2073. Chapter 2033 is unclear: the priority of artillery

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    With Altina's killing of the monkeys, all players have entered the baby mode.

    The written test is written, and intelligence is also an important indicator.

    Well, although no one will admit that he is an idiot idiot.

    However, in fact, idiots and idiot are real.

    "Look out for the papers in your hands, in one of the Piece worlds, there are many professions, swordsmen, navy, Bounty Hunter, mercenaries, boats, navigators, captains, Lieutenant captains, sailors, cooks, musicians, gunners, shipmates, assassin and so on, Write down the career you want to do on paper with a pen, and then there will be a topic that jumps onto the paper, and everyone's problems are different.

    Five-game three-win system, the answer to the three questions won, but if you answer the wrong three, I will be killed on the spot, rest assured, I will try to make each of you die differently, the title is not necessarily your professional problem, certainly The degree is related, but not all.

    Ok, let's get started, pay attention to the answer time is five minutes! ! ”

    Altina sneered at the entire examination room. She felt too long in five minutes, but the system stipulated that she had no right to interfere.


    What about professional issues?

    Feng Yu Chen thought that if the chef and the ship doctor, assassination and other occupations, he should be able to win 100%, but this exam is just so simple?

    Probably also determine the direction of development?

    The chef, already accustomed to, flirting, the occupation is too boring, and his chef does not care about the ingredients, is the top chef who can turn rotten into magic, so no matter what ingredients are not in his eyes In the fancy, the same general chef is concerned about the ingredients, right? He is not suitable for this profession without thinking about the ingredients.

    The ship doctor, first as a doctor, Feng Yu Chen has no experience in navigation. Most of the medical skills are based on the power of Saint Mark and medical Ninjutsu. Although there are some medical skills in the body, in the big voyage, he lacks the professionalism of the sea doctor. This is also PASS.

    Assassin, then destined to be unable to participate in some thrilling battles, assassin is the blade in the dark, giving the enemy a demise in the dark, which is not suitable for a large maritime environment.

    Then he also chose the swordsman, Bounty Hunter, sailor, musician, captain…

    In the words of the captain, Feng Yu Chen actually has no interest. Although he thinks he is a king, what the king is is temperament, not a name.

    The sailor can consider, after all, the blessing of the power of the sea god, even if the Bloodline seal, can still achieve part of the affinity with the water.

    The swordsman can, become a top swordsman, practice Sword Technique, sharpen his own mind, and Asuna should also aim at the swordsman?

    Bounty Hunter, also good, chasing prey and getting rewards.

    It seems that musicians can also, so that they can enjoy the fun of sailing while making them into beautiful poems. Is this similar to a bard?

    But in general, Feng Yu Chen seems to feel that he can do anything, sweat, otaku essential skills, housework omnipotence.

    So after considering it for a long time, Feng Yu Chen wrote it –


    Unclear is that you don't know what you are doing, and it means that everything can be done.

    Suppose, this game is strikes to kill other players to grow, then maybe players in the same profession have to fight each other?

    Therefore, if Feng Yu Chen regards everyone as an enemy, then he must not choose a profession, that is, any profession.

    But can it pass?

    As the two words are written, then the two words disappear, just when Feng Yu Chen thinks it is invalid.

    The first question came out –

    What is Wang?

    Oh, interesting, this is probably what it means to ask the king of the pirates.

    Feng Yu Chen wrote on paper without thinking –

    Wang is the existence that can bring happiness and fun to the subordinates.

    Wang’s understanding has different interpretations, but Feng Yu Chen, who just came out of K, wrote this answer.


    Two words appeared on the paper, and then the second question came out –

    What nutrients should be added in time for navigation?

    This is probably a problem for boat doctors? It may also be a problem for the chef.

    Feng Yu Chen still wrote the answer very quickly –


    The most lack of food on the ocean comes from vitamins in fruits and vegetables, and sepsis is one of the terrible sea diseases that can be solved by eating fruit.


    Then the third question –

    What should you pay attention to during stormy weather?

    Sail down.

    This is the only thing Feng Yu Chen can answer, but shouldn't it be comprehensive?

    So this question is wrong.

    There are a lot of things to watch out besides sailing, after all, he is not a nautical.

    The fourth topic –

    The importance of the proportion of factors in the artillery battle –

    Durability, artillery rate, steering speed, armor, speed, artillery range, artillery power, please arrange –

    Amount, especially's terminology…

    Feng Yu Chen's cold sweat on his head. If the question is not correct, the next topic may be more difficult.

    He understands that this damn problem is pitted. One is more difficult than one. No matter what kind of career you choose, there will probably be some professional problems. These, more people rely on feelings.

    Sure enough, writing a career is not a process of death. He can still answer the question of writing directly to the chef.

    The answer time is five minutes, it seems to be a long time, but it is very short, and it will be finished after a while.

    Ok, calm down, analyze it, the next question should be even harder, and definitely can't go anyway.

    What is the most important thing in the artillery battle?

    Feng Yu Chen thought of military battles, what is the most important thing, should be the marching speed? If you are fast enough, you can avoid all attacks, then the most important thing is the speed.

    So what is the least important?

    Since it is a battle, Meiwei's defense is the worst choice, so the attack takes precedence over the defense. After all, it is already in a state of engagement. The attack power is the first priority. Then the durability and armor depend on the last. In comparison, durability. It is better than armor, then the armor is the last and the last is the last.

    The rest is gun speed, speed, range, artillery Power. First of all, if the speed is the most important, then turning to Speed ​​is also very important. After all, the ship is going to turn the string, the port side and starboard side of the battle are reversed, the bow and the stern The opposite is faster than the ability to make more attacks and counterattacks.

    Then how are the remaining factors of range, rate of fire and power divided?

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