1861. Chapter 1861 Bathhouse in Admiral

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    "Meng your sister! The bathhouse is only built one now, that is my Nagato! Want to break you? ”

    Staying at Nagato is not happy, North sauce, you are not good to be your deep sea squid, go to Admiral House to do it! ?

    "The mud is playing! Table pot too! The northern part of the moe moe is also the small BOSS guarded by the madhouse dean. Seeing that I let the big break! ”

    The North sauce was suddenly shocked by the three-style bomb that Nagato secretly took out. The peat, the three-type bomb would cause more than twice the damage to her, the nasty Nagato!

    "Oh, what about your land-based base? Northern sauce? I remember that you have a fortress. Is your fortress thrown away by you? There is no fortress, and the guardian of the frigate, you are also a 9! ”

    Nagato said with a sneer.

    Eh…Eh…Alas! What about the fortress? ”

    At the moment, the north is suddenly a big house, and her home is lost…Boo hoo…

    In "College", the deep-sea habits with ghosts, Ji, war ghosts, and warriors as nameplates are the upper-class individuals of deep-sea habits, and have the ability to exceed the ordinary deep-sea habits. They are divided into sea-based and land-based. The sea-based type is similar to a normal deep-sea ship, and the land-based type is immune to all lightning strikes, but the three-type bomb can cause 2.5 times damage.

    The land-based type includes the harbor and the habitat, the flight field Ji, the outlying island habitat, the northern habitat, the middle habitat, the harbor water ghost, and the parking lot.

    The harbor and the habitat, the flight field Ji, the northern habitat, and the middle habitat are the four sisters of the silver hair. Only the small north is the poor milk airport, and the other three sisters are giant milk.

    Compared to the adult Elder Sister, the northern sauce is still somewhat weak, and compared to the existence of the Nagato, which is comparable to the spirit of the Spiritual Defender.

    Of course, as the intelligent type of fortress Ji, and the earliest group of deep-sea habits with emotional Qi Ji Meng, the northern sauce is still very strong and very powerful, it is only in the presence of her fortress, there is no fortress The northern sauce is a little Loli that has taken off the armor.

    "Take it to Shimakaze with confidence…Look, I will break this guy! ”

    Shimakaze and the northern sauce have already had a resentful resentment. The last time Feng Yu Chen returned, they both made the entire Land of Fantasy Academy City unstoppable, triggering a series of battles.

    "Nagato, let's go to the bathhouse…As for the northern sauce and Shimakaze-chan, you Rock–paper–scissors, who won, my Admiral can be rewarded, such as the burning of the northern sauce, such as the sour torpedo that Shimakaze-chan likes, can give you nano-materials. Come on, and Haiwu Black Technology can give it to you…"

    Feng Yu Chen said with a good sense.

    "In order to grill the fish, I want to break you!"

    "For the torpedo, I want to break you!"

    The northern sauce and Shimakaze-chan suddenly began to fight, and the battle between the two continued. (Well, almost every day in KP (PK)…


    "Today, Admiral has come to the bathing staff…"

    Feng Yu Chen is cheeky and standing in the front hall of the bathhouse…

    "Hmph!"No, it is a bit unreasonable to let Admiral take a shower for me personally. Please let me solve it myself! ”

    Nagato said innocently, completely ignoring Feng Yu Chen's meaning.

    From the moment he recognized him as Admiral, Nagato was ready to serve his life, offering 100% enough to summon more and more sisters to break the deep sea.

    "Well, you accept, this Admiral will not be biased because you are dignified. You know, Kongou, they are all helping them wash the engine (PRPR), although the structure is different, but I can definitely Make you more complete (will wash your 'engine' sooner or later)!"

    Feng Yu Chen said in a big way.

    "I want to use the state of preparation to meet the fleet battle! @! Then I am in trouble with Admiral's comfort. Tomorrow, I will definitely sink the battleship. ”Nagato nodded happily, waved his hand, took off his body suit, and then took the bath towel to open the bathroom door and entered a silver-lit bathhouse.

    Because it is the transformation of nano-materials, it is said that the repair liquid of the bathhouse is emitting silver light. There is no way to do it. Feng Yu Chen does not have a black cloud technology. However, the black technology of sea fog is also very good. Not bad.

    Although in the past played the ship Niang countless times, but Feng Yu Chen is also a cleanliness no Nagato club cadres, this time can fight alongside Nagato, suddenly there is a kind of I am Ouroy feeling, life Ah, our serious injury is the star Sea, a ship Niang will fall into his hands, well, It would be better if the food and drink two sisters (Akagi and Kaga) could come, and the firepower of the regular carrier would be quite strong.

    "how should I do?……"

    Feng Yu Chen looks at Nagato The body of the white pheasant, swallowing, he just took a bath, he is a serious person…

    "Every Kakuzu that caressed my body with your kind sacred Strength is fine…Of course, it’s just like this…I don't know much about it, because I was the first time I went to the bathhouse after reincarnation in the world (so purely I don't know that I have fallen into Feng Yu Chen's trap)…"Nagato faces Feng Yu Chen. A shy couple is born. Although he doesn't know why, but he feels that this is really a bit so that the ship mother can't calm down…

    "Every Kakuzu who cares for the body falls?" I will try my best to satisfy you. ”

    Feng Yu Chen's heart jumps, don't know if he can communicate at the spiritual level like in the dark blue world? Probably impossible? But this kind of realistic communication seems to be more…

    Of course, Feng Yu Chen still knows what he is doing, double-handed attached to the power of Saint Mark, gently stroking Nagato's smooth back, start from this place…

    "Hey…Warm, as if I imagined…"

    Nagato's cheeks revealed a hint of ochre, gradually enjoying the warmth and refreshment of the back. The whole body seemed to float, and the feeling of repair seemed to be like Feng Yu Chen's Strength slowly in her body. Flowing in general, it will moisturize every time…

    "If you feel weird, you will scream…"

    Feng Yu Chen's double-handed gradually ran across Nagato's scented shoulders and gently swayed over her soft plump…

    "Oh ?"as this one that really is sort ofstrange……"

    Nagato fell deep in the arms of Feng Yu Chen's, feeling more and more strange, what the hell is this…

    However, there is an example in her intelligent memory that Admiral and Ship Niang have a good impression. If they reach a certain level, they will be able to get married. The married ship will be more powerful. Is it…Her good feelings are increasing?

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