng Yu Chen.

    These three people are the three Red Players displayed on the communication crying device, Feng Yu Chen's goal, of course, Feng Yu Chen is also their goal.

    After the detector's display came to the area, the three were initially looking for a long time and did not find Feng Yu Chen's position. After all, the above-mentioned brand communicator can display only two-dimensional images, not three-dimensional.

    But after constant inquiries, they knew that there were people underwater, but they thought that if Feng Yu Chen could survive underwater for so long, they would not be KO when they went down, so be cautious, the three would Lurking and waiting for Feng Yu Chen to give a fatal blow to the moment!

    Have to say that their strategy is very good, but –

    The two men who shot were not hitting Feng Yu Chen's fortress heart and brain, just hitting his chest.

    Because, another unfired person, is the leader of the three, he came to the final [filling the knife], after all, this is not a battle game like "LOL", "300 hero", assist strikes to kill If there is no reward, in other words, the person who finally fills the knife will get the reward of the Attribute point.

    "rat! Sneak attack! ”

    The girl with orange hair suddenly frowned.

    "you guys……Don't shoot, uh…Help me find a sword…"

    Feng Yu Chen's face was pale and weak, but his eyes were exceptionally spiritual, and there was a layer of blood in his pupil. He slowly reached into the two bullet holes and instantly pulled out the two bullets.

    Hey, hehe…

    The sound of the bullet falling on the ground is very crisp.

    Many people can't help but pick up their mouths, this…

    "Since it is also a sword, then…Just lend you a hand…"

    At this time, the only one who was acting was another man next to Luffy, wrapped in a headscarf and a man with three knives at his waist. He handed a knife from his waist to Feng Yu Chen.


    Feng Yu Chen took the knife back without returning, and then put the blood of his chest on his lips, the next moment –

    Visible to the naked eye, Feng Yu Chen's body exudes a strong bloody atmosphere, which is extremely frightening.

    Looking at Feng Yu Chen's eyes at this moment, it is no longer the eyes that human beings can have.

    "Cut, you are stubborn!" Die.

    The leader of the three men raised the gun and pressed the trigger momentarily.


    Many people have narrowed their eyes and felt that Feng Yu Chen must fall down. After all, his kind of swaying pace, slow and swaying forward, even if the eyes are fierce, it is also a serious injury.

    However, Luffy and the public gave Feng Yu Chen's headscarf to the mouth, but Kakuzu smiled. It seemed to be looking forward to the next battle. They didn't think that Feng Yu Chen would lose. That kind of eyes clearly showed that Feng Yu Chen had won. Up…

    "Hey, hello, Luffy, it's not going well. The guy stayed underwater for so many days, didn't eat?" And I was seriously injured. How could I have three people who have a gun? ”

    The girl with orange hair couldn't help but look at Luffy eagerly. In her feelings, Feng Yu Chen would definitely die.


    The next moment, Feng Yu Chen instantly pulled the knife and cut the flying Bullets into Crush, split second. Everyone's eyes were just swords and shadows, and Feng Yu Chen's sniper track could not be seen at all.

    "Nami, it’s really good to watch his battle well, and recruit a good crew."

    Luffy reached out and pressed his hat, showing a homage to Feng Yu Chen's in his eyes.

    "No, I want to play with him…"

    The headscarf men's looks at Feng Yu Chen's sniper, the layman watching the lively, the insider watching the doorway, Feng Yu Chen is so slammed by the will, this also explanation his will is firm enough!

    "But it’s a coincidence!! Die.

    The leader of the three shots in a coherent shot at Feng Yu Chen, but Feng Yu Chen's body slowly performed various twisted hand movements, and all the Bullets wiped his body in danger, without bringing any hurt.

    "Oh ?"That's awesome!

    Luffy looks at Feng Yu Chen juggling to avoid all the Bullets and shouting excitedly.


    The girl with orange hair thinks so, the other townspeople have the same idea.


    With the flying of Bullets, Feng Yu Chen slid all the Bullets out of the way, and now in all your hearts, there is a clear idea –

    This is a man who can avoid Bullets!


    How could this happen?

    "Hey, hello…Don't bother you, shoot me together, bastard! ”

    The leader of the three men suddenly rushed into the cold sweat and pulled the two companions around to shoot.

    However, no matter how many people shoot together, Feng Yu Chen avoids it without exception.

    Soon, there were no Bullets in the shots of the three men, when they rushed to find Bullets in their pockets.

    A desperate blow is coming –

    Shura murderous aura * Three-day dance! !

    For a moment, the knife was placed on the behind, the left hand was pressed on the ground, and the body instantly vacated. Then, three bloody figures flew out of his body and attacked the three people with guns.


    The sound of three bloodstains and the sound of blood splashing.

    Everyone didn't see what kind of attack it was. However, Feng Yu Chen had already appeared behind the three people. At this time, the three talents were not willing to lick the bloody neck and fell to the ground.


    "Oh ?"

    After a moment of silence, everyone cheered and cheered for Feng Yu Chen's victory.

    It was just that Feng Yu Chen didn't hear it at the moment, he was already in a coma.

    When the headscarf man and Luffy walked to Feng Yu Chen's, he was already fainted, but even in a comatose state, he stuck his knife on the ground to support his body and not let himself fall.

    "Hey, hello, hello, wake up, get off!"

    Luffy slammed Feng Yu Chen's back and said.

    "idiot!! Didn't you see him coma? ”

    The man wearing the headscarf was speechless, the captain, really…

    "SOGA, moving him on board, we set off, Zoro…"

    Luffy pressed the straw hat and stood up and said.


    Zoro squats Feng Yu Chen on his shoulder and follows Luffy's boat towards the port.

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