1900. Chapter 1900 Vampire Devil's Ideas

    [Thanks to Markzheng, TEL杺雪↘, I just want to read the book, z hurricane, moe moe loli control, fake book ii, polar penguin Q children's shoes, today the first to send, ask for subscription, monthly ticket, Recommended ticket

    The destruction of the two guarded Beastman was done in a blink of an eye, and then Feng Yu Chen pushed open the heavy metal door and saw the view from the cargo room.

    The weird weapons wrapped in heavy armor filled the wide cargo room. They had six feet and two wrists, shining red laser blastholes.

    "Nalakuvera! There are so many weapons of the gods, and the addition of artificial islands near the artificial fortifications is only a bait. It’s awesome…"

    Feng Yu Chen's eyes clearly saw that there were 5 ancient weapons in dormancy, and in the depths there was also a bigger thing to be placed. It should look like the Queen's machine of Nalakuvera, like an ant, with ordinary workers and ants. king.

    "It turned out to be [Demon Lord of the Great East], disrespectful, did not expect to lead True Ancestor, but even if you have no way to fight so many Nalakuvera, here, "True Ancestor!"

    A strong voice rushed over, and a L-type Beastman appeared in front of Feng Yu Chen's.

    "Hey, Christoph *Gardos? It seems that the existence of these guys doesn't even know Vatler. If you know, he probably won't plan to cooperate with you. Interesting, do you want to be my subordinate? Humble Beastman? ”

    Feng Yu Chen has a blushing color in his eyes.

    "Mr., ridiculous!! You are about to be destroyed soon! ”

    Christoph said with a smirk.


    Feng Yu Chen made a snap, split second, and all the Nalakuvera laser guns in the warehouse were directed at Christoph.

    "How is it possible, I clearly let the 'electronic female emperor' resolve it, how can it be controlled by you?!"

    Soon, Christoph's face was blue, even if he was stupid, now he understands the reason. It is not difficult to think that the weapons of these gods were manipulated by Feng Yu Chen.

    "Hey, what do you think you are on the ground,"Thanks to you, I will be able to master the weapons of this god. If I do it myself, I will have a lot of trouble, just use you.

    Now, humble Beastman, do you want to listen to my advice? ”

    Feng Yu Chen slowly sat down, a Frost chair, appeared in his behind.

    "It seems…I am miscalculated. I didn't think that the fourthth primogenitor is not a nestling but an eagle. Under the guise of a tiger, do I have the power of choice? However, as far as I can guess, if you want to kill me, I may die in an instant, and now you have to keep my life with a purpose. ”

    Christoph is also a city man, sitting on the ground waiting for Feng Yu Chen's disposal, he is very clear, he has no power to escape.

    "Well, I know that the current situation is Junjie. You can be a big man. My purpose is very simple. I will destroy the rule of the War King. I will give you control of Nalakuvera. Then, for a while, you pretend to fight with me and announce with Vatler. Cooperation, then I will use all my strength to drive you into the ocean.

    Taking advantage of the turmoil, you took Nalakuvera from the bottom of the sea to the war king field, your partner, I am ready.

    Lotharingia Asia's combat deacon Rudolf Eustach is also my subordinate, you begin to prey on the Vampire in the war king field, then the second True Ancestor [Destroyed ruling] ruled the night empire [destroyed dynasty], and finally ruled the Americas [ Chaos Huangfu], their field also gives me the destruction. ”

    Feng Yu Chen's mouth Kakuzu showed a sneer.

    "You…This guy, is it necessary to roll up the world war? And the bald son of the Western European Church will actually be your subordinate? Rudolf Eustach is also a famous combat deacon. How could he be your subordinate? ”

    Christoph's mouth Kakuzu twitched, compared to his madness, the Vampire True Ancestor in front of him is the real destruction!

    "Rudolph made a deal with me, his remaining life will be driven by me, and the killing of Vampire is also a kind of justice for him. Isn't it? As for my purpose, the first step has already told Rudolph, he will tell you, after that, I will release Witch in prison, she will tell you the second step, slowly…

    Whether the world wants to be a new student or a ruin is born to see my mood.

    You can refuse, there are a lot of Beastman of L kind, I don't lack a servant. ”

    Feng Yu Chen slowly stood up.

    "No, I work with you, as long as you can destruction the king of war, everything can be!"

    Christoph suddenly stood up.

    Very goodEat this [Devil] card, if you have a disagreement, what will happen to it? ”

    Feng Yu Chen took out a card and put it in the hands of Christoph. "This is also the starting command of Nalakuvera. Hey, don't think about it. The target of your trading is the real Vampire demon!"

    "you are vicious! ButDon't enter the tiger's den, you won't get a tiger! ”

    Christoph boldly ate the [Devil] card, and the card became a Spiritual Power and got into his brain, rooting in it!

    At the same time, he also received instructions from Nalakuvera, but it was not complete, but it was enough action.

    Schedule From


    An elegant Natsuki with an umbrella stands on the top of a tall building. The look at the extension of the artificial island.

    After Nalakuvera instantly destroyed the SAR garrison's armored vehicles, it continued the next step of destruction.

    The laser blasting of the head of the ruined weapon scans the surroundings without interruption. It is the intelligence to collect the target worthy of destruction. If there is any opportunity, Nalakuvera will start fighting again, then it will burn Itogami Island. Clean it.

    "Haha, if no one is going to take it, as a friend of mine, I will offer a big gift here, the weapons of the gods, let me try the edge of God."

    'Manas'! '优钵罗'! ”

    Vatler released a huge magical wave, and in his behind there were two snakes with a total length of tens of meters, a black snake like a fierce sea, and a green snake like a watery surface. Make such a nickname of Vatler's Familiar, and still two at the same time, they are intertwined in the air and become a huge dragon.

    "The guy at Snake Charmer didn't think he still had this Strength…Really, it seems that this incident has nothing to do with him…"

    Minamiya Natsuki said, but there is no tension, because there is a guy who has not yet appeared.

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