1995. Chapter 1995 tentacles and grievances

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    "Exactly, he gave me to solve it…"

    Shikamaru glanced at Feng Yu Chen and used Shadow Imitation to run Hidan in a direction.

    "Hey, you bastard, where are you going to take me??!"

    Hidan frowned.

    "Take you to death,"

    Shikamaru said coldly, the hate of the master, to the disciple to report, is the killing of the master's Hidan, he will solve it! Even if he is not dead, he will destroy it.

    "You have to be with this guy again…"

    Kakuzu both looks at Feng Yu Chen, throwing the body's coat of sorrow aside, revealing five different masks behind him.


    Then, Kakuzu's body split four monsters made up of black tentacles, each with a mask as a face.

    "Touching hands? Seems to have some fate? ”

    Feng Yu Chen looks at Kakuzu The body is connected by the black silk tentacles. It is a bit ridiculous to say that it is not bad to seal Kakuzu’s grievances. It should be able to strengthen the Tentacle’s Strength.

    The growth of Sword Spirit also requires food.

    Well, it’s decided, let the tentacles swallow up the grievances.

    However, Kakuzu will not wait to be swallowed up.

    Several monsters that manipulated the split launched the attack.

    Fire Style – head hard!

    Wind Style – crush!

    After the wind blast mask released the Fire Style mask, the wind Attribute mask was then enhanced. As a result, like the explosion of the reactor, split second crushed the entire battlefield.


    With the violent development of Ninjutsu, Kakashi and others had to retreat, but Feng Yu Chen disappeared at the moment.

    After the smoke dissipated, Kakuzu was about to observe, and a darkness came.

    Illusion – the technique of darkness! !

    Feng Yu Chen's body explored from the rock of Kakuzu behind, double-handed hand seal, a strong darkness, swallowed up the light.

    Kakuzu in the dark is struggling with nowhere.

    After the danger is perceived, the hand seal is instant.

    Earth Style – Earth Spear!

    Earth Attribute's Nature Transformation, strengthens the body's technique.


    Hail – kill thousands of ice!

    Feng Yu Chen's body fell heavily on the ground, and the water in the puddle left by the battle in the previous battle was split into a thousand ice, a three-and-six-degree Kakuzu domain indiscriminate attack, and The target of the attack is the mask avatar, not the body of Kakuzu.

    Earth Style – Dungeon Hall no!

    At this moment, the ground around Feng Yu Chen swelled and bound him inside.

    It turns out that Kakuzu was able to detach from illusion because the Attribute mask avatar reinjected Chakra into his body.

    One way to get rid of illusion is for teammates to inject Chakra into the body.

    Although Kakuzu has no teammates, he has these trait masks avatar.

    Gentle Fist method – gossip breaking the mountain! !

    The huge Energy is gathered in the palm of Feng Yu Chen's, as if the ray-like Chakra Energy instantly hits the wall in front of Crush.


    The body of Kakuzu was suddenly rushed out of a huge black hole, and the grievances on the edges were constantly twisted and weird.

    "Although the Dungeon Hall is not a barrier-style Earth Style Ninjutsu, and has a Chakra that slowly absorbs the people inside the barrier, even if it is not easy to gather Chakra, it will be gradually sucked away, and the general Taijutsu must not be broken. The energy wall with Chakra will be repaired quickly even if it breaks a point.

    However, any technique is not absolute, as long as my Chakra's Speed ​​exceeds your absorption speed, you can't absorb any Chakra…"

    Feng Yu Chen swayed the wall and drilled out of the hole. A tentacle spread from his feet and attacked Kakuzu.

    Kakuzu, who was penetrated by his face, did not die. After a mask monster entered the body, he reborn. However, Feng Yu Chen's tentacles attacked him.

    Tentacles vs. grievances tentacles.

    The tentacle and the tentacle fight.

    As if there was any food, Feng Yu Chen's tentacles madly plunged into the body of Kakuzu and bound the masks around them.

    What thing? ~! ”

    Kakuzu’s eyes widened.

    "Hey, don't your own companions know?" Before, there was a guy who claimed to be the big Demomon Lord. It took me a lot of effort. It seems that you haven't touched it yet, but it doesn't matter. The tentacle is now my possession, like you. See, the tentacles of your contract are being swallowed by my tentacles? Very fun, isn't it? ”

    Feng Yu Chen said with a cold smile.

    "My Chakra…How is it possible, even! ”

    Kakuzu was shocked to find that Feng Yu Chen's tentacles took all of Chakra in his body and couldn't resist it. The contractual resentment and his confident contract were actually frightened by Feng Yu Chen's tentacles. .

    However, in the eyes of Kakashi and Yamanaka Ino and Akamichi Choji, there are two monsters fighting, and Kakuzu has released something like a tentacle. Feng Yu Chen actually has tentacles, and the shocking tentacle war is unfolding.


    Yamanaka Ino feels scalp tingling, the tentacles that Feng Yu Chen manipulates seem to be evil, and the sights at the tentacles can't help but think of what the tentacles will climb to their body, definitely…

    "Oh, it’s fun, Kakashi predecessors, in fact, these tentacles are very curative. Do you want me to let it massage for you? Special's preferential treatment…It will definitely restore your body instantly! ”

    Feng Yu Chen said with a thumbs up.

    Pledged of


    Kakashi refused directly and ruthlessly.

    "Would you like to try the wild sauce?"

    Feng Yu Chen asked.

    "Hmph!"How can I possibly…! No▢ LINE |”

    Iye suddenly screamed.

    "It will make the skin slippery…Women with good skin will be more attractive…"

    Feng Yu Chen seduce and said.

    "really? Think about it…"

    Ino immediately changed his attitude.

    Sure enough, women can endure anything for beauty.

    I'm joking.

    Feng Yu Chen said in a hurry.

    "Hmph!" Teacher Yu Chen, please be normal, just now, your image has collapsed in my heart…But now it’s fighting! ! ”

    Yamanaka Ino has the word '#' on the head, and some have to jump, it’s true…

    "Well, it’s a joke to see if you are too serious. Don't worry, Shikamaru will succeed in defeating that guy."

    Feng Yu Chen said comfortably.

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