1929. Chapter 1929 Michael's Dedication

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    Just as Hakurei Reimu waited for Feng Yu Chen, Hecate broke in and pulled Feng Yu Chen and flew out.

    Thank God.Hecate sauce, are you predicting it? ”

    Feng Yu Chen suddenly breathed a sigh of relief and finally escaped from the demon domain, but also the Hecate of Shrine Maiden, who had the Strength to break the Hakurei Reimu barrier.

    As a Hegate of the Transcendence, even Hakurei Reimu can't beat her, a special kind of existence, although they can't win Reimu, they won't fail.

    "Sasha is going to be born…But the situation is a bit strange…"

    Hecate actually said bluntly.

    "Ahhhh…" OriginalLet's go! ”

    Feng Yu Chen put his hand on Hecate's body, tore the space, and instantly came to the house. In the room of Sasha, all the people gathered.

    "Really, what have you done?" ~”

    Kurasaki Fuuko was so angry that he was running around at this important time.

    "I was caught by Reimu and couldn't come back…"

    Feng Yu Chen nodded apologetically, frowning at Sasha, who was comatose in bed, a sacred light wrapped around her body.

    "Probably the situation – it was just the thing. I discussed the child's name with my sister Sasha, and then her belly radiated a strong light, then she fainted…"

    Asuna said with concern.

    "You also give me a bed, you are about to be born…"

    Feng Yu Chen appeased Asuna, looks at the stunned Shana, and suddenly had a guess +

    "It seems that it is the spirit of the spirit, Michael is coming, we don't have to worry, I can still feel her breath."

    Feng Yu Chen reached out and Saint Mark's Strength passed it out and wrapped it into Sasha's body –

    Then, a loud bell of heaven, the roof was shattered, centered on Sasha, and a cross guarded her in the style of the barrier in the church.

    "My child…"

    A beautiful angel, slowly descending from the light, overlaps with Sasha, surrounded by a piece of pure and holy heavenly feathers –

    "The Son of God, the spokesperson of Saint Mark, the place you chose is very good. If I am in the Magic Index World, I will be monitored by God if I come, but in this outside world, I can smoothly produce our crystal, angel. The number is fixed, but there are special circumstances at any time.

    Our children will be this special angel. ”

    "Michael, I haven't seen you for a long time…"

    Feng Yu Chen smiled and didn't know how to communicate with the archangel. Although there was a relationship, the archangel, who is tall, may not care about him. She cares more about their children.

    "God Child, listen to it…Although there are exceptions, the number of angels is still fixed, so for my children, I must die! My divine power will be passed down to her.

    Don't be sad for me. In fact, our child is a certain degree to myself. She has a physical existence, but there is no angel soul. If in Magic Index World, maybe we have to fight with God, but at this moment we can Let 'I' be born smoothly.

    I don't know your human love. However, I can't forget that day, our sacred combination, you have given me a different world, God Child, our children have given you…

    I don't know if I am qualified to say something –


    Sasha's eyes are like angels, and there is a great power in his mouth, but there is a touch of gentleness.

    "Wait, Michael, you…Wait a second, explain it to me! Hello? This King is ready to fight with God in heaven and take you back, you can't! ~”

    Feng Yu Chen reached out to stop Michael, but was sealed by a cross.

    "Goodbye, my man…"

    Michael's Strength is madly condensed, pouring from the sky crazy, hitting Sasha's body, and then a ray of light emerges from Sasha's lower abdomen, Michael's Strength all converge inside, with The gathering of all this, the baby girl wrapped in light suddenly cried –

    "Michael, you liar!!!"

    Feng Yu Chen is also stupid enough to understand one thing –

    The angel is impossible with children! ! ~! Because God does not give angels the power to give birth, and has the supreme Strength, but cannot breed offspring like human beings. This is also a kind of sorrow. It can only serve God's left and right, but has no will, but is the embodiment of [Strength]. , not a collection of life.

    However, Feng Yu Chen of the outsider broke this embarrassment.

    But even so, Michael and Feng Yu Chen's children will die instantly even if they are born under normal circumstances. Michael must have made up his mind to join Feng Yu Chen in the fight, so at that time he helped Feng Yu Chen to force the promotion of Saint. The power of Mark Bloodline.

    However, the plan can't keep up with the changes. Now, it is in the world, and it is not interfered by the god of Magic Index (World). Therefore, Michael thinks this is God's will. Without God's hindrance, the rest is the life of the child. The number of angels is fixed. There is an angel who appears, there must be an angel fallen, therefore –

    For his own children, Michael volunteered to die! ~

    Who said that angels are ruthless guys, Michael's devotionalism –

    Sure enough, Feng Yu Chen knew that when Michael was promoted to heaven, he must have been concealed from him, hateful! !

    "This is the power of a mother who gives everything for her children…"

    Hecate helped Feng Yu Chen. "How is this child called [Michael]? I hope she won't forget her mother's grace…"

    Feng Yu Chen bit her lip and held the baby girl in her arms: "Cry, you must be very sad, right?" From today, you are the son of the fate of 'Michael'. All of her has given you, don't worry, your mother will always guard you. She has not disappeared, but has become your guardian god. ”


    The baby girl seemed to understand Feng Yu Chen's words, nodded, and then cried out with a louder voice.

    "Unlike what I imagine, those high-spirited gods are not necessarily complicated. They may be more separate than humans…"

    Kanzaki Kaori couldn't help but sigh.

    "Well, just the majesty concealed their innocence, Michael is really a great mother."

    Asuna smiles at the sight of Feng Yu Chen. "You have to understand the mood of a mother. She is just protecting her child. This is a very sacred duty for her. You should smile and be…"

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