1854. Chapter 1854 The Fall of the Luminous Light and the Twin Sons Turn Jade

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    The tomoe of the two seals suddenly roared, and the flames and sands permeated the Ise.

    The three swords of the three-day star were merged by Feng Yu Chen, and the incomparable light broke out. The sky was dim and almost could see the space and stars outside. The dark, blazing and blushing light formed in the sky. The three Kakuzu star arrays, like the comet's impact on the planet, fell to the Taishan Prefecture.

    "You, have you forgotten the contract between us?" Don't think that you have built a god, I am afraid of you, and the Strength of the Hades is enough to make your world alive! ”

    The three Kakuzu stars that fall from the mountains in the horror of the mountain, have the power of yin and yang and charm, which is the strength of the yin and yang of the world. It is not what he can easily bear, the sword of killing God, and one Put the sword of the gods.

    The three-day star of the snail, which is three different swords, is held by three gods. It is the sword of the power of the star god. The swords of the three stars each have a special Strength, hidden in its blade. Various types of snails have the strength of the original break.

    One is to break the negative force, and the other is to break the positive force. The yin and yang can be said to be the origin of creating the world and destroying the world in the yin and yang system to some extent.

    The final Strength is for the soul, although the surface seems to be the charm of Strength, but the root is directed at the soul.

    Although he is the god of China, Taishan Prefecture is still aware of many legends of Dongpu mythology. After all, there are many worships here. His god qualified theory has some support in this place. It belongs to two myths. God, many Chinese gods overlap the gods of Dongpu.

    In today's world, the worship of God is getting weaker and weaker. The only prominent place is the country of Japan. Therefore, some of the Onmyoudou that meet the above settings have shadows in other places, like the gods of China, Scorpio, India, and The gods like Egypt are somewhat involved.

    "The amount of thought that you are a god, actually pushed down the soul of [becoming a Buddha], the soul of Nanako is not subject to your restraint, I will turn my heart to the moon, and I will show the moon.

    I am a generous forgiveness of the night light, but you have made a fuss about the soul of Nanako at this time. It’s really awful. Taishan Prefecture, the deity is fully capable of letting your faith collapse! ! ”

    Feng Yu Chen roared and raised the soul of Budu and the three-star star.


    Kyuubi (Nine-Tails) and Ichibi (One-Tails) are attached to the two swords from the tomoe of the sky. The horrible Bijuu (Tailed Beast) Energy is gathering, huge as two meteorites. Bijuudama converges on the swords of the two Excaliburs, and under the influence of the Excalibur's Strength, it exudes the sultry Kamui…

    There are twisting turbulences floating in the space. Everyone has retreated hundreds of meters away. Amaterasu uses the power to wrap the behind Ise Shrine of Behind to avoid being destroyed.

    At this moment, all the Onmyoujis in the list understood the horror of Feng Yu Chen's, which is completely beyond the limits of their imagination and has reached the realm of fantasy gods.

    "Taishan Prefecture is honored, and I will vote for it in a quick fight, otherwise we will all die!"

    Looking at Feng Yu Chen, he is now completely convinced that Feng Yu Chen is a god, so he no longer wants to have any luck.

    "You…You have to understand that if you go on like this, everything in your life will really disappear. If you don't enter Rikudou (Six Path), there is no trace of memory. There is no past future and now, you will be forgotten by everyone, you Really have to do this? ”

    Taishan Prefecture can not help but echo.

    "Of course, I can't let the princes do the sale of the loss. This kind of Strength can already be stunned. If you don't die, you will fall into the gods…Moreover, Chunhu is another me, although I don't have my memory, but it has my potential Innate Skill and the underlying, so enough! ”

    The soul of the luminous light radiates a strong radiance, wrapping the soul of the Spring Tiger and Nanako.

    Good.Since you have decided…"

    The shadow of Taishan Fujun launched a crack in the air, as if it was a blow, and the jade of the soul that had been turned into a luminous light was blown out.

    "Luminous! Mount Tai See you in the reincarnation! ! ”

    Feng Yu Chen manipulated the huge Imperial Thunder God to wave the two swords down!

    "Booming, banging, banging, banging, banging!"

    Like a chain, as if the original Bullets exploded, the front hall of the entire Ise Shrine was crushed into Crush, and the horrific Strength made the space appear a space of space, trees, attic, rockery Rain pond…

    Everything is gone, and some birds have been broken into Void before they have time to take off!

    Yes, everything seems to be broken down. Speed ​​disappears and everyone is shocked. The kind of Strength that is like an atomic collapse is like breaking in chaos, faster than ordinary bombs. It’s much stronger and more fearful…

    Two Bijuudama with the power of the Excalibur are constantly striking the soul of the night light…

    The double-handed hand seal, the jade symbolized by the soul, floats out of his body, blocking the invasion of Bijuudama. Every time he transforms the charm, his body will fade, and continue, the soul is flying sooner or later. Things, but his face is a calm and calm look.

    This method of consuming the soul also makes the night light keep approaching Feng Yu Chen…

    "My Highness the Lord, I have no malice, and I am also for the sake of Nanako, and I can fall into the axis wheel of history, but there is nothing wrong with the spring Tiger, and I have separated my soul from his soul, so please held high, and next, he will be your son, and Nanako will be your daughter, This is the mantra of my nightlight … "


    Feng Yu Chen understood the spell of the night light and suddenly fell on the ground…

    With such a glimpse, the nightlight used the last Strength to throw out the soul tigers of Chunhu and Nana, and then attached to the body of the Chunhu and Nanazi, and they passed them into the belly of Amaterasu! !


    The cooperation between Lunguang and Taishan Fujun is to make the reincarnation of Chunhu and Ninazi become Amaterasu and Feng Yu Chen's children, let them break away from the boundaries of human beings and become God Child!

    "You guy, actually left such a hand…"

    Feng Yu Chen showed a bitter smile and couldn't take another shot.

    "Well, let you laugh, and seeing you really makes me happy…"

    The soul of the luminous is gradually annihilated and disappears into the sky…

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