1973. Chapter 1973 Spirit Sword and Shrine Maiden

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    After meeting Sakura in the middle, Feng Yu Chen temporarily used lunch with them.

    At this moment, Sai is in this squad.

    "Predecessor, hello."

    Sai knew that Feng Yu Chen was accustomed to his false smile, so he did not deliberately please.

    "Well, you are Yamato (codename) right?"

    Feng Yu Chen looks at the user of this Mokuton, the only successful Mokuton blood successor in the Orochimaru experiment, which was followed by Danzou, who was later persuaded by Kakashi to enter Anbu, where Hokage belongs, and partnered with Kakashi.

    "Well, I used to work for you."

    Yamato looks at Feng Yu Chen, some embarrassed, after all, in the Anbu, Feng Yu Chen is a resolute and prosperous person, a majestic person, although the age of Feng Yu Chen is smaller than him, but the year Minister Anbu is not someone who can assert from the outside.

    Four people, including Kaki, Uchiha Itachi, Feng Yu Chen, and Busujima Saeko, are among the most famous among Anbu.

    “Yamato predecessor and Yu Chen teacher know?”

    Sakura looks at two people who are familiar with it.

    "Of course, Minister Yu Chen was a very prestigious person at the time, not only me, but no one knows the whole Anbu, even though the current Minister of Anbu is also superb…"

    Yamato said with a smile on his head.

    "Don't be like this, my age is much smaller than you, and I am just an ordinary person now. The misunderstanding of the minister is still no longer needed. Well, you talk slowly, I have to hurry. .

    This is my blood avatar. In case of emergency, it can be used. Kyuubi (Nine-Tails) in Naruto is still one of the goals of Xiao. ”

    Feng Yu Chen handed a small blood bottle to Yamato, single-handed hand seal, and disappeared into the forest with a snap.


    Halfway through the encounter with Yamato and others, there was no time to stay in Feng Yu Chen, and the road between the night and the night continued to reach the state of the ghost country.

    At this moment, the soldiers guarding the walls of the Ghost Country are filled with restless emotions, which make people feel depressed.

    The building here is different from the general village and belongs to the structure of the ancient city of Japan.

    After handing over to Quest's scroll, Feng Yu Chen saw the waiter serving Shrine Maiden.

    This guard is more prominent in the dragon suit, wearing black-rimmed glasses, let Feng Yu Chen think of him as Shrine Maiden Shion's guard Taruho.

    "Konoha's messenger, here, Shrine Maiden is already waiting for you…"

    The guards carrying the quiver took Feng Yu Chen into the hall where Shrine Maiden was.


    Gently nodded, took off the shoes, and walked into the hall, he saw a girl with a beige shawl, the eyes are the kind of clear purple, with a deep and deep look, it seems to be able to see through the soul, Shrine Maiden It is some special existence.

    "I can't see your future…"

    The girl with beige hair slowly opened her mouth and said something she seemed to find difficult to say.

    "Really?" It was previously heard that Shrine Maiden of the Ghost Country predicted that I wanted to see my future, but I can't see it now? ”Feng Yu Chen said with a loss.

    "People who are generally predicted by me will die, even if you feel happy?"

    Shion doubts at Feng Yu Chen, the person she is around most wants to hear is her prophecy, why is this person?

    "Prophecy? Before, I had met a girl who predicted (Hunter x Hunter Neon). She also claimed to be a prophet. Her prophecy is said to be 100%. But she can’t see the result of prophecy. Kind of Stress is written on paper.


    I don’t mention the old things. I just think it’s good to see the future. The future is really worth the fear. It’s really hard to accept your death. However, if it is destined, then there is no way, and people will die. However, if they die to protect an important person, it is also a kind of happiness. ”

    Feng Yu Chen took the tea from Taruho and tasted it lightly.


    Shion is a bit confused, and sure enough, this man's future cannot be seen.

    "Well, well, let's talk about Quest first. Before that, let me tell you about the "Buddhist Soul". This sword is obtained from the name of the country of snow. You know its origins. What?"

    Feng Yu Chen's has a cloth sword in the hands of the spirit, and the light of the sword exudes a gentle Strength.

    "Be able to make this sword psychic, explain you are the real Master.

    This sword, in fact, is a legendary soldier. It has the power of the world, and an artifact farther than the world of ninja. It is one of the earliest artifacts in the world.

    My mother was always looking for this sword during her lifetime, but she did find it, but she could not get the recognition of this sword, and could not show the power of its evil spirits.

    So, at that time, my mother died, but in order to let the sword find the real Master, it began to consign it on the market, and began to think that it was the sword of the ghost country Shrine Maiden, many people are eager to fight However, in the hands of ordinary people, it is at most sharper than the ordinary sword.

    Then gradually, it was only treated as an ordinary sword.

    A few years ago, the name of the country of snow spent a lot of money to buy it…

    Recently, I learned about the whereabouts of Kazahana Koyuki, who is now in the snow country. I know that you are using one of Konoha's new stars, Samsung, and then you are asking for help from Konoha. Now it seems that the mother’s practice of the year is finally I found the heir to the sword. ”

    Shion recalls telling everything.

    I see……It turned out to be like this…"

    Feng Yu Chen couldn't help but feel a little shocked. Then he said that his line of destiny is really connected with the world. The prince of Budu is actually the spiritual sword left by Shrine Maiden, the ghost country of the previous generation, which happened to fall on him. In the hands.

    This sword seems to be destined to belong to him.

    "The Master of the Sword is in the legendary reincarnation of the Imperial Thunder Baron. It has the power to rule the world. The future of God is naturally beyond the reach of mortals. I can't see your future is inevitable, so, Please seal me on the matter of sealing Yomi."

    Shion said with some excitement.

    "Well, though, but, one thing, I want to tell you clearly that although the cloth sword can be evil, but we must defeat that Yomi, so you can't easily get down and continue to do you as Shrine Maiden. Quest, and finally I will complete the thorough purification."

    Feng Yu Chen shook his head and said.

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