1845. Chapter 1845 Rolling Sheet Plan: Amaterasu Advent Plan

    [Today's fifth, send it, ask for a subscription, monthly ticket, recommended ticket]

    With the reincarnation of the night, Tsuchimikado's rebellion, the entire yin and yang world has fallen into an unsettled state. The modern yin and yang world is greatly influenced by Tsuchimikado Yakou, and the short-time rise of the Shinto ritual master Ise Yu Chen cannot be effective. Gathering people's hearts.

    However, due to the support of the royal family, Feng Yu Chen gained enormous power, and fear is power and awe.

    In addition to its own powerful curse system and the contract with the god of Taishan Prefecture, it is also claimed to be able to summon the god god Amaterasu, naturally followed by all Shinto system Onmyouji, plus its possession can make ordinary people also The curse of the damn power has almost won the support of all ordinary civilians.

    So now the pattern of yin and yang is simple:

    The first force:

    Headed by Feng Yuchen, Feng Yu Chen, His Majesty the Shinto, ordinary civilians, some royals (mainly Souma), Onmyouji with innovative ideas (mostly Yin and Yang students who have received Feng Yu Chen education at Onmyo Academy).

    Second force:

    Neutral Forces headed by the Yin and Yang Hall and the free Onmyouji, which are not registered in Onmyouji (referred to as Black Account Onmyouji).

    Third force:

    Tsuchimikado is a luminous believer led by Chunhu, a member of the Tsuchimikado family and a member of the double Kakuzu society. It is said that the Shikigami flying pill and the Kakuzu ghost of the night have returned.

    Although it seems that Feng Yu Chen's is the most powerful, the second force, although it is Neutral Forces on the bright side, is privately a supporter of Tsuchimikado, and there are other factions in the royal family, which is why, Feng Yu Chen’s action on the “Soul Soul” in the Yin and Yang Hall was not reviewed.

    Therefore, when the balance of the balance does not reach the extreme, Feng Yu Chen wants to sit in the yin and yang is impossible.

    To put it bluntly, the place where Feng Yu Chen can drive power is the Shinto shrine, the Imperial Ministry, and the Onmyo Academy.


    “Yu Chen, the six-person ministry of the Kakuzu Club is already in action…I heard that Dairenji Shidou also reincarnation for Shikigami…"

    Kanzaki Kaori rushed into the door, preventing Feng Yu Chen and Souma Takiko from flirting.

    "Well, Hecate has predicted it with divination prophecy…"

    Feng Yu Chen said calmly, "Don't worry, Kanzaki, kittens and puppies are three or two…"

    "You don't want to underestimate Dairenji Shidou. He wanted to be my Shikigami, but I probably felt that I would work with you. Before I died, I should be resurrected by Kakuzu."

    Souma Takiko is drinking tea for Feng Yu Chen. Recently she was studying the way of the husband, but Feng Yu Chen has been very cold, which made her somewhat dissatisfied. Isn't she beautiful enough? I have not worn panties anymore (mud, I can see the kimono from this Kakuzu degree…), but it has not been successful!

    "I heard that the night light has already awakened, and the Ashiya Road is also in contact with it. It seems that I am ready to deal with it here…"

    Kanzaki Kaori Again.


    Hearing this, Feng Yu Chen's face floated a dignity.

    "Then we will start to act, start the long-awaited ritual of the gods, and bring together all of our core people…Princess Souma, trouble you to get the sword from heaven, and it is the sword of the real thing. Use it to make a dowry. On the day of God's fall, you are my wife…"

“……Good.I already know what you want, I am ready…"

    Souma Takiko smiled (finally can roll the sheets) –


    With the convening of the core staff, no, it should be said that all the Onmyo Academy people have arrived, and some of them are students who are ordinary people and make Onmyouji.

    Feng Yu Chen used Spiritual Power to draw a block diagram of the entire Tokyo on the huge screen of the lecture hall.

    "Next, we started the [Amaterasu Advent Ceremony], and everyone in the room may have been questioned, but I want to tell you that Amaterasu can come. First, we are going to the important person – Hecate.

    Those who can master the "realm" of the world, then can do something that humans cannot do, rumored that the high sky ruled by Amaterasu is the island floating in the sea, the clouds, the mortal can not see, God gazed at the mortal all, the haughty Amaterasu Even I, the Shinto priest, would not have to see His Holiness, but–

    Amaterasu is the sun goddess, the sun's light can't illuminate the earth, then she can't see everything in the world, we have the opportunity to summon her, Hecate uses the power of the realm to force the moon to move between the earth and the sun. The effect of forming an eclipse.

    At that time, we used the double Kakuzu's kind of spiritual disaster similar to [上巳大祓] to carry out a double seal, which made Amaterasu's divine power weaker. At this moment, God has a premise.

    Legend has it that the parents of Amaterasu Great God are Izanagi and Izanami, so Amaterasu can come to the world to have the support of the gods. Therefore, we will build the array with the power of Izanagi and Izanami.

    In the West, there is a descending spell of the archangel, using [Idol Worship] corresponding to the power of the stars to frame the temple for the gods (the Magic Index World used to use, the junior Kakuzu magic array).

    We can borrow its theory.

    The idols that use Izanagi and Izanami are scattered throughout the Tokyo, surrounded by yin and yang Primal Chaos, and then, following the example of the Gregory Hymn team taught by Roman Saint, all the shrine priests in the country are sung, so that they can collect the divine power of faith, with their divine power, Then the great god of Amaterasu has enough divine power to stagnate in this world.

    However, it is worth noting that the spirit must have a medium. God cannot directly fall into this world. It must be dependent on it. This must be related to the Amaterasu god. Therefore, it must be a member of the royal family, so Princess Souma has become Two choices.

    So after the success of God, we will let the Amaterasu big God left some things, after all, so much effort to ask her to come, so let her go can not, therefore, I prepared the "God plan" to amaterasu the divine power of the birth of the Son of God, by the Souma princess to conceive, The specific method can not tell you now, that is my quest …




    Feng Yu Chen explained in detail, in fact, the most important thing he did not say, that is, if you have a child, you can't do it. Amaterasu can't do it, so he is going to push Amaterasu, even though his thoughts are crazy. Recommending Amaterasu is a good challenge…

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