1963. Chapter 1963, five barriers: Xiaozhi base

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    After Kakashi recovered, Uzumaki Naruto recovered after the tentacles were eliminated. It is Kyuubi (Nine-Tails) Jinchuuriki. The resilience is much stronger than Kakashi. The speed of recovery is faster than Kakashi, and the energy is full. Look like.

    "Yu Chen teacher…Gaara! How is Gaara? ! ~”

    Naruto, who just woke up, suddenly became anxious. The body even ignited the Chakra coat of Kyuubi (Nine-Tails). Obviously the previous battle was still hovering in his mind and could not be wiped out.

    "Calm down, Naruto, we are so hard to be saved, and if you move on, you will be caught again!"Kakashi reached out and put his hand on the shoulders of his disciples, letting him calm down.

    "Well, Kakashi is not wrong…Naruto, if you still can't control your emotions and continue to do so, Tsunade will let you stay in the village sooner or later…Impulse can't save anything, I know your inner anxiety, but now it's obvious that our strength is not enough, we must make a good plan.

    You take a break and then act, I am going to find Sakura, Kay seniors? Is it with Sakura? ”

    Feng Yu Chen asked.

    "I don't know, Kay is coming too?" They should be shaken, and we are not on the same road. It seems to be a lot of fierceness, but now it can't manage too much. I and Naruto meet with Busujima Miss first, and Sakura should be with Chiyo's mother-in-law…"

    Kakashi moved his protector a bit, revealing the covered three tomoe Sharingan.

    "Well, this is the bitterness of my fingerprinting Hiraishin No Jutsu (Flying Thunder God Jutsu). Kakashi seniors put it on the road, I will chase it…"

    Feng Yu Chen left a bunch of special hardships and walked out of the cave.


    There was fog in the valley, but this was not a problem for Byakugan. Feng Yu Chen soon discovered that Sakura was in danger of being in the same position as an old woman, and it was actually hanging on the cliff.

    "Yu Chen teacher…First save your mother-in-law, be careful, that spider will invalidate Energy…"

    Haruno Sakura, who was hung on the cliff by the cobweb, saw the arrival of Feng Yu Chen's and immediately understood that their support had arrived, so the other words Kakashi and Naruto had been saved.

    spider It seems to be the summoning beast of the big demomon Lord. Should that guy be a summoner? ”

    Feng Yu Chen thought about the giant spider that climbed quickly from the cliff wall. The huge tail augmented and spurted a group of white mucus. These mucus leaped into a huge white spider web, overwhelming. The ground came to Feng Yu Chen.

    Hail – Rōga Nadare!

    Feng Yu Chen double-handed hand seal, an ice wolf emerged from his side, the spiders bite the ice.

    Since Chakra is not effective, it is not good to be close to the body.

    Hail – a Kakuzu white whale! !

    Then, a huge ice whale emerged from the river in the cliff's section, and the giant spider hanging on the cliff hit the river.

    After a clean and settled call to the summoned beast, Feng Yu Chen Budu Yushen sword was released, and the spider silk hanging on the cliff was cut off, and Chiyo's mother-in-law was brought up.


    Chiyo's mother-in-law has already been paralyzed at this time. After all, the age is a lot. The fierce battle and the long time hanging on this cliff, the heart is definitely not good.


    Feng Yu Chen nodded and then saved Sakura.

    "Well, this place should not be left for a long time. Although the guards of the valley have solved it, it is not 100% safe. I will take you away…"

    Feng Yu Chen grabbed Haryoo Sakura with her hand in her hand. The body disappeared into the valley. When she landed again, she came to the forest. In front of it was Kakashi and Uzumaki Naruto.


    Naruto was pleasantly surprised by the appearance of Sakura at the back.

    "Naruto you this idiot!! If you are impulsive…"

    Sakura said that he had broken the giant tree beside him, and he was a strange woman.

    Is this……Four generations of Hokage…Space Ninjutsu? ”

    Chiyo's mother-in-law was shocked to look at the surrounding scenery, and did not expect Feng Yu Chen to have this S-class Ninjutsu.

    "Well, when I was working at Anbu, I just learned it, it will be…Ok, let's move on, it's not the opposite. When I was in Hidden Cloud (Kumogakure), I was attacked by Akatsuki Organization members. The entire Hidden Cloud (Kumogakure) almost disappeared. One uses a drug scorpion similar to the oil girl. Send unknown bugs to the unknown opponent.

    I used the poisonous insects to almost wipe out the entire Hidden Cloud Village. Fortunately, I was there, but their purpose was to stop me from going to the support. After receiving the letter from the adult of Tsunade, I kept on the road day and night, and now I have been supplementing with the soldiers. .

    Listen, everyone is mentally prepared, Ichibi (One-Tails) Shukaku in Fourth Generation Kazekage is likely to be pumped out, so…

    Be well-informed, members of the Akatsuki Organization are evacuating one after another, which is already in the state of their approaching completion.

    One of the purposes of my trip, in addition to investigating relevant information, is more to kill members of the Akatsuki Organization. ”

    Feng Yu Chen explained calmly and then rushed out.

    "No, I will never let Gaara be the guys -!!"

    Naruto showed a sharp tooth, the fox on his face was elongated, and the pupil became blood red…

    "idiot! Naruto, calm me down. ”

    Haruno Sakura suddenly caught up.

    "It seems that the worst plan is to be done, mother-in-law…"

    Kakashi couldn't help but pout and chase it up. Rescue is one thing. The success of rescue is another.

    "Old age to this age, what big winds and waves have not encountered…I was already awake when I came! ”

    Chiyo's mother-in-law smiled and followed.


    In the end, Feng Yu Chen met with Busujima Saeko and others, and Busujima Saeko saved the members of Kaiban on the road, which also delayed the time.

    As a result, everyone just happened to be together.

    "Oh, Kakashi, this time we really have to fail completely!"

    Kay is also a gray-faced look at this moment, presumably also encountered an infinite player fluttering the streets?

    "If you talk about the old, you can start to invade…Pakkun, is this position? ”

    Kakashi asked the psychic dog on the shoulder of Busujima Saeko.

    "Well, Gaara is behind this rock…"Said Pakkun.

    "This is five barriers, connected to the performer Chakra's ban, respectively, attached to the five locations centered on the site, Ninjutsu into the barrier space within the scope of the ban."

    Kakashi looks at the ban on the rock and said frowning.

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