2032. Chapter 2032, the second and third events of the ship's confluence

    [Thanks to Markzheng, the gentleman, the cannon, the seven-star low-cost children's shoes, today's first to send, ask for a subscription, monthly ticket, recommended ticket]

    Feng Yu Chen, who is running on the sea, feels the shine of the silk on the skin. There is a feeling that he can control the ocean as he pleases. What is the change, the power of the sea god in the body has evolved.

    Driving the strength of the ocean makes Feng Yu Chen's water flow smoother and consumes less and less energy.

    Today's earth has changed. Compared with the previous steel civilization, the present world is full of energy in fantasy.

    In the evolutionary disaster of the earth, it is not known how many human beings have perished. There may be few survivors in various end-time scenarios. Although there are also some people on the Antarctic who are transformed by the powers, there are only a few Part of it, now they are accepting Aleister's education system, it is clear that the Antarctic human development direction is super power.

    However, the presence of the Land of Fantasy girl has changed dramatically there.

    But no one is going to provoke the girls of the Land of Fantasy.

    Probably, the Antarctic is the last human.

    At this moment, there is no such thing as a national ethnic group. Everyone is the same.

    Just Feng Yu Chen is not a simple human being for ordinary human beings, but a kind of existence similar to the gods.

    There is no way to do this. After all, they are under the protection of Feng Yu Chen's.

    The reality that has already collapsed is that for the current Feng Yu Chen, it is to rebuild the earth. Therefore, the future development direction should not only be human beings on the earth, but also the integration of infinite dimensions. Those gates that are connected with the world are completely Used to merge the dimension with the world.

    The whole earth is ridiculous. Because of the integration with the dark world, the land of the whole earth is covered with primitive guts. It is impossible to attack the human civilization. Therefore, it is the fusion of the dimension that can live on this planet.


    Feng Yu Chen, who was in the midst of his thoughts, gradually saw the Kongou battleship.

    "Admiral ……de~su"

    The first to discover Feng Yu Chen's is Shimakaze (ship).

    Just that…

    Feng Yu Chen passed by, and Shimakaze was also rushing over, but the two did not change their minds at all…


    Feng Yu Chen and Shimakaze slammed together, and split second, Feng Yu Chen saw the sky blue panties…

    "The disease is like the north…Sauce sauce…"

    The northern sauce with azure panties was drilled out of the water, wearing a black swimsuit and a snorkel in his mouth. "Discover Admiral…Requesting assistance…Simply…"

    Pledged of

    "Don't rob people's lines, but also people's panties!!"

    Shimakaze double-handed to press the panties on the northern sauce head.

    "Going out…"

    The northern sauce prompted.

    "Ahhhh……Ah Admiral ……Lust! ”

    Shimakaze double-handed turned back and blocked Feng Yu Chen's eyes.

    Hey? Eh!

    Feng Yu Chen found another unidentified creature out of the water and suddenly licked his pants.

    "Why can't Admiral's panties come down…Northern sauce? ”

    Unknown creatures ask, do not guess and know that it is a black sauce that is badly damaged by the northern sauce.

    Power… Unlimited power…Pull hard! ! ”

    The northern sauce said vowed.

    "Twist your sister's panties!"

    Feng Yu Chen is a little angry.

    "Panties commando…The wind is tight…"

    The northern sauce pulled away with black sauce and quickly escaped.

    "One or two, give me a quiet!!!"


    Secretary Nagato (ship) couldn't bear a punch and stunned two acting cute divers.

    “Whoa!many fish……"

    "So was I…

    Kakuzu, the northern sauce and black silk sauce in the dizziness, drooled on the water, but the damn was quiet.

    "Admiral is finally here…poi~"

    Yuudachi (ship) poked his head from the behind of Nagato (ship).

    "Well, what is the situation now?"

    Feng Yu Chen asked.

    “Arturia They have found the location of the rescue signal. Iona is following the river. Kongou is also ready to go, but there are some guts in the water, but many northern sauces and black sauces have avoided many of the deep sea fleets. force."

    Nagato said.

    "Really?" If the ocean, I may have a way to deal with it…Let’s go and join Arturia…”

    Feng Yu Chen said, he helped the Shimakaze (ship) around him.

    "Thank you Admiral…"

    Shimakaze (ship) said blushingly.

    "Well, let's go. If this is going well, you can guarantee the supply of the fleet. There is a military equipment expert (Shiba Miori), so you can strengthen your equipment…"

    Feng Yu Chen extended his right hand –

    "Feng Yu Chen, the successor of the blood of the night of the flames, Feng Yu Chen, the liberation of the shackles -"

    The bloody magic of the right arm bursts with a brilliant blue-white flash. From the flash, there is a new Familiar with a body that is as thorough as the water, the upper body of a beautiful woman, and the lower body of Giant Snake. There are also countless snakes.

    It was the blue-white Water Spirit – the water demon.

    "Flying here, the eleventh Familiar, 'the white steel of the water essence' -!"

    The white steel of the water essence is the Familiar of the water. This huge sea water is all its flesh. As long as the ocean is under its control, and it has the Strength that makes all the reduction, the original gut life can be returned to the original. status.


    Advancing along the river, with the help of the fine steel of the fine water, Feng Yu Chen became smooth and quickly reached the seat of Seitenshi.

    "It’s not too late, it seems that you don’t have to worry about the underwater threat…”

    Arturia came to Feng Yu Chen's with a group of girls.

    "Mm."It’s hard for everyone, you can help each other to get here, it’s really good. ”

    Feng Yu Chen looks at Arturia They, at the moment, seem to be truly integrated into one another. Sure enough, if they face various crises together, they can understand each other.

    "A person does not consciously play cool, or we are early…"

    Tendou Kisara eyes Kakuzu's afterglow to the body of Esdeath.

    "Kisara…Don't think that you can talk casually when you are big…"

    Esdeath coldly snorted said.

    OffChestChestWhat is your chest, your special chest is not small! ”

    Tendou Kisara blushes her arms together, really…And cleverly reversed the topic…

    Staring ——

    Shana looked at her chest, then double-handed pressed on the plump of Tendou Kisara and squeezed it hard –

    "Ahhhh……Shana sauce, what are you doing…Oh…"

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