1957. Chapter 1957

    [Today's second, send a subscription, monthly ticket, recommended ticket]

    Feng Yu Chen ruthlessly ruined the 'Temari', and her body evolved to crawl on the ground for countless tentacles.

    It is now in a state of paralysis.

    The tentacle of the tentacle is quite difficult to deal with.

    The general technique simply cannot deal with this tentacle.

    Through the attack just now, Feng Yu Chen found that this tentacle will also use Energy.

    Uzumaki Naruto I am afraid that the Strength that broke Kyuubi (Nine-Tails) is useless, but it will become the nutrition and nourishment of the opponent.

    "What to do now?"

    Busujima Saeko stands back-to-back with Feng Yu Chen. Her knives can stop the energetic sucking of these tentacles, but the headache for her is that the cracked tentacles will re-root on the ground, in addition to absorbing Energy. It can also absorb the vitality of plants in the forest to gain growth.

    "Obviously, the general Strength can't be dealt with. Even if you use Susanoo, it won't be useful. The 'toucher's body is the same feature, and it can be regenerated by splitting.

    Unfortunately, my Mangekyou is not awakened by Amaterasu. If it is Amaterasu, it should be its natural enemy.

    Maybe Shana's Guren fire can do something, but it's a bit difficult to kill if you hit it.

    It seems that I can only use that technique.

    How about your eight-fold technique, help me open the way, I need to touch his body…"

    Feng Yu Chen analyzed that the general illusion does not seem to work. The energy flow of the tentacle demon is quite confusing. It is almost impossible to interfere with the illusion of spirituality. This guy is not human. It is impossible to use ordinary techniques.

    "Well, if you break out, you only have split second. I can't control it perfectly now. You can take good time…"

    Busujima Saeko nodded.

    "Well, let's get started, split second solve him! There is nothing terrible. ”

    Feng Yu Chen holds the spirit of Budu in his hand –

    go !

    Suddenly, Busujima Saeko leaps and falls in the air and falls on the ground. A violent purple airflow from the horror of the world flies out of her body, and the entire sky is filled with dark clouds, the ground. Even twisted into a swamp –

    "Si…"Si…Hey~! ! ! ”

    The destructive breath in the space, the purple air gradually into the essence, turned into a super scary giant Snake, that figure than Bijuu (Tailed Beast) is also a bit larger, the eyes like red lantern fruit, with 8 first 8 tails, the whole body divided into eight forks, bodies grow moss , Cypress trees and fir, the body is as big as eight giant mountains in general. Its belly is full of bloody poison, and a drop of horrible blood is like venom in the world…



    The purple lightning flashed across time and space and turbulent.

    At this moment, Feng Yu Chen only noticed Busujima Saeko's 'terror', far beyond his imagination, too horrible.

    These strengths have reached a very high limit.


    Busujima Saeko snorted and his body seemed to be ethereal in the space. When he was shocked, he saw the huge eight-disaster snake madly attacking the world before him, accompanied by a scythe of Busujima Saeko. gas.

    The tentacle demon is also sluggish, but wants to escape but runs but Busujima Saeko's sword, the whole world in split second seems to be Crush, and the tentacles are split by corruption.

    Although the mucus secreted by the tentacle is also a venom, the venom of the eight differences is even more terrifying. With the rapid division of the knife gas, the tentacles that cannot be obtained by Energy are suddenly corrupted and die! !

    "Hiraishin No Jutsu (Flying Thunder God Jutsu)! ~”

    Feng Yu Chen did not evade between the knife and the cross. Double-handed was held on the Sword hilt of Budu, and the split second disappeared. Then he came to the front of the tentacle demon and split his body into Two broken!

    "You are dead! Be my nourishment! ”

    Kakuzu, the tentacle of the tentacle, showed a sneer, and the broken body stretched out a tentacle and bound Feng Yu Chen…

    However, at the same time, Feng Yu Chen's mouth Kakuzu also showed a sneer –

    "Mangekyō Byaku-Sharingan – Izanami !!!"

    The eyes of Mangekyou, who is turning fast, have a bloody tear.


    In an instant, Busujima Saeko took the knives into the scabbard, and all kinds of changes disappeared instantly. The eight-fold snake disappeared into the space, and the cloud-filled sky re-opened.


    Feng Yu Chen fell a tentacle of the tentacle demon to the ground, and the body landed on the ground at the same time.


    "Saeko, you are really amazing, hiding such a strong means, you are enough to deal with this guy, and let me ugly?"

    Feng Yu Chen said with a smile, "You are really bad."

    "Really?" Although I have the ability to deal with him, but this guy is too slippery, it is not easy to kill him. Does the husband want to let him go? ”

    Busujima Saeko said jokingly.

    "Really, it’s getting worse…"

    Feng Yu Chen shook his head and inserted the Budu Soul Sword into the head of the tentacle Demon Lord. He possessed the evil spirit of the cloth, and the Stranger of the tentacle demon was sucked into the sword.

    "It seems this is a summoned beast? Sure enough, I didn’t think it was wrong. The kind of surveillance tree is also the guy’s hand. He should be a kind of guy like a beastmaster…”

    As the Budu Soul Sword gradually sucks, all the tentacles are sucked in, and then –

    The big demomon Lord, who controlled these tentacles, became a normal person.

    "It’s really evil to keep the magic in your body. Saeko, you can do it. Killing this player is a complete Quest. You are the most powerful. He is your trophy…"

    Feng Yu Chen said, “If you receive the Character Substitution Card, just give it to me…”


    Busujima Saeko inserts the knives into the heart of the 'Demon Lord' and draws his Energy. Every time he kills, the knives will accumulate evil power.

    "There are not many spoils, Character Substitution Card…there are

    Feng Yu Chen took the cards in Busujima Saeko's hand, so there are three Character Substitution Cards. Those who are infinitely unaware that they don't know the 'Dragon Lord' they sent to die are actually the most valuable things.

    "Okay, let's go, Naruto is not here, has been teleported…"

    "Illion is really terrible. It can kill people in an instant. I am afraid this guy will die and he will not understand why he will die here."

    Busujima Saeko is also an infinite reincarnation of Izanami. A nightmare world that cannot be rid of.

    "Well, well, to deal with such a tough person, only use this method…"

    Feng Yu Chen swings his hand and picks up the cloth and the soul sword continues.

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