2007. Chapter 2007 Recapture of Cloak and Tibia

    [Thanks for the rewards of Feng Diehua, Mi Lumika, and Markzheng children's shoes. Today, the first one is sent, and the subscription, monthly ticket, and recommended ticket are available.]

    Xiao's underground base was jointly destroyed by Feng Yu Chen and Hinata, and the combination of the beauty and even Bijuudama was very obvious at this moment.

    The power of yin release and the power of yang release, combined with the increase of Xianfa, are not the two kinds of Strength, but the state of multiplication.

    Primal Chaos has yin and yang, there are men and women in the world, Yin and Yang Release starting from the roots, and the masculine and feminine of men and women, this Yin and Yang Release is the ideal Yin and Yang Release.

    At the moment in the center of the crater, in addition to the magic image, there are also four people alive, Di Deidara and A Fei, Uchiha Itachi and Kisame.

    The reason they survived was because of the protection of the barrier, and the magic image resisted most of the damage.

    The seal of the wooden man has been completed, and the rest is the seal of Sanbi (Three-Tails).

    In terms of strategy alone, Killer B and Feng Yu Chen are the main strategies, and there are four people on the opposite side. It is not so easy to beat the other side.

    The key is that Hinata is also on the battlefield. Feng Yu Chen will take care of her. Although she believes in the strength of her sister, the four people are not good at dealing with Kakuzu, and it is possible that more members of the group are rushing to Here, the longer you drag, the worse it is for them.

    "We are leaving here…"

    A Fei reached out to Sanbi (Three-Tails) body, the space was violently distorted, Sanbi (Three-Tails) was gradually swallowed, and Di Deidara, Uchiha Itachi, and Kisame were also twisted into the unknown space. In the end, he even disappeared.


    The huge demon slowly sinks into the ground.

    Recently there is only a wooden man left in the crater, but she is already at this time –


    Killer B of Hidden Cloud (Kumogakure) suddenly showed a sad look, and the sky gradually became gloomy, shielding the sun as if reflecting the mood of the people.

    "Beyond Uncle, the rest, I will give it to you, I also have another Quest."

    Feng Yu Chen didn't say much, patted Killer B's shoulder, then pulled Hinata and began to rush toward Yanyin.

    Yonbi (Four-Tails) Jinchuuriki I am afraid that it was hunted by another group of members. The Akatsuki Organization seems to have adjusted the members of the hunting team. Is it clear that Feng Yu Chen knows the reason?

    Uchiha Itachi and Kisame did not hunt Yonbi (Four-Tails) Jinchuuriki, and the Bijuu (Tailed Beast) collection plan was changing the process.


    After Yuzen’s intelligence base acquired the position of Yonbi (Four-Tails) Jinchuuriki, Feng Yu Chen moved toward the goal.

    “Elder Brother, how can we have our intelligence base in this place?”

    Hinata is incredulously said that in the base, there is an orphan adoption hall on the bright surface, but a training camp with training medical ninja and assassination of ninja is established underground, and the professionalism is quite strong, even if there is a fly. Can't drill in.

    "Not hokage directly under the intelligence base, but directly belong to my intelligence base, to Konoha hospital as the headquarters, and to the world to carry out the construction of sub-base, bright side is the adoption of orphan institutions, in fact, is the intelligence base, but even the five great powers of the village feel that this has a feeling, they are also the default state, Because I gave them a lot of elite medical ninja in vain.

    This is a default institution. I replaced them with the excellent medical ninjas of the various villages. Then they closed their eyes to my base. In the unwritten rule, we are not with each other. Interfering.

    Tsunade adults also know, but it is also the default state.

    I have retired from the position of Minister Anbu, but I have already established an intelligence network around the world, not only in the days of vain.

    I didn't tell you before, I will reveal everything to you now, won't blame me? ”

    Feng Yu Chen caressed Hinata's head. "You are also a high-ranking ninja in the future. It is necessary to get in touch with some things, but you know it. These dark things are done by Elder Brother. Hinata is pure and flawless. How can it be bound by the dark?"

    "Mm."I will adapt, Elder Brother is the strongest ninja in the village. I want to coordinate the whole situation, I just need to…"

    Hinata’s little hands entangled and said, “As long as…A woman who is silently doing Elder Brother, just support you. ”

    "Well, let's move forward together, you have mastered Senjutsu, plus the previous understanding of the Primal Chaos Gentle Fist method, you are also very strong now, so I will bring you to fight, since Sakura can beat 蝎, then I think Hinata can also break through your limits."

    Feng Yu Chen pulled up Hinata's little hand and quickly moved toward the target point, fighting side by side with her sister. It was interesting, wasn't it?

    We must continue to adjust – teach, adjust – teach to become a powerful female ninja.

    "Well, I will…Come on. ”

    Hinata feels the temperature in the hands of Feng Yu Chen and is determined to catch up with the footsteps of Elder Brother. She knows it when she is twelve stars. Because she often meets, she has the same age or almost the same size as her, they are very powerful because She can't lose either. As the sister of Elder Brother, she has to work harder.


    According to the route of intelligence, Feng Yu Chen and Hinata came to a series of mountains, the scenery is quite good, but it is filled with a nearly contiguous Strong wave.

    Along this scent, Feng Yu Chen found the target.

    It was the cloak woman and the dark bones that were encountered that day. The red-haired man in purple dress was covered with a black-skinned sickle. It should be Yonbi (Four-Tails) Jinchuuriki old purple is not wrong.

    "Two, can you please stay?"

    Feng Yu Chen agitated his throat and said.

    "Sure enough, did you expect it? There is bound to be a battle…"

    The cloak girl took off the cloak on her head and threw it on the ground. "Gray, you go to deal with the woman, let this guy give it to me!"

    "Da da da……"

    The bandage of the black shin bone body peeled off, revealing the dark skeleton inside, the skull shaking, like the decision of the girl who is dissatisfied with the cloak, it seems that he is ideal against Feng Yu Chen.

    "If you can solve the woman in advance, I will give him to you, can you? If the situation is good, the girl should be the one he loves. Do you think it is necessary to kill? He killed your love, you also killed his love…"

    The cloak girl smiled like a flower.

    The dark bones nodded, and the blue eyes were on the Hyyuga Hinata.

    "Don't be afraid, remember what I taught you on the road?" Fight according to that style…"

    Feng Yu Chen patted Hinata's shoulder and motioned her to calm down.

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