2009. Chapter 2009 Tucao Age

    [Today's third, send it, ask for a subscription, monthly ticket, recommended ticket]

    The battle of Hinata was entering the high tide, and Feng Yu Chen and the cloak also began a battle-like storm.

    However, it is the battle between tentacle and locusts!

    The cloak girl is really the behind-the-scenes black hand, and the madman from Monster Clan’s dominating world. It looks like a good girl. It’s the madness of the rest of the faintness. Wherever it came out, there was only a thumb-sized poisonous insect that swallowed everything in front of it.

    Flowers, rocks and even the air are all stained with a black-purple look.

    At the same time, there are many things that cannot be seen with the naked eye. Only bacteria-sized poisonous insects fill the air.

    In order not to involve Hinata, Feng Yu Chen has retired from the battlefield where Hinata and the black bones are located.

    "It’s really a love for my sister, Elder Brother, Fu Xi, Fu Xi, how many years have passed, you are still like this life like a sister!!"

    The robe of the girl body of the cloak gradually fell on the ground, the attack like the Crimson flame of long hair Dancing with the wind, the body exudes not this light, such as bright, her every move seems to affect everything around, raised hands, a kind of Majestic majesty revealed out, that seems not like the general existence of fireworks.

    At this moment, Feng Yu Chen saw the source of the poisonous insects from the body of the blushing girl, a golden pocket hanging from her waist, from which the poisonous insects came out.

    Since this guy knows the existence of Fu Xi, then it must be one of the most famous people of the same year. If it is the same age as Fu Xi, it can actually live to the present, and it simply deviates from the conclusion between the sons of the ruler. The average life span of a hundred years.

    "It seems that you don't remember me, cut! In the end, you are just a person with a trace of divinity in Fu Xi, and in the end it is just that…Well, I can't say anything more. I am not really [Jiuyin]. In the same year, Jiuyin could not remember the real Fu Xi in the reincarnation of the tires.

    You are the new Fu Xi, his reincarnation.

    I am a new born nine yin, her singularity.

    Although I have memories, but the time is too long, some have been forgotten, not to mention the long years, I do not know that I am a daughter of Jiuyin for several generations.

    However, since my 1st Generation has an unresolved idea for Fu Xi, then I can't sit and watch your presence and disappear! ! ”

    The cheeky cheeks of the blushing girl are talking about unusually cold words.


    "One is like this, the two are like this. Really, they are all obsessed with me. I am looking for a Fu Xi. I am bothered to be annoyed. The ghost knows what kind of grudges you have with Fu Xi that year. It doesn't matter, don't force all of your ideas to my body!!

    I am just a dead house in Super 2, but I have wandered into my own fantasy world. I am just thinking about spending this time, then being the savior of the earth, and finally saving the world. Superb things.

    Really, people can't calm down, say it again, I'm not Fu Xi, I'm just Feng Yu Chen, a very ordinary dead house, and then good luck goes to the present, I control you what is destined for the script, I only I want to follow my own ideas! ~”

    Feng Yu Chen showed out the Budu Yushen swords, and inserted them on the ground. A tentacle of tentacles stretched out from the ground and competed with the poisonous people, swallowing each other! !

    With the sorcerer's Bloodline and the optimization of the Innate eight trigrams chart, the tentacle's Strength is much stronger, following the will of Feng Yu Chen's, madly swallowing everything.

    The poisonous cockroaches released by the blushing girl were actually suppressed by the tentacles.

    Feng Yu Chen in the end of Cheris is only releasing the inner thing because of what fate is destined, unwilling emotion, and the other side is taking the information of the blush girl and guiding it according to her wishes. He wants to know more about Fu Xi.

    Although what is destined for something, it is a very boring thing, what is the reincarnation of Fu Xi, what kind of girl chasing one by one.

    What is especially special is not the dog-blood story of "Working, Demon Lord".

    Well, even if I work at the rhythm of Demon Lord, I am particularly embarrassed to play with amnesia. It is not an NTR drama like "Golden Strings". After amnesia, then I push down the rhythm of my sister…

    Then, the coincidence of dog blood siscon Attribute, "My sister is impossible so cute" style seems to return to the ground and seriously ruined three views.

    Ok, there are a lot of slots to vomit…

    Feng Yu Chen seriously feels that his second Attribute is becoming more and more toxic. Well, as a dead house, what is the second thing that should be vomited.

    Then is the rhythm of "Love"? The reincarnation of the second siscon Fu Xi big Demon Lord, complete your second secondary school in an infinite world?

    Isn't that the case?


    I am not calm.

    In other words, the dead house never knows that it is a second disease.

    Well, it should be said that there is no such thing as Unlimited Anime in the second ill, what kind of smashing 'now charging' is playing Unlimited Anime is the real ruin?

    Ouch……No, is he looking for reasons for his illness?



    Why did he vomit, not from the beginning?

    Pledged of

    Okay. The dead house is definitely completely transformed by Anime, what is the second…Guima…Lelouch …NoneKirito and other kinds of hoisting male Protagonist, then what is empty…Yu…A good fortune like the morale…

    Well, the real meaning of the dead house is the collection of various classic Anime male Protagonist. This Feng Yu Chen has already realized that, yes, the realm of the dead house is sublimated to the character with various programs. Sexual male Protagonist personality…

    The nine-yin frowning at at Feng Yu Chen is in a state of uncertainty. Is this disturbed?

    "To be able to demon the tentacles of Lord's tentacles took demon you really are changing-state, it seems, just rely on these venomous bugs can not defeat you, well, this is only one of my abilities, if only by the poison bug to defeat you, then, really did not kill the necessary, let me personally kill the man, You're proud, aren't you? ”

    “Ha! Are you specially entering the state of the house? What kind of tone, you are also a 'Tsundere'! ! ”

    Feng Yu Chen said with a smile, can you come to a normal person?

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