2037. Chapter 2037, Son of Saint Mark

    [Thanks to the wings of the sky, Markzheng, 茬 painting, life-giving sang children's shoes, today's first to send, ask for subscription, monthly ticket, recommended ticket]

    A few days later, Asuna finally arrived at the time of labor, and Feng Yu Chen and the Yucheng family were anxiously waiting outside the house.

    Although it is said to be in the home, and the famous doctors and gynecologists of the entire Tokyo are there, there is absolutely nothing about Feng Yu Chen, but he is still not calm.

    After all, he is also a medical expert and always thinks about what he can take care of.

    "Okay, dangling, I am sick of you!"

    Suguha said with a dazzling look.

    "Amount, by the time, Kirito will be like me, you both have to work hard…"

    Feng Yu Chen said in a snarl.

    "also minds joking! Really

    Suguha glared at Kirito and twitched.

    "Ahhhh……Ah, are we late? ”

    Liz and Silica ran downstairs from outside the main bedroom.

    "Not late…Not too late…"

    Feng Yu Chen told the maids on both sides to give Liz and Silica tea to relieve thirst.

    "Congratulations, Brother Yu Chen is going to be a daddy…Can I be a little baby's godmother? ”

    Silica said excitedly, apparently expecting the arrival of a small life.

    "Well, also me…"

    Liz said with a raise.

    "Okay."Of course you can…"

    Feng Yu Chen nodded.


    Silica and Lizton were together.

    “SAOWings of Freedom Guild President also The top five beauty players now have children, but it will make a lot of online dating…”

    Klein and others also came upstairs.

    Apparently Feng Yu Chen was more excited and shared this with many friends in SAO.

    "Well, ……"

    Feng Yu Chen swayed his hand and arranged for Klein to sit down.


    Soon the door was opened, and a nurse took the newborn baby out. "It’s a boy…"

    "I hug…"

    Feng Yu Chen rubbed her hand on the clothes and hugged the crying child in her arms. As soon as she reached his arms, the baby stopped crying, and the fat little hand grabbed Feng Yu Chen's clothes and laughed… …

    "Laughed……It seems to be a smart ghost, know who is the father…"

    Silica reached for the baby's face by Feng Yu Chen's.

    "All young life features are very healthy…****** is also very healthy, mother and child are safe…"

    The doctor said to the side, then he walked back and went out.

    "Well, thank you, go to Sherlock and get a red envelope…"

    Feng Yu Chen nodded, took the child into the room and grabbed Asuna's little hand, and said with some trembling, "Asuna, our children…"

    "Well, idiot…What tears should flow, should be happy…"

    Asuna also felt quite happy at the moment. Before seeing at Hecate and Sasha also Seitenshi, their children were a little embarrassed. Now her child is finally born.

    "The little guy inherited my Saint Mark…"

    Feng Yu Chen whispered.

    "I won't be so much like you…"

    Asuna suddenly pouted, what was inherited, and inherited Saint Mark.

    “And my Innate eight trigrams chart is also inductive. Of all these kids, only he can make Innate eight trigrams chart…”

    Feng Yu Chen said with emotion.


    Asuna nodded happily. It wasn't an expplanation. Is her child the most special? Well, it can't be said because Hecate, Sasha, Seitenshi's children are all girls, and her child is a boy at home. It's a happiness. The little guy, with so many Elder Sister taking care of it, will definitely grow up happily? Just hope that it will not become a sister.


    The conversation between Feng Yu Chen and Asuna was not disturbed by Kirito, so there are some things that they can talk about.

    "Hey, the next official world, Asuna, are you going to participate?"

    Feng Yu Chen is looking forward to saying, "I haven’t fought side by side for a long time."

    "Well, I have stayed at home too much, even if you don't let me go, I have to go, the child will give it to my mom and dad to look after?"Asuna said.

    "Well, I can do it here for the time being. Okay, what I want to eat at night, I will help you with your own hands. Now your body is still weak. I have the full power to take care of you."Feng Yu Chen double-handed said in altogether.

    "As long as Yu Chen can sit, you can take Yui and let Yui stay here. She has long wanted to take care of the little baby…"

    Asuna said next to Feng Yu Chen's clothes.

    "Amount, in that case, Kohinata will also come with them. When a few Little Loli play with their little ones, it is very troublesome…"

    Feng Yu Chen said with a smile, when he came, he did not tell Yui also Kohinata, otherwise, the family would be busy.

    "Well, give them, with Saint Mark, even if you hit it, you will recover instantly, and they will be happier in the little baby, isn't it?"

    Asuna shook his head and didn't worry about it.

    "Okay, then I will bring them in too…After the upgrade of the Infinity Ring, there is no problem staying here for a long time, although I have to pay some money…Well……"

    Feng Yu Chen nodded.


    Next, Feng Yu Chen also connected Yui and Kohinata to the sword world. A week later, a small baby's full-week feast was held. The famous players in SAO came over to celebrate.

    The birth of the baby also makes Fengshen group have heirs, career expansion more rapid, heirs for a group company is very important, although only the birth of a small guy, but it is related to the cause of the whole Fengshen group, now Fengshen is two generations of managers, before only Feng Yu Chen one, The family looks weak.

    It's just that compared to Infinite World, the Fengshen Group here is just a drop in the ocean.

    The reason why Feng Xiao Chen is not allowed to be in the Academy City, Feng Yu Chen is also worried about being broken by the Reimu group of guys.

    However, Feng Yu Chen hopes to be a girl, if the little princess is so good.

    Kirito and Suguha actually because of the baby's birth, the relationship between the two more closely up, Feng Yu Chen and Asuna also urged them to quickly give birth to a girl out, two families can knot comes true in-laws ah, surprisingly, this time, two people did not Rebuttal how much, probably is stimulated, think there is a baby and so on is not a bad thing.

    In short, Kirito and Suguha are the default of the two in-laws, and the two of them have also been the father and the godmother of the baby, but the two to get married will have two or three years, but the young can not… …

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