1858. Chapter 1858 wearing a ** security

    [Today's second, send a subscription, monthly ticket, recommended ticket]

    At the end of the last yin and yang lecture, Feng Yu Chen sorted out the documents in his hands, looking at the quiet classroom, and the steps he wanted to take have stagnated.


    Feng Yu Chen puts the hand into a fist and puts his head on his mouth, closing his eyes and revealing a gentle smile.

    "It's hard not to be difficult to meet each other. Wear your head and keep it safe. (This sentence shouldn't be there, 233)…Today's era has ended, another era has risen, and my era has passed, brilliant, and the years are still, today's parting is for tomorrow's meeting.

    I will be back, at that time…female students are going to hand over the color code of **…嘿嘿)I will refresh my storage…"


    However, no one has spit Feng Yu Chen.

    Because they know clearly, very quickly, they may no longer be able to see the teachers who changed their lives. The knowledge they have here has subverted their beliefs and extended their future infinitely. They have not become the dust of history. Instead, they will leave their footprints in the future.

    Everyone is confident that they can achieve extraordinary careers, but they never thought about it before.

    "Do you not welcome a meal? Teacher, I am waiting for your farewell, ……Maybe you have to be thankful that I will not tease you after I leave this untrained teacher.

    People have joys and sorrows and sorrows, and there are stagnations in the moon. This is a difficult thing to do.

    New storms have emerged, how can we stagnate, just as the sun through the night, the dawn quietly across the horizon, whose figure shuttle between the reincarnation, the future of the road is at the foot, do not grieve do not fear, full of confidence looking forward to tomorrow, smile in the face of danger, dream comes true will not be far away, pluck courage firmly forward, Miracles are bound to appear …

    You are the next Altman! ”

    Feng Yu Chen turned and walked to the door.

    at this time–

    Stand up

    Under the clear sound of Natsume, all the students stood up –

    TeacherYou've had a long day

    ReallyDon't be so serious about the farewell, you can't act cute cute show? I am very disappointed with you! ”

    Feng Yu Chen's eyes are glittering with faint colors, and suddenly there is something called tears that wants to swim out…

    "Speak clearly, don't cry…But,

    Natsume stared at the red eyes. "It is obviously a teacher who has no exercise…Why?

    That is,The teacher’s exercise has been lost…Sometimes I also attacked the female student dormitory…"

    "The name of the teacher is advertised, and it is cheaper for us…"

    “Every class is weird, making us sore…”


    "But it is to give up…"

    "The teacher is like our loved ones. It is a player who has no margins, a unique class, and a spell of everything in disorder…Let people go up and down…Feeling

    "It’s very close, it’s really high to be able to sit here. If you don’t have the requirements to lose your skills, it’s perfect…”

    "But is the teacher who is arrogant or the teacher we support?"


    One female student suddenly burst into tears and spoke various words, but the sadness that was revealed in the words because of the sorrow that was difficult to remove was always in the heart, like being integrated into the blood, not stopping. Kneeling in the body.

    As a teacher, Feng Yu Chen is able to do this, and it is very rare.

    And the boys, but at the moment is unanimously looking out of the window, their eyes Kakuzu also a bit warm, in this class, they harvest even a lifetime can not harvest the favor, and Feng Yu Chen selflessly to all the knowledge of the spell, treat them as if like a loved one, Although usually with them to discuss how to do more without festival, but …

    The atmosphere that makes people relax everything is really…Very peace of mind.

    “最后……Everyone is in tears…Then, I will send you a song, our youth will always be remembered in this classroom, this era, use a lifetime to remember…"

    Feng Yu Chen reached out and wiped the tears of Kakuzu, and sang with a beat.

    That laugh reminds me of my flowers.

    Every Kakuzu in my life falls quietly for me.

    I thought I would always be by her side.

    Today we have left in the sea

    They are all old, where are they?

    Fortunately, I have been with them.

    La……miss her

    La……Is she still open?


    They have been blown away by the wind and scattered around the horizon



    When returning to the boundary space, Feng Yu Chen still looks back in confusion. Sometimes, the true feelings of being combined with these Dimensional World are really difficult to wipe away, but his future is waiting for him to move forward. He also has a bigger stage to pursue.

    “Reassuring, they will survive well, and Ise Yu Chen’s curse creation will be filled with the entire era of “Tokyo Ravens”…”

    Kanzaki Kaori said in the arms of Feng Yu Chen's that she even indulged in that atmosphere, thinking that it was everything about her.

    "My memory is filled with happiness, Yu Chen, thank you for taking me to this world…"

    Hecate said, lying in the arms of Feng Yu Chen's.

    "|You are all witty…"

    Rena and Kotonoha found that Tabitha occupied the other arm of Feng Yu Chen's, and their position could not be found…


    Shadru looks at Feng Yu Chen and Kanzaki and other relatives, I want to integrate into the group, but now she is not qualified, it is really a world of deep memories, she gradually understands Feng Yu Chen And gradually found the shining point of his body, the calm and fascinating time is really fascinating.


    The clear system sounds make everyone have to stop the quiet thinking.

    In this silent moment, the huge screen in the middle of the space begins to flow from the appearance of the players –

    "MVP selection begins…"Tokyo Ravens "Feng Yu Chen, the world's best gamer, evaluates the difficulty level by four and a half stars (out of five stars), rewards Silver Coin with 100,000, and opens [Dimension Time and Space]

    Note: Dimension time and space

    Earth space still has not reached the corresponding enhancement level, so it is necessary to superimpose other dimensional space to carry out stable vibration of space-time integration. (Example: There will be several small magic arrays around the big magic array to assist, so it is necessary to construct a huge earth battlefield so that the center can Sturdy to the extent of defending the Great Ruler attack, the time and space are connected, and a large amount of time and space is used to resist the vibration. After the prediction is completed, the Power can reach the Great Ruler level.

    Nowadays, the time and space of the second dimension: "Cross Ange: Rondo of Angel and Dragon" (semi-integrated state, due to the death of Item holders, not fully developed), "A Certain Magical Index" (integrated area: Japan Tokyo), "Tokyo Ghoul" (Connected area: 1st floor of the Antarctic Academy City coordinate dimension tower), "Dragonar Academy" (connected area: the second floor of the Antarctic Academy City coordinate dimension tower).

    The fifth connected dimension space is "Strike the Blood". Please connect the world to Quest within five days. Completing Quest will reward the basic Attribute growth. ”

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