1947. Chapter 1947 Queen's Bone and Corpse Explosion

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    The Queen has a super-sense, and it is impossible to perform surgery.

    In particular, Ninjutsu, an energy-based treatment for medical Ninjutsu, carries the energy that the Queen will clearly perceive.

    "Unable to use the usual medical Ninjutsu, the first thing that can be determined is that the Queen's cockroach will make these ordinary poisonous cockroaches follow. This kind of bacteria's active poison does not have complicated intelligent thinking, it is for the purpose of survival. Single sex.

    It is not possible to say that they are evil, which is also a style of their existence.

    The Queen's trick is used to breed words, then the common poison is nesting, is indeed nesting, the heart is not a nest, just to control the center, very simple principle, the human body's blood, arterial vein plus countless capillaries, these blood vessels will circulate to the heart, which is the reason for its unity with the heart.

    The common poisonous cockroaches in the nesting will continue to place the young baboons born by the Queen's Donkey in a nest.

    See the purple black on the skin? This is actually the venom excreted by the metabolism of the young body in the nest.

    The Queen's cockroach breeds very fast. The more the young body, the larger the area of ​​poisoning. On the surface, we look at these purple and black skins. In fact, there are hundreds of millions of young people hidden underneath! ”

    Feng Yu Chen detailed the principle of this active biological poison.

    Vomiting ~”

    Listening to several female medical ninjas explained by Feng Yu Chen, they suddenly vomited and their bodies were poisoned.

    "Don't talk nonsense, hurry up! This kind of infiltration is not useful to us. ”

    Raikage listened to Feng Yu Chen's explanation is also a bit nausea, damn, was really terrible to be boarded by this disgusting worm.

    "Konoha's oil-female family uses their own body as a nest to encircle the bad insects, use Chakra to raise them, and drive the insects…

    Something like this, but the ninja that drives this drug lord is even more terrible. They must have used this worm to fight, but they must know the horror of this worm, so there should be a natural enemies of this worm in their bodies. .

    However, it is terrible that if the natural enemy of this worm exists, then I am afraid there is a complete food chain system.

    For example.

    A is eaten by B, B is eaten by C, C is eaten by D, and D is eaten by E…E is eaten by A.

    Therefore, the ninja that manipulates this drug lord is itself a food chain, and he is also a 'drug scorpion', which is why he can drive these worms.

    Forget it, now is not the time to discuss enemy intelligence.

    The treatment begins and the steps are divided into three steps.

    The first step: remove the Queen's 蛊;

    The second step: lead to ordinary drug lords;

    The third step is to destroy the nest of the young body;

    It’s hard to start with everything, and it’s the first time to eliminate this highly technically dangerous drug lord…”

    Feng Yu Chen's hand In the middle of the flight, several Chakra surgical needles wrapped in Frost are inserted into the blood vessels around the heart.

    The aorta connected to the heart and other capillary blood vessels are blocked, stopping the influx of common drug lords.

    Then Feng Yu Chen once again condensed a Frost needle, which was a bit thick and slowly penetrated into the heart of the coma Kumogakure.

    Using Frost to insert it will not alarm the Queen.

    However, at this moment, Xi also Raikage and others found that the blood vessels at the chest of this Hidden Cloud (Kumogakure) were propped up, apparently bursting.

    Ordinary drug lords will flock to the heart with the blood, and after they are stopped, they will gradually accumulate. This will cause quite serious consequences. It will also burst for a certain period of time. Even Feng Yu Chen will be poisoned. !

    For a time, the entire medical room was able to hear the sound of the needle landing.

    "Come out!!"

    Feng Yu Chen's thick ice needle slammed in, then pulled out in an instant, and there was a purple-black creature like a scorpion on the tip of the ice needle.

    "Good guy, I have grown up to grow up -"

    Feng Yu Chen looks at this nail-like queen, sneer, condensed a Frost Cup and put the poisonous cockroach into the cockroach.

    Then, the packaged velvet ice needle was pulled out and placed in the ice cup.


    希looks at is connected to the ice needle is a glowing Chakra line.

    "My ice needle, the outer ice wall is used to block the blood vessels, and the outer Chakra blood vessel line will be elongated as the outer ice layer is detached.

    This is not the usual Chakra line, but there is a hole in the Chakra line. Now the Queen is in the ice cup. These ordinary poisonous cockroaches will enter the ice cup along the Chakra blood line. I said that they The thinking is quite simple, just to protect the Queen’s embarrassment…

    The convenience of the place where the Queen is located is their destination. ”

    Feng Yu Chen explained, rubbing the cold sweat on his head.

    In less than a moment, the entire ice cup was filled up, and the Queen’s look could be seen. The ordinary poisonous cockroaches of the size of bacteria were not visible to the naked eye, but they could be seen when they were accumulated enough. However, what I saw was only the color of purple and black, like a huge hair ball surging in the ice cup…

    With the emergence of common poisonous cockroaches, Feng Yu Chen intervened in the basin around him, bringing two water polo on top of Kumogakure poisoned skin, and then a bubble-like toxin entered the skin. Among the water polo, gradually, the naked eye, Hidden Cloud (Kumogakure) skin restored its original color.


    As the toxins were repelled, Hidden Cloud (Kumogakure), who was treated by Feng Yu Chen, coughed up and stood up –

    "Raikage adults…Xi Daren…Have you saved me? ”

    The Hidden Cloud (Kumogakure) showed a refreshing expression. He turned back in hell and came back…

    "No, it's Konoha's new star, San Yu, Yu Chen, who saved you, Taroy, take a rest…"

    He shook his head and pointed to Feng Yu Chen.

    However, at this moment, there was a sound of explosion in the distance, followed by a scream.

    "Bai Yi that idiot! It must be suicide! ”

    His face suddenly became a bit pale.

    "The corpse explosion! Manage your people, there is another poison in the film, don't give me the amount of Quest, bastard! ! ”

    Feng Yu Chen said with a frown.

    "I will warn them…Tarot has come alive, so everyone else has hope…"

    Xi quickly nodded and went out.

    "Next, hurry, quick fix ~! It seems to be desperate. ”

    Feng Yu Chen shouted, double-handed hand seal, separated from more than a dozen ice avatars to work at the same time.

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