2014. Chapter 2014 Candidate Six Generations of Decision Making

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    Finally, Feng Yu Chen's interrogation is also the end of the tiger's tail.

    In this regard, Tsunade did not say too much, but has remained silent, assassinating Danzou, but she has already defaulted.

    After the trial meeting, two consultants were removed and Tsunade took a meeting with Feng Yu Chen.

    "Okay, send the troubled old man away, let everyone relax…"

    Tsunade waved his hand and threw away the interrogation in his hand as waste paper.

    “The next step is about the future discussion of Konoha. The Akatsuki Organization is currently the top priority, and our efforts have also struck to kill a few official members. For this reason, there are also excellent ninjas such as Asuma. In dispute.

    Yu Chen, let's talk about your intelligence. At present, Danzou is no longer there. The two consultants are temporarily closed by us. The rest of the people sitting in the house are the ones who really are at heart. Let's say anything. ”

    “Well, the information of Anbu members was sold to Orochimaru by Danzou. The two consultants are also impossible. It’s not clear, but your kid is doing too much now. No way, only two consultants can be forced out…”

    The hand in Nara Shikaku's hand moved. "Old Man is really better at exiting, especially like the situation in the present, hesitant but the hegemony."

    "Okay, then I will describe some things with the qualifications of the six generations of Hokage candidates.

    As early as three years ago, when I quit from the Anbu position, I already had an idea.

    Itachi's luck was worse than mine, and she was forced to escape from the village. I was a leisurely medical dean, but the dream of [peace] that I had to do was not stopped.

    My goal was divided into three parts at the time.

    First, hidden in the water, out of the sight of Danzou and others, and then sought the support of three generations of adults, so that some of the village in the Kyuubi (nine-tails) incident Modern excellent ninja orphan income medical class for elite training, on the surface of the medical professional professor, In fact, the real is carrying out intelligence-gathering training.

    Tsunade should know very well that my medical surgery is a random change is the senior assassination Technique, at that time, the selection of 12 people, are quite excellent, two of them, more special some, one is Uchiha split people, lucky to survive , at present Sharingan has been opened to the state of mangekyou, in my assessment, compared to Kakashi predecessors are not much worse, the other is thousands of people, after cultivation, has awakened Mokuton Kekkei Genkai (bloodline Limit) ……

    The remaining ten are not simple, they all have their own Secret Art, plus the Assassination Technique I teach, each with the level of elite Jōnin.

    Then, next…

    The second step, the dark sea reef, collecting funds, the wealthy merchants in the country of the wave of the card has long been in my purpose, the situation Kakashi predecessors must know some, and finally got huge amounts of money, these funds, began Use, after I left, delivered to the twelve-star Hinagiku for management and adopted war orphans with excellent Innate Skills from around the world.

    At the same time, we cooperate with various villages. On the one hand, we establish bases in various countries, and train excellent medical ninjas to be sent to various ninja villages. On the other hand, we use this excellent cooperation to cultivate assassination of ninja and conduct an analysis of intelligence.

    Up to now, I have basically achieved the world-wide intelligence system network mastery. I am aware that I have already made plans for the purpose of destroying the world. Once a world war breaks out, these outstanding talents can step on the battlefield. At least the medical problems have been comprehensively resolved.


    The third step, the rapids, the goal of Xiao is about to be reached. According to my estimation, Hachibi (Eight-Tails) and Kyuubi (Nine-Tails) are too strong, and should not be hunted, and finally ushered in a comprehensive The moment of war has arrived.

    The village of Kirigakure in Land of Water, Sunagakure in the Wind Country, and Hidden Cloud Village in the country of Rays have all built a friendly relationship with me in our efforts.

    Iwam there, I just saved Yonbi (Four-Tails) Jinchuuriki Lao Zi from Xiaozhong and handed it over to the three generations of the land. Now, probably Yonbi (Four-Tails) Jinchuuriki should be robbed again, so that I realized The three generations of land shadows that have come to the real crisis will have to move the old bones to conform to the general trend and establish a real cooperation with us.

    In this way, the strongest villages of the five major countries can sit together to establish alliances, and Strength will destroy the Akatsuki Organization.

    So, Hokage adults, make a decision, contact the countries to carry out the joint meeting of the five great villages. At present, the biggest problem of Hidden Cloud (Kumogakure), I have already solved it, it is time to make up your mind, decisive battle ~! ~”

    Feng Yu Chen generously said.

    "What is the union of the five major powers? Is it just an Akatsuki Organization that really wants to use all the Strength? ”

    Nara Shikaku frowned, "Although apart from Yanyin, Kirigakure, Shayin, and Hidden Cloud (Kumogakure) have already reached an alliance agreement with us. However, the formation of the ninja army of the five major countries requires an opportunity, one for the whole forbearance. Everyone in the world has to make a determination to make a bite."

    "Time? It is really necessary to realize that the danger of ninja is not much, it is an opportunity that cannot be argued. ”

    Kakashi also squeezed his chin and sank. "The ambition is ambiguous and needs to be stopped. But let all the ninjas act together, at least let them realize that Xiao has the threat of destroying everything."

    "This opportunity will not be too far. I will act soon, but we will act before the real opportunity comes. Since the six generations have made up their minds, then I will support it, Shizune, prepare paper and pencil. At the appointed time, the real five major conferences will be held."

    Tsunade patted the table and stood up.

    "Alright, if you give a warning in advance, it won't be too hasty until then…"

    Nara Shikaku nodded, and they had already learned a lot, and five Bijuu (Tailed Beast) had been collected, and the rest was soon Kyuubi (Nine-Tails) Jinchuuriki. There will be a confrontation between the forces.


    Feng Yu Chen nodded, so it was fine. Without Danzou, the meeting was going smoothly. Just, what made me worry was that Nagato really would attack Konoha?

    After all, there is him here, Nagato also knows that his strength is not weak. Next, Nagato's action makes Feng Yu Chen interested, before it seals Rokubi (Six-Tails).

    At this meeting, Feng Yu Chen's six-generation destination has been decided. Both Tsunade and Nara Shikaku have supported it. Without Danzou, he has been able to sit on the Hokage position.


    Hyuuga Hiashi Although the surface is calm, but the heart is already very excited, Hyuuga giants also have a Hokage.

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