1941. Chapter 1941 Hiraishin No Jutsu (Flying Thunder God Jutsu) Curse and Iceplate avatar

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    Feng Yu Chen, who walked around in Hidden Cloud Village, changed his stern expression, showed a kind smile, curiously walked around, and even kept talking with some passing girls.

    If it is a hypocritical smile, Samui Yi can see that Feng Yu Chen's smile is not half-deprecating. How do you look like a sunny boy? Is such a person really the big bad guy in the village?

    "Oh, the meatballs are really good, bring back some to Anko's predecessors, presumably she would like it very much?"

    Feng Yu Chen ate the freshly fried balls and handed them over to the women around them –

    "Why, Samui, don't you want to eat?"

    "I don't have to…"

    Samui has gradually lost her sense of tension. In her opinion, Feng Yu Chen is not the kind of person who can't get along.

    "Well, then I am not welcome…To be honest, my surveillance is also clear, but it doesn't matter. It is also politics. It is necessary for war to become a hero or a slaughter. When it becomes a hero in its own village, it seems to be a slaughter in other villages.

    I stand in Konoha's position. Naturally, killing more enemies is the only goal. There is no war without casualties…

    Oh, really, I thought I could have a romantic love here. It seems that I am very unpopular…"

    Feng Yu Chen turned his eyes to a white-skinned beauty on the way –

    A long, straight rice-colored straight hair, hangs up to the waist of the twist, the face reveals a cold queen temperament.

    Without waiting for Samui to return, Feng Yu Chen suddenly rushed up and said, "Hello, beautiful lady, I foresee a beautiful story between us…"

    Pledged of

    Samui Yi's forehead, like this, Feng Yu Chen has had many previous records, but the white-skinned beauty in front of him is not someone else. It is the two men of the two-tailed Matatabi Jinchuuriki.

    "Which are you? I heard that there is a famous ninja of Konoha today, is that you? ”

    The wooden man said coldly, recalling that just Raikage had spoken to her, this person is Hyuuga Yu Chen, one of the new stars who came to report.

    "Well, well, today's weather is exceptionally sunny. It's a good time for a date. Can this beautiful lady invite you to swim?"

    Feng Yu Chen grabbed the little hand of the wooden man and kissed it on the back of the hand…


    Samui Yi smiled at the sight at the wood man: "He has done the same thing many times today…"

    "It's a frivolous man, I don't want to accompany you anymore!"

    The wooden man pulled away from the palm of his hand.

    However, no one found at the moment, a curse was shrunk in the palm of the wooden man's hand and gradually disappeared.

    That is the spell mark of Feng Yu Chen's spell, Hiraishin No Jutsu (Flying Thunder God Jutsu).

    Today, all that Feng Yu Chen has done is to cover up, cheeky and beautiful, just to make Samui Yi's surveillance lax and accustomed.

    However, in the end, I met with the two people's 'coincident', and finally they must have been set up.

    How come? Did I say something wrong? The beauty of your Hidden Cloud (Kumogakure) is really not enough…Romantic love…"

    Feng Yu Chen smiled at the look at Samui, "Would you like to date?"

    "Please be careful, Yu Chen!"

    Samui Yi is also a bitter smile, what kind of ghost is it? If it weren’t for Raikage’s command, she wouldn’t want to be with this guy. Really, it’s dead.


    After a long day of wandering, Feng Yu Chen's Samui came to Raikage's office to report.

    "Raikage, he doesn't have any suspicious places, it's a good-color guy, hooking up the women in the village…"

    Samui Yi reported.

    "Well, my side is the same, Konoha's other two ninjas don't have any unusual moves…At the same time, I investigated, Kakuzu mentioned in the above information and Hidan both wandered on the border of the country of Lei…"

    Xi said.

    "It seems that Konoha is not malicious. Now it is the fifth generation of Hokage. I heard that because of Hokage's position, he has also left Konoha for more than two years. This time it should be a Quest that was barely taken. It should be the instruction of the Five Generations Hokage. ”

    Mabui said, turning the file in his hand.

    "Really?" ButI always feel that there is something wrong. From the wooden man, you have recently stayed in the village, waiting for him to leave the border and then Quest. If you are in the village, he will dare to take it. In short, be careful, tomorrow, Samui will continue. Monitor him…I want to see when the tail of this little fox is exposed! ”

    Raikage glared at him, though he was a temper, but he was not a reckless person, and he felt that Feng Yu Chen would definitely have an unusual move.


    Samui Yi nodded.

    "It doesn't matter, I am not a weak guy. I want to start with me, but also look at his can!" ~”

    Said by the wooden man, she is not a small Kakuzu color.


    However, Feng Yu Chen, who was resting in the room at this time, heard Raikage's conversation. His Hiraishin No Jutsu (Flying Thunder God Jutsu) technique was improved, and it was able to eavesdrop on the sound through the spell, using the recorder's The principle is to restore the sound information through special methods.

    Everything is in line with Feng Yu Chen's plan.

    Next, it is time to start.


    The night gradually darkened and the lights slammed.

    The room's four weeks still have a hidden Cloud (kumogakure) Anbu watching Feng Yu Chen them.

    At this moment, a Frost butterfly appeared in Feng Yu Chen's palm, and instantly disappeared into the room.

    This is the ice art Secret Art, the shelling technique, a modified application of Clone Jutsu, the Frost butterfly is the real body of Feng Yu Chen, although the original body still has a real feeling, but it is already the state of avatar, however This avatar is incomparably real, almost 100% true.

    After the surrounding scenery was solidified, Feng Yu Chen, who turned into the Frost Butterfly, came to the room where the wooden man was.

    At first, the wooden man did not care. However, the butterfly in front of him had a cold atmosphere and some strange looks.

    However, the next moment, the Frost Butterfly fluttered and her body was completely wrapped –

    It is illusion!

    For a time, the wooden man bite his tongue and adjust the body's Chakra flow. Although the illusion data of Hidden Cloud (Kumogakure) is relatively rare, the basic theory is still understood.

    As a kind of spiritual attack, illusion is a must-have skill for ninja, which is to disrupt the normal flow of the opponent Chakra, leading to a world in which five senses (five senses) feel abnormal and make them illusory.

    Just let Chakra flow normally and you can unlock illusion.

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