1841. Chapter 1841 Crimson God and the curse

    [Thanks to Lonely Night Cold Snow, [殇影], Liu Yinglong, Xing Xing Meng Chen, I am just a simple voter's children's shoes, and there are 15 monthly tickets plus more. Everyone is working hard, today is the first to send, subscribe , monthly ticket, recommended ticket]

    The battles in the Shibuya community have become more and more complicated and frequent, and various forces have stepped in and entered here.

    Originally it was the chase of Hecate et al. and Natsume, but now it has evolved into a very complicated factional struggle, and some people even fished!

    This is also difficult to avoid. Players who have been escaping from the water have revealed their waters. One has to complete the basic Quest. Second, they have to fight for their respective camps, support the Shinto system or support the yin and yang, Shinto and yin and yang. The battle of teaching.

    This situation also leads to the possibility of attacking each other even among players in the same camp. After all, [the dead friend is not dead,] Quest does not require that the enemy player must be killed, in other words, even if it is his own camp. Players can also attack, and when they attack them, they will hardly be prepared.

    Then there are various kinds of teasing situations on the battlefield. For example, the players in the yin and yang are opposite to each other. The players in the Shinto system also contradict each other, plus the Neutral players, sometimes the yin and yang, and the Shinto. Players will even join forces! !

    What a funny scene (how painful comprehension)…

    This kind of chaos has greatly increased the chance of escape for Chunhu.

    However, there is still a need to leave someone to deal with unavoidable battles.

    "Hecate…I wanted to fight with you very early…"

    Natsume said with a few spells in his hand.

    "Really?" But I am not interested in fighting you…"

    The three Kakuzu tin sticks in Hecate's hands were gently shaken, giving a crisp sound, and the white face was full of cuteness, even if the small face was still cute, she pointed the tin rod to Natsume –


    A sky blue Meteor appeared and attacked Natsume.


    Natsume always thinks about countermeasures when she releases simple defensive symbols. In fact, she already has countermeasures in her heart, because

    "Know, Hecate, I know one of your secrets that is not known to everyone, you should not be human…Although it is not clear which kind of creature you are, it is undoubtedly…You should be able to deal with you with the trick. ”

    "Well, I am Crimson God, Master Throne Hecate, but how about this?"

    Hecate said indifferently.

    "Sorry, I have to use the teacher's technique to deal with you…"

    Natsume said that the beginning of the operation, "Kuti – ah Papati – Kim – ah 比 – than black gold – ah (cyuty-upapatti-jn~ana^-bhijn~a) – death and wisdom, Tong Tian Zhi Tong, **** color, desire – color two roots, through the yin and yang two worlds, from the ground and the lower ground Rikudou (Six Path) in the various things, if the near far, if the fine as the color, no photo! Hey! ”

    While cursing the curse, he put the left and right thumbs on his mouth and quickly bite it, then closes his eyes, and draws a blood mark on the eyelids of the left and right eyes. These two blood marks are not randomly drawn up. And with a straightforward meaning, a red sun spell is like a moon's mantra.

    With the display, Natsume's eyes were split split second, and the two eyes radiated a strong yin and yang, and then a spell was taken out and eaten in the mouth.

    Sky-eyes, however, Natsume got the second layer of heart charm from Feng Yu Chen and was able to see through Hecate.

    Heart Yuman, Feng Yu Chen did not tell any, only there is a substitute spell, as long as you eat the spell and then change your mind [521], you can start a short mantra, but 521 is what no one knows, Feng Yu Chen is also limited to female student students. The male student's spell is different. It takes 54 [JJ] to take effect.

    With the unfolding of the two-layered Eye Curse, Natsume sees through all of Hecate's attacks and captures that she is completely different from humans, just—

    At the moment, she was shocked to discover that Hecate's body is like an empty container, as if a huge fish tank contains pure water, but there is a piece of image in the water. From here, Natsume saw Feng Yu Chen. The memory between Hecate and the heartbeat memory of two people lingering together…

    Got that? My body does not have any magical disasters, some are just memories with him. Sometimes I am also called pure Hecate. I don't have any so-called emotions. I exist as the core of the life, but he gave me Different life and memory are the monarchs I want to serve. Don't tell anyone what you see, because this is the memory that I am open to you. Well, it's time to end…"

    Hecate rarely said such a long sentence, probably saw some features similar to Natsume body and himself?

    Shrine Maiden of Tsuchimikado, Tsuchimikado Natsume.

    "you guys……unexpextedly

    Natsume sighed and took out the spells he had prepared in his hand?Glittering Glittering charms, made into a series of flying in the air, emitting the light of the colorful lights, forming a beautiful ring that surrounds Hecate, the brilliance of the brilliance, the spiritual effect of the spirit, the fragrance To the surrounding.

    "Qi Yiqi, a speed-speed knot Yunxia, ​​the eight-way inside the squad, the speed of the nine springs, the through-the-scenes, the listening to the Taiyi Zhenjun, the odd-single speed-sense–the name of my lord Kamui, this time The evil spirits sweep away the clear light! Order

    Natsume closed her eyes and concentrated on the curse, the aura of the whole body, accompanied by a faint glow to the girl's beautiful enamel. The hair tied up by the ribbon floats in the air, and the curse on the right hand holds the curse, one after another, flapping wings like a butterfly, adding a halo around the skull, and when the last spell flies to the aura Natsume opened his eyes closed and the double-handed knot was lifted high above his head.

    The knife-printed swayed with a fissure, which is the most powerful curse in Tsuchimikado Natsume's curse, the "Taiyi Zhenjun Mantra", the coherent curse aura, a slamming under the curse Towards the internal test, it is simply a flood of light, like a musical spell, and the incorruptible aura covers the surroundings.

    Glorious and subtle melody, buried the entire space, overwhelming everything.

    At this moment, Hecate felt intoxicated, and she was intoxicated with this spell, but she did not sit still.

    She swayed the big stick "TRIGON" in her hand, and the ring that nested on the head of the three Kakuzu-shaped tins rang the crisp sound of "锵啷".

    A ray of light beam begins to shuttle through the sky, emitting an Azure-like ocean light…

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