1907. Chapter 1907 Night Sightseeing Island

    [Today's third, send it, ask for a subscription, monthly ticket, recommended ticket]

    "Just read the number of words in this book, just 4 million words, well, long March is only half, and special, is now 23 worlds, of which" Hokage "and" demon tail "pit has not been filled, the expected 40 of the world has 17 left, plus some need to write the world, may also more than 20 articles, and the next world is "Naruto Shippuuden"

    Feng Yu Chen volunteered to serve as a supporter of Kanase Kanon and began to find a home for the stray cats of the 'Kitten Family'. On the second day, she organized extracurricular activities in the name of biological observation, allowing some to adopt. Pet students adopt the kitten and observe the biosignal record every day.

    And this kind of act made the cats in the whole school popular, and the cat adoption problem that Kanase Kanon worried about was quickly solved like the ice release.

    "Thank you, teacher, it helped a lot…"

    Kanon gratefully looks at the list in the hand, that is the adoption record, and it is still in short supply, many people want to not get it.

    "Well……As a teacher, I should have solved some problems for the students. I have already set up a cat protection research association. They are all cat lovers. When it comes to Kanon sauce, many people are very happy. It seems that you still Very popular. ”

    Feng Yu Chen put together the courseware, snorted, and wanted to say something, but suddenly changed his tone, but he had to swallow it. Kanon is such a pure saint. If it really says something is broken, I am afraid, she only I will feel that his teacher is close to her with ulterior motives.

    Originally, it has been manipulated as a man, suffering to survive, and the only person who can help her, but now is deliberately helping her for other purposes, presumably more despair and pain.

    All he can do is to wait quietly. Even God can't be perfect, and no one can believe in you unconditionally. Only through a genuine response can you evoke that kind of embarrassment.


    At this time, the door was pushed open instantly, Yukina Himeragi came in coldly, replayed the stowed work on Feng Yu Chen's table, then turned and walked out.

    "Okay, I have to go back…This is for you, the guardian of the angel. If there are any difficulties or sad things, you can use it to pray…Kanon sauce should be a nun, angels will guard you…"

    Feng Yu Chen took out a piece of six Kakuzu crystals, which radiated a warm glow.

    "Good warm look…"

    Kanase Kanon took the crystals in his hands and placed them on his chest. He felt the incomparable tranquility. Like the teacher's taste, it was full of divine comfort.

    "nice! You love it……"

    Feng Yu Chen picked up the bag and slowly caught up with Yukina Himeragi.


    "The teacher is the most annoying! Go chasing your saint, I am just your little maid, except for the warmth in the evening, there is no other use, right? ”

    Yukina Himeragi bulged his bun face, his feet moving fast, and wanted to open Feng Yu Chen.

    "Hey, it won't be jealous. As a teacher, it is also appropriate to do ideological work for students…"

    Feng Yu Chen took Yukina's hand and whispered, "Not what you think, I am just doing my job."

    Work. What is COP/MOP 1 expected to do? Is it a job to push a girl to bed? The first one has been successful, the second goal has been chosen, right? When do you start? Teacher

    Yukina Himeragi I have seen you through my face.

    "Amount, do I have the image as bad as you think?" Ok, I am frank, just investigating the riots in these two days. Recently, you have not seen the news that there is a sudden fire in a building. In fact, your roommate, the War Dancer called Sayaka, probably knows…Kanon sauce has another identity. ”

    Feng Yu Chen explained.

    "Kanon Sauce! Called so intimate, to what step, is it considering to conquer us? ”

    Yukina Himeragi is like a rib. It's true. In these two days, Feng Yu Chen barely kissed her, and never had it at night…

    “Fine.I took you to action, and Kanon seemed to be taken out of the island. ”

    Feng Yu Chen's eyes looked at the helicopter that took off somewhere and frowned. So soon, will the final angel come?

    "Bring out the island! Why?

    Yukina Himeragi now understands something.

    "I don't know, but it should be a kind of conspiracy. I have collected a lot of information in these two days. I have enough action. Don't worry, I have left a hand. It should be easy to find Kanon's position. Let's go to Vatler first."

    Feng Yu Chen took Yukina Himeragi and walked to Vatler's embassy. Borrowing a yacht, although using space spells will arrive very quickly, it will consume a lot of magic. If the opponent is an angel, then keep enough magic. It is.

    In order to summon the next 眷 保留 keep magic!


    Feng Yu Chen, who borrowed the yacht, began to move in a certain direction. With the reflection of the crystal of Saint Mark, he was able to recognize the direction.

    "Teacher, where are we going?"

    Asked Yukina Himeragi.

    “The private artificial island of the Mikas Kuroft Group, outside the management area of ​​the Demon District, is superficially used for sightseeing. It is actually a research experiment for confidentiality. As for what, I think it should be [Angel], they The service target is the United States Army (CSA), I have checked the records of the Air Group, a large number of service robot orders.

    What the military wants for service robots, and the amount is very large, obviously has the fact that it is hidden and concealed. However, it is not expected that their plans are nearing the end. ”

    Feng Yu Chen is heading towards a certain position while maneuvering the yacht in the dark.

    Moving slowly, the two finally reached the artificial island where the target was located.

    Then the artificial island at the moment is not as calm as imagined.

    The motor-like sound came from a certain direction, accompanied by gunshots, and it seemed that there was any organization landing at the same time.

    "There are people fighting, we are going, seniors!"

    Himeragi neatly unfolded the music box of behind and took the sleek wolf in his hand.

    Feng Yu Chen noticed that the boat docked on the distant coast was completely different from the ordinary cruise ship. The black hull, the skirt-shaped air cushion made the boat float on the water, and the rear row had a large pusher. This is military. Marine propulsion, used in air-cushioned landing craft where Navy soldiers landed in enemy countries.

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