2026. Chapter 2026 is incredibly moe moe ~

    [Today's fifth, send it, ask for a subscription, monthly ticket, recommended ticket]

    Woke up in a groggy way, it is already a time of three days.

    Just opened his eyes and saw Hinata looking at his face curiously.

    "What happened?"

    Feng Yu Chen asked, hand involuntarily caressing his sister's soft girl's body.

    “Elder Brother’s skin is white…”

    Hinata whispered, her face floating red, and the grotesque hand made her fall into an unspeakable situation.

    "Hmph!"The place you praised is wrong…It should be said that Elder Brother is so brave…"

    Feng Yu Chen turned over Byakugan, what kind of ghost is white skin, the blood of Saint Mark of damn, how to sun is not black, it is very troublesome for him, if you put on women's clothing, you can evolve into Xiuji…sweat

    “Elder Brother is very gentle…”

    Hinata closed her eyes and fantasized about the scene last night. Her body was a little softer, but she was able to recall the Elder Brother's loyalty like Sacred Relic yesterday, gently touching her. The feeling of guilt is really comfortable, and sure enough, Elder Brother is Elder Brother whenever it is.

    "Well, my sister is also very soft…"

    Feng Yu Chen put Hinata in his arms and kissed the cheeky cheek. This is the real cultivation. The sister sauce that has been cherished since childhood has finally become his wife. There is such a kind of 啥The sense of accomplishment, the ultimate realm of GAL games.

    “Elder Brother is a little childish…”

    Although Hinata feels ashamed, she does not understand that Feng Yu Chen’s enthusiasm has not yet dissipated. According to the statement, she is already the wife of Elder Brother. This kind of established thing, and what to do, has been done, why Such attachment, too gentle, she is somewhat difficult to suffer.

    "If you are childish, then…"

    Feng Yu Chen buried his head on the fullness of Hinata and kissed the soft area. The sister's sauce of Tong Yan**** was satisfied with all the best.

    "Onii-chan ……NoNow,To be an adult with my father…Handing morning tea…"

    Hinata tightened her body. Really, how is Elder Brother so greedy, it’s almost noon, and I can’t get out of bed, and I’ll be blamed by my father.

    "Ahhhh……Also right, but…Please let me help you wear clothes…"

    Feng Yu Chen looked up and said double-handed.


    Hinata squinted, Nissan was really, too much, she would be flattered by her.

    "No rejection is promised…"

    Feng Yu Chen got up and took Hinata's panties in his hands. "Hold up your feet…"


    Hinata nodded blushing, Elder Brother…Don't wear clothes, just like this…Will the next couple life be weird?


    Looking forward to wearing a piece of clothes for her sister, Feng Yu Chen wore her own clothes and then asked for Hinata pillows and shoes…

    Hinata really feels that Elder Brother is really a girl (hei) control (tai), can do this, can not be called a simple siscon (sad mad), although she is Nini control (brother control), But I really can't keep up with the footsteps of Elder Brother siscon, but she will add oil sauce…

    (I hope there will be no extreme brother control)

    At this time, Feng Yu Chen naturally did not know that Hinata-chan was working hard to improve his brother-controlled Dafa.

    In order to keep up with the times!


    Although Feng Yu Chen is refreshing, but Hyyuga Hiashi is not calm, from morning until noon, for tea, waiting for Feng Yu Chen and Hyuuga Hinata to tea, but specially eat the air.

    However, the wish is fulfilled. In this way, the Kekkei Genkai (Bloodline Limit) of Hyuuga Clan will be even better.

    From Mangekyō Byaku-Sharingan to White Rinnegan's eye technique, Hyuuga Hiashi's expectations are even more full.

    "You are married, is also a round my mind, the original will Yu Chen you connected to the house, as my child, looking forward to you can have a happy life (sure is happy, sister pushed down), if Hinata has nothing to do well enough, you do not say to me, however, Now it seems that you get along very well (holding the sleep to neighborhood feelings that is incredibly moe moe good) … "

    Hyuuga Hiashi took the tea in the hands of Feng Yu Chen with satisfaction. Under normal circumstances, he only had one drink. However, Hiashi drank all of it. It was really thirsty. After all, he was waiting for Feng Yu Chen in Training Hall. Hyuuga Hinata, there is no drop in the rice, can you not be thirsty?

    "Well, I can get to the sister of Hinata. It is my greatest happiness. Thank you for your success."

    Feng Yu Chen changed her father to a father, and pushed down her sister's sauce, feeling incredibly moe moe ~


    Hyuuga Hiashi heard Feng Yu Chen's change, and suddenly it was like a chicken-red red light. He was also incredibly moe moe. The Hyuuga family really jumped to the first giant of Konoha, and Feng Yu Chen became the first of the Hyuuga family. Hokage, it is a great honor to have such a son-in-law…


    Hyuuga Hinata also handed in tea, not a bit shy, just got up at this hour, really embarrassed.

    "Well, Hinata's recent growth is also obvious. As the heir to Hyuuga Clan, you are already very good. However, from now on, you should serve your husband more seriously. From small to big, Yu Chen has been taking care of you, my sister is right. Elder Brother has some reliance on it. It’s just that you have to take care of your husband’s life and support his career. Do you understand?”

    Hyuuga Hiashi said seriously to her daughter. In his eyes, Feng Yu Chen is sheltering his daughter everywhere, so he does not want Hinata to be pampered.


    Hinata nodded, how could she not understand the meaning of her father, but Naifu Jun was a siscon, and there was no way to take care of her everywhere. Actually, panties were worn for her, shameful…

    "Okay, today you have to start to meet parents, like the patriarch of the family, your uncle, Hyuuga Hiashi, and then the patriarchs of the various clans who have also made a good relationship with Hyuuga. As a Hyuuga family with a long history, they have a lot of friendship. Clan, Thousand Hands, Sarutobi, Nara, Autumn Road, Mountain, etc…

    Also some of the village’s Secret Art family and bloody family –

    Have a meeting…

    Let’s go and pick it up. I will take you to the meeting. ”

    Hyuuga Hiashi said seriously that he still pays great attention to the friendship between the clan. This is the root cause, and it is not expensive. Even if Hyuuga becomes the first giant, it must remain modest and cannot be the second. Uchiha, their Hyuuga family can be a long way from now to the present, because of their way of life.

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