1984. Chapter 1984, tired of Mizukage, there is no

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    On the second day, Feng Yu Chen and Terumi Mei, no longer, white, and Changjuro departed from Kirigakure and went to the lake where Sanbi (Three-Tails) was located.

    “First we have to confirm that Sanbi (Three-Tails) inhabits this lake, but it is not the bottom of the lake. There is a different space in this lake. Sanbi (Three-Tails) hides in it, no one can find it, only one. People can summon Sanbi (Three-Tails).

    According to my intelligence, Sanbi (Three-Tails) has long been a prey for Orochimaru, so he prepared a man who could control Sanbi (Three-Tails) Chakra by Sanbi (Three-Tails). Under the supervision of the people.

    Her man is not an ordinary ninja, and the blood of the crystal is followed by ninja. ”

    Feng Yu Chen said while running.

    "Then we just have to wait for Orochimaru to take the moment?"

    No more frowning, he prefers to kill directly, it is really troublesome Quest.

    "Control Sanbi (Three-Tails), how is this possible, not how Jinchuuriki can control Sanbi (Three-Tails)?"

    Changjuro can not help but frown.

    "The little devil who controls Sanbi (Three-Tails) seems to have some connections with the four generations of Mizukage Yagura. The appearance and abilities are similar to those of Yagura, so it is probably based on these that there will be a leader leading Sanbi (Three-Tails)? However, this is his sorrow? ”

    Feng Yu Chen explained.

    "It turns out that if the relatives of Yagura's family do have the strength to summon Sanbi (Three-Tails), but the existence of Sanbi (Three-Tails), although stupid, is not stupid, so It should be forced to summon it, then the Strength needed…"

    Terumi Mei can't help but frown.

    "Do not worry……Orochimaru's men, who have a medical ninja, can develop drugs that force the potential, even though they will play the bad guy…"

    Feng Yu Chen affirmed the guess of Terumi Mei of Terumi Mei, then waved everyone to stop –

    "It seems that there are already people who have blocked the road…Three locations, six hundred meters northeast…The position of the east strike direction of 500 meters…And two people who walked around to our behind…"

    “Is it Orochimaru?”

    There are a few thousand in the hands of white.

    "No, Orochimaru should have no one to deal with us now, although I understand my actions…It should be a wise person…"

    Feng Yu Chen double-handed start hand seal ——

    At this moment, the surrounding trees began to move, acting like a tree, and wielding huge branches against them.


    Chang Shiro waved the weird double knife behind it and slammed it. The two round holes on the double knives emitted gas and then the entire blade radiated, forming an Energy aggregate, emitting a light ball and bursting out, split second will be all in front of him. The trees are cut off.

    "Not bad, newcomer!"

    I will say nothing more than waving the dagger knife in my hand. Really, I will be compared to the newcomer!

    "Water Style – Big Blasting!!"

    Feng Yu Chen, who completed the hand seal, sprang out a lot of water from the mouth that was comparable to the size of the previous lake. The ocean like the sea spread wildly around, and the whole forest split second was bursting.


    "You actually said it…"

    I can't help but sway in the water and say.

    "The amount of this Chakra is too big, right?"

    Changjuro was surprised at the sight of Feng Yu Chen. Like the Chakra content of Bijuu (Tailed Beast), this Konoha's new star San Ren is really amazing.

    "Well, their technique is to transform the geology, so separate the ground from the plants above, you can…"

    Feng Yu Chen then hand seal ——

    Hail – a thousand miles of ice! !

    The palm of the hand exudes a strong chill, and it is covered with a lake-like surface, covering all areas of the tens of kilometers.

    "You really are…Is this a waste of Chakra? ”

    Terumi Mei reached out and hit Feng Yu Chen's head, but did not find this relative.

    "Well, this also solved the opponent. Now we lack time, not Chakra, and my physique, using Water Style and hail, is much less energy. This is also an Innate skill…"

    Feng Yu Chen also had some surprises. With such a powerful Water Style Ninjutsu, there is only half the normal Chakra consumption. The hail is no problem. He is a hail body. Freezing water is just one of Ice Fairy's abilities, just Water Style. It’s too unexpected. When is space so powerful in his control of water?

    (The power of the mermaid's blessing, but Feng Yu Chen who lost this memory is not known)

    "Really?" Then accelerate it forward…"

    Terumi Mei said, double-handed a quick hand seal, and then the blushing lips spurted a strong corrosive mist.

    Dissolving 遁 – the technique of dissolving blame.

    The viscous and corrosive liquid she spit out from her mouth quickly spread out to the surroundings, and soon a strange and strange noise appeared.

    "In the world that was originally transparent, there was a huge spider that was only corroded. These spiders were eroded and died on the ice.

    "It's a good match…"

    Feng Yu Chen smiled and said that he had just made a hand-up posture for Terumi Mei. He didn't think she could understand it, but it was also a matter of reason. The two people had some cooperation before.

    "You come on the ground, come me in the sky, don't you mean this?" What a nasty man…You can solve it together, what do you want me to help? ”

    Terumi Mei, though eating deliciously, is saying in the heart – see, how can I understand the idea of ​​my man?

    "You are sick,…"

    Feng Yu Chen said helplessly, caressing his head.

    "What disease?"

    Terumi Mei reached out and touched his skin. Should it be well maintained?

    She is still maintaining her own for the man, at least the daily hot springs are still there.

    "Hmph!"Tsundere, do you understand? ”

    Feng Yu Chen said helplessly, one of the two is like this, but Loli is too tired to be tired, and the Queen is so tired, this is really a terrible thing.

    "You guy! ~”

    Terumi Mei blushes with some hands and no action, how can she Tsundere?

    "Don't think that you are my partner, I will be somewhat tolerant of you, stupid ~ egg ~ ~ you, I will not…"

    "Your tone…Ok, I didn't say it…"

    Feng Yu Chen sighed and said.

    “Ha! I heard your complaint? Who is going to help me? ”

    Terumi Mei swayed Feng Yu Chen's shoulder and angered.

    "Now is not a time to quarrel…Mizukage adults…Yu Chen Sang, do you pay attention to the situation around you? ”

    White smiled, and two people absolutely had adultery.

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