2060. Chapter 2060 Mikasa was broken

    [Today's fourth, send it, ask for a subscription, monthly ticket, recommended ticket]

    More and more fans have made Nega Nebulus more popular. As the videos on the website became more popular, Feng Yu Chen welcomed the signing of the Nega Nebulus Orchestra.

    However, Feng Yu Chen directly rejected the so-called artist contract.

    Nega Nebulus has a pair of Wings of Freedom at Accel World, and it is because of freedom that it can reach places that have never been reached.

    And now, still, freedom is the theme of Nega Nebulus. Without freedom, there is no soul of Nega Nebulus.

    However, Feng Yu Chen's rejection did not end the enthusiasm of the artist record companies, and an artist company began to cast an olive branch to him.

    As a result, the reputation of the Nega Nebulus band is also well known in the entertainment industry.


    As usual, after dinner, singing and seeking rewards, and then eating a full life has become Feng Yu Chen, they live in the theme of "K", and this free and happy life makes Feng Yu Chen feel very Relaxation.

    "Oh wow…My brother-in-law is the best, and today's meat is super delicious! ”

    Kurome grabbed the chopsticks in one hand and grabbed the bowl. She stretched out and felt incredibly moe moe. Every day, I had a loving dinner for my brother-in-law. It was so warm.

    "idiot! Is this meat satisfied? ”

    Feng Yu Chen reached out and stroking Kurome's head. It was a naive girl, although in "Hey! Akame ga Kill!
In the world of the world, there are some repressive distortions, but with the feeling of home, Kurome gradually returns to the cute and innocent girl stage, the cured Kurome, he is also the goal to achieve it?


    Yuzuriha Inori placed the bowl on the table and prepared to take a shower.

    Please wait

    Feng Yu Chen reached out and stuck the rice on the face of Yuzuriha Inori into his hand and put it in his mouth.


    Yuzuriha Inori's little face floated a blush, and the action of this relative made her feel a little different, as if she had been kissed…


    Akame, who saw this scene, also quietly stuck the rice on his face, but stood in front of Feng Yu Chen's.

    Kuroyukihime also learned to do it…

    "Hmph!"You are really…Young childrenAlright

    Feng Yu Chen smiled and glued the rice on the face of Akame and Kuroyukihime into his mouth. Really, can't it be slightly mature like Mikasa?


    "What about Mikasa?"

    Feng Yu Chen discovered that Mikasa had finished eating.

    "Go bathing…"

    Yuzuriha Inori pointed to the temporary bathroom in the warehouse.

    "Yu Chen, let's go…Mikasa needs you now…"

    Kuroyukihime patted Feng Yu Chen's shoulder, "Couture is cleaned up by us…"

    "Mikasa sauce is too serious. In fact, I don't mean to compare it. In that case, I just want to guard Yu Chen…"

    Akame probably understands that although she is a natural person, she can still feel the embarrassment from Mikasa.

    "The girl's mind is very subtle…"

    Kuroyukihime said in a strange and mature tone.

    "You are only Loli, and are you qualified to say others?"

    Feng Yu Chen pressed Kuroyukihime's head and walked toward the bathroom.


    After opening the shower curtain, Feng Yu Chen saw Mikasa sitting in the bathtub and holding his knees.

    The slender and white jade back shook slightly, and Feng Yu Chen’s heart trembled.

    "What happened?"

    Feng Yu Chen took off the body's clothes and stepped into the bathtub. From the back, Mikasa's whole body was held in her arms. Her nose was against her black hair, and her tongue sticked out to pick up her soft earlobe.


    The breath of the girl made Mikasa's body stiff, and the slender hand gradually grabbed Feng Yu Chen's double-handed. "Nothing…"

    "This is not nothing like it…I have already come out of that world, I have to learn to experience a normal life, Mikasa…You are not wrong, you just reacted a little slower, Akame's mood is the same as you, she has no intention of competing with you, and I am not going to exclude you…"

    Feng Yu Chen turned Mikasa's body slightly, and really looked at her eyes. It was really sad.

    "If you want…Now it can…"

    Mikasa's face appeared blushing and closed her eyes slightly.

    "Sure enough, it's an idiot. It's not a special trip to do that kind of thing. Well, if you have anything to say, otherwise, it's just your own pain…"

    Feng Yu Chen shook his head slightly.

    "Yu Chen…I said it in the attacking world, it will guard you…But that day, I went too far in a relaxed life, and I forgot the beliefs I followed at the moment, I can't forgive myself…No way!

    Although I am faster than anyone today, gradually, I found that there is no happiness. As you said, Akame is not fighting with me, just my obsession.

    But, however, it is not reconciled!

    Tell me, how is it? ”

    Mikasa opened her eyes in pain.

    "Oh, okay, let me tell you, your troubles are because — you are in love."

    Feng Yu Chen can't help but relax. Is this really the reason?

    Romantic love

    Mikasa asks.

    "Exactly, the emotions of a girl who is in love often have some abnormal heart fluctuations, but the only constant is the obsession of the person I like. You are too valued to me, so I want to argue with Akame and want to behave. I want to be the only one who wants to be me, I want to keep watching you, and sure enough, you are in love.

    Really, your love is really late, is it brewing before?

    Lost to you. ”

    Feng Yu Chen explained, and at the same time showed a smile.

    “Who”Who will let you…Suddenly turned into a man…Of course, people feel a little different…"

    Mikasa said with a sigh of his head, "Be a lovely Loli, it turns out to be a man…"

    "I don't like it?"

    , Feng Yu Chen asked.

    "Because I like it…only……"

    Mikasa bit her lip and gradually understood her emotions. "I like you, but you are also a man who loves a man. Is it strange?"

    "It's not surprising, you are just bisexual, it's not surprising…"

    Feng Yu Chen said with a smile, and sure enough, Mikasa was distorted by his training, and he liked his two-faced, damn, hoping she would not start with her own girls, and things became more and more strange and terrible.

    "I want to try you now…"

    Mikasa eyes blurred at the sight of Feng Yu Chen, slightly closed her eyes…

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