200. Chapter 200 Hemodialysis

    [Thanks to the monthly ticket of Xueyu Qifeng Children's Shoes]

    "Since you have been a member of our Tendou civil Security Corporation, then as president, I am very responsible to help you take care of all your daily life, the house to find you well, and Rentarou in a building, and then Kohinata School is also set, and Enju in the same school inside, Hook Tian Primary School, of course, these fees are deducted from your salary … "

    In the split second where Feng Yu Chen signed the employment contract, Tendou Kisara immediately delivered a set of keys and admission certificates to Feng Yu Chen, and then took out two mobile phones for contact, one is Feng Yu Chen's. One is Kohinata.

    Feng Yu Chen did not deny it, but he knew that this guy from Tendou Kisara must have earned an intermediary fee. Hey, let's accept it, this blackhearted president, looks like the story behind it, she will be blackened, and it looks like a blackened state. She will be very good.


    At this time, Tendou Kisara's face turned pale and his face was distorted by pain. Her face was white and biting her lip and holding her lower abdomen, causing a painful embarrassment.

    What’s the matter? “You?” Are you OkayFeng Yu Chen suddenly had no feeling of spit and was scared by Tendou Kisara. What happened to her?

    Could it be…

    Suddenly, Feng Yu Chen remembered a setting. Tendou Kisara had been attacked by Gastrea before, and the kidneys stopped working. Therefore, an artificial kidney called Dialyzer was used instead of her kidney function, which required regular hemodialysis. Is it time to filter out the toxins that have accumulated in the blood?

    "What happened to Kisara Elder Sister? Nothing, nothing, Kohinata and Elder Brother Chen are by your side, we will help you. ”Kohinata is also worried about the look at Tendou Kisara.

    "Forgetting that today is the time to do hemodialysis, hehe…"Tendou Kisara suddenly bit his silver teeth and said that there was a hint of sweat on his forehead.

    Feng Yu Chen said helplessly: "You are not going to wait for me to pay debts, and then wait until now?"

    Tendou Kisara suddenly blinked his eyes and nodded certainly. It was indeed like this. Waiting to kill Feng Yu Chen, the fat sheep, and thinking about the excitement after receiving the loan shark, he forgot that today is the day of hemodialysis.

    "Well, I have nothing to say about it. Hey, it’s a worrying guy. Your body doesn’t know how to take care of yourself. You’re really the best. Forget it, I’m lucky today, I met me. This great person, I will take you to the hospital…"Feng Yu Chen Although it is a bit painful to be treated as a meal ticket by Tendou Kisara, but can't always look at a girl falling in front of herself? Still beautiful.

    Said Feng Yu Chen put Tendou Kisara's arm on his shoulder, then he stood up with Tendou Kisara and walked outside…

    "Oh, no, no, I can't move…"Tendou Kisara feels that every step of the chest and abdomen will break apart and feel very uncomfortable.

    "Forget it, offended…"

    Feng Yu Chen took Tendou Kisara in his arms in a princess style and walked outside.


    Tendou Kisara suddenly blushed, why was she held in her arms by a man, but now she can't resist, really…

    "You don't feel bad, I won't like you. Now it's because you can't move. Just be a gentleman. Hold your arm and hug my neck. Then tell me the address of the hospital. If I can, I don't want to." Close to you, lest you be asked what you want, but now I want to rely on you, who do you rely on? I am impossible to put you here, then I am really a jerk…"

    Feng Yu Chen said helplessly, now also has a feeling of what men and women, do not know what state of their body?

    "I didn't let you like me. It's because you are passionate. I just don't let you send me. Let me go, go quickly. Anyway, you hate me…"Tendou Kisara suddenly got up with Tsundere.


    "You guy, really, what to say, I can't apologize?"

    Feng Yu Chen can't help but shake his head, Ojou-sama's temper is coming, but he really can let go, let go, then it's really a jerk.

    For a time, Feng Yu Chen walked straight outside with Tendou Kisara. Now it’s time to get up, it’s not early, go back from the countryside, then go to the sanctuary where Seitenshi is, then come here again. It’s the time of dusk. If you don’t leave, the doctors in the hospital are gone, you can’t do hemodialysis.

    "At XXX…"

    After walking out of the building, Tendou Kisara whispered that he was doing hemodialysis. Although she didn't like the current state, but her life is important, she has to take her life to revenge. In any case, now can't die. Ah.


    "Today, Kisara Miss is coming late, and I will pay attention to it next time. Press the nurse bell after hemodialysis…Are you Mr. Satomi who has been mentioned by Kisara Miss? ”

    After the nurses had done hemodialysis for Tendou Kisara, he took care of Feng Yu Chen.

    "I am not Mr. Satomi, you have mistaken people, my name is wind…"Feng Yu Chen immediately corrected the words of the nurse Miss. It seems that Tendou Kisara often mentions Satomi Rentarou with the nurse. Sure enough, she likes him?

    "Oh, what about a new boyfriend? That's really sorry…"The nurse suddenly said something embarrassed, and then went out.

    "Not a boyfriend…"

    Feng Yu Chen and Tendou Kisara suddenly said in unison, but the nurses could not hear them.

    "Okay, don't be excited, lay down in peace, you are…"Feng Yu Chen suddenly pushed the excited Tendou Kisara to the bed. So excited about this matter, just explain it next time.


    Tendou Kisara suddenly took a look at Feng Yu Chen and said, "I am not Kohinata, don't be the child's tone…"

    "OK, OK, don't be excited, I will cut the apple for you, really…"

    Feng Yu Chen nodded, then cut an apple from his trouser pocket and cut it. It was originally prepared for Kohinata, hey, cheap Tendou Kisara.

    "Hey, where can you eat apples from where you can eat?"Tendou Kisara suddenly turned over in Byakugan.

    "You guys, don't pick and choose, this is Kohinata, now you are cheap, don't you appreciate it?"

    Feng Yu Chen is speechless. He finds that he and Rendou Kisara are absolutely enemies in their lives. It really is not getting along.

    "Yes, Kisara Elder Sister, that's Kohinata, but since Elder Sister is sick, let me give you…"Kohinata nodded with confirmation, but looked at the apple in the hands of Feng Yu Chen. She had some dry mouth and she wanted to eat. Why didn't Elder Brother Chen prepare more?

    (Feng Yu Chen: No money, this is still the rest of the apple salad yesterday~~)

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