1959. Chapter 1959 is like a glass fragile: the double sword of the dance

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    Busujima Saeko responded to Feng Yu Chen's moment, and the single-wing black and white angel sisters also began their sword skills.

    In general, the swords of Feng Yu Chen and Busujima Saeko are powerful, but they are not enough to see the black White Wing sisters who have the wing of the dimension.

    So in order to recover the gap of this Speed ​​-

    Hit the left wrist, and the blood from the wrist is blood –

    "Feng Yu Chen, the bloody successor of 'The Night of Flames', liberates the shackles of the shackles -!"

    The blood turned into a magnified magic wave, and the condensed undulation became the appearance of the summoned beast holding the entity. Covered with bright silver scales, Vampire's Familiar.

    "–Running, 'Aru.Meisa.Merukuri'!"

    When Familiar’s figure is realized, what is revealed is –

    Like a dragon creature!

    The soft, creeping snake body and the limbs with the claws, as well as the huge wings that are unlucky, are covered with mercury scales.

    Only, not only one, but two –

    At the same time, the two dragon snakes are spirally entwined to form a Colossal Dragon with a head and a head. They have the same body of the two-headed dragon, Feng Yu Chen inherits from Avrora. The third Familiar in Familiar, the dragon snake mercury is a two-in-one double-headed dragon Familiar.

    As the name suggests, the body of the two-headed dragon snake is silver.

    After the two-headed dragon snake was present, the space in front of the room was completely shredded, and each of them opened their own giant python, swallowing the turbulent flow of the space gap into the deep abyss body, Black White The escaped dimension space was bitten by them and opened a very wide passage, and even swallowed the turbulent flow.

    How could

    Is it a psychic beast that devours the dimension?

    Black White Wing was shocked to look at the scenery in the sky, and did not expect that there would be such a psychic beast. Isn't this a psychic beast against them?

    When Black White Wing was amazed, the huge body of the two-headed dragon snake slammed into them.

    "Don't go, Black Wing…"

    Unanimous, black and white sisters have sneaked into the gap of another space to escape.

    However, the double-headed dragon snake opened a huge dragon mouth, crushed the dimension again, and then bit the black White Wing's angel wings, biting it together with the surrounding space debris and swallowing it into the gap…

    "Ahhhh…" Die.

    Black White Wing Angry Crushed the two-headed dragon snake.

    The Dimensional Excalibur in the hand opened the two-headed dragon snake Crush, and then their behind black and white angel wings spread again and grew out, but the area was much smaller than before.

    However, this is enough!

    The Black White Wing's Speed ​​must have weakened a lot, and the re-growth Angel Dimensions need to absorb enough Dimensional Energy to grow to a mature stage.

    However, how could the advantages of Feng Yu Chen and Busujima Saeko be wasted?

    "Yu Chen…"


    Feng Yu Chen and Busujima Saeko call for the names of the loved ones, all the energy is covered, the murderous aura and the sharps are poured out, and the light separated from the Yin sword and the Yang sword wraps the two people together. At this moment, the two of them seem to be transformed into swords.

    Yin and Yang together!

    "Steel-is-my-body, and-fire-is-my-blood (blood steel, heart is like glass fragile)…Glass swordsmanship is the most important – I hope that when I came to the world, Aunt Doro, Sancha, and Bodhi, my own light will be bright, shining innumerable and boundless world, with thirty-two husbands and eighty, with solemnity, ordering Everything is affectionate, as I am no different! ”

    A voice sang in unison, Feng Yu Chen and Busujima Saeko each divided five avatars. These avatars gradually thickened and the flames spread all over them, like the gods in the fire, the black flames and the white flames interweaved. Together, like the fire of creation, glittering.

    Counting on the ontology, there are six pairs.

    Each pair of Feng Yu Chen and Busujima Saeko's body overlapped. They used the sword of the yin and yang flames in their hands as Kakuzu points. The two six-pointed stars were outlined. Then, Feng Yu Chen and Busujima Saeko began to turn around. The two six-pointed stars also started the speed of the speed, as if two huge magical arrays, wrapped in the central black WW fast rotation –

    Moreover, the two six-pointed star sword arrays also began to replicate overlapping rotations, and one of the six-pointed star sword arrays continually condensed out, and Speed ​​is getting faster and faster…

    "What is this, black wing?"

    "It takes time, White Wing?"

    "Body It hurts, black wing?"

    "White Wing, me too!"

    The black White Wing sisters launched an attack, but they were surprised to find that no matter what dimension of the body touched, the body would touch the sword wall formed by Feng Yu Chen and Busujima Saeko, and there would be a feeling of burning like a fire.

    What is even more frightening to them is that these swords are constantly shrinking, and the pain is causing them to continually squash and struggle. The body seems to be cut by Crush. No matter how the sniper in the hand slams, it seems that there is no The role of the moment, will be dissolved and dissolved!

    In the moments and moments of the moment, only the black and white flames of light are flying fast, and the shadows of Feng Yu Chen and Busujima Saeko cannot be seen. When they are open, they can be seen with the naked eye. It is no longer visible, it is not a sword skill that mortals can use.

    If you use a vocabulary to describe the current Feng Yu Chen and Busujima Saeko, then the magic and the sword of the gods, the sword and the magic can not be united together, but at the moment in the hands of Feng Yu Chen and Busujima Saeko, the speed of the sword The magical brilliance has been shown, and it is impossible to tell whether this is sword or magic.


    The last sound was like a thunderous anger, and the countless six-man swords wrapped in black White Wing were compressed in the middle of the split second, followed by the explosion of the original Bullets, and like a thunder-like sound, more like a volcanic eruption. Generally, the black and white flames rush into the sky, making the entire sky a strange yin and yang color.

    Feng Yu Chen combines [bloodthirsty Innate Skill: murderous aura avatar], [Red A: Unlimited Blade Works], [Coherent Sword Skill: Wan Jian Gui Zong], [Buddha Heart: Liuli Wish] Jian Ji, once received the sparring and guidance of Busujima Saeko.

    However, Busujima Saeko also combines [Innate Skill: murderous aura avatar], [Busujima Saeko Thousandths of Seconds Extraction], [Dark Perception (Close Eyes Battle Skills)], [Buddha Hearts] : The original wish of the glass has also created its own glass sword skills.

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