1838. Chapter 1838, actual combat class and food heaven

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    After walking out of the Mingwang barrier, Feng Yu Chen and the Emperor Chongde stood on both sides of the wide street. The students of Onmyo Academy all squatted on the window, because this was Feng Yu Chen's order to let them watch the actual drill.

    Like the legendary Grand Demon Lord, whether in the Shinto, Kidō or secular beliefs, the Emperor of Chongde has an important position. The continuation of nearly a thousand years of cursing has made him the most awesome of Japan’s monarchs and civilians. Evil gods, whenever there is no way for the king, the resentment of the emperor of Chongde will come out to make the world chaos, and the mountains and the mountains will change the spirits.

    "I heard that you can summon Amaterasu God, I am actually very interested…However, unfortunately, now you are going to die in my hands, but it doesn't matter, I will swallow the soul, and everything will be deprived by me. ”

    Chong de Emperor's mouth Kakuzu exposed a hint of sneer, the hands of the Kongou pestle on the ground gently a blow, a sound stone-like crisp voice slowly spread out, immediately thereafter, a tengu from the ground floating out, a red face and a long long nose, it also a pair of wings, wearing a monk clothing repair, High-toothed clogs, hand-held lupin and mallet …

    Teng is a grade, first of all, the patrol dog (Konoha, White Wolf Teng, mountain volley dogs), and then serve the Utango (also known as the Opium Teng), followed by the Big Dog and the dog, and finally the Thunder dog, Ray in Buddhism symbolizes discipline, positive, The great Lei Yinji also has the intention to be able to spread the Buddhist Tao to the infinite distance of the region, smell the thunder and evil retreat, Fering said, the sound is like a lightning shock.

    Since ancient times, human beings have had a kind of fear and worship for Ray. Therefore, there are many kinds of god monsters and other kinds of geniuses derived from them.

    And the Emperor Chongde can command no big dog and thunder dog, just ordinary Tonggou, Crowd Terrier and patrol Tengu.

    "The rumors are not empty, you are commanding the white dog's Tengu department…But you are carrying three evil roads (Hell Road, Bastard Road, Hungry Kidō), summoning a hundred ghosts Demon, but the Tengus can't do it for me…"

    Feng Yu Chen's cuffs flew out of a Zhang charm divided into heaven and earth parties, these Fu Yi are three-talent, four-image, five-character, gossip, nine Gongfu, after the separation, these characters instantly dissipated in the space, and then a variety of colors of light extended out, docked with each other, Formed a multidimensional space carry-over that wrapped him in the interior with Emperor Zonta

    "Next, the students of the college, listen carefully, I want to teach you on-the-spot. Many people in the list may sometimes question, when we face a strong opponent, how do we run away? Still using some powerful spells, or fighting, many people may consider these three aspects.

    But why don't you consider the fourth aspect – strikes to kill a powerful opponent.

    I once told you that there is no word "impossible" in my dictionary. The existence of a spell is based on the nature of satisfying the human desire. As long as you can think of it, there must be an operation.

    But many people say that I don't know how to do something powerful.

    So now I am teaching you to break through the "real world" method, but this is a very difficult and dangerous course.

    First of all, you have to be a [world]. There is a saying in the Taoist doctrine of China. The five internal organs of the human beings correspond to the five elements. The so-called heavenly people are the human beings who conform to the heavens. Human beings have unlimited possibilities. Therefore, human beings can break through all the embarrassment and achieve great achievements.

    For this, we will start to make ourselves a world, or let ourselves integrate into the world, and become a part of the world.

    First, write the basic technique of writing as a symbol to eat. This method is called [the way of eating the sky], and I will eat the heavens and the earth. The basic surgery is basically –

    Chaos, Yin Yang, San Cai (Heaven and Earth), Sixiang (Azure Dragon White Tiger Vermillon Bird Xuanwu), Five Elements (Jinmu Water and Fire Earth), Liuhe (Liuhe has two kinds,

    The first type, symbolizing the four sides of the heavens and the earth, the universe, the upper and lower, the east, the west, the north and the south, namely the heaven and the earth, referred to as Liuhe;

    The second, feng shui term, refers to a relationship between the twelve earthly branches, the rat and the cow are combined, the tiger and the pig are combined, the rabbit and the dog are combined, the dragon and the chicken are combined, the snake and the monkey are combined, the horse and the horse Sheep for the joint, for the zodiac Liuhe

    Two Liuhe can be used), seven Stars (: The day armature greedy Wolf Star, the Sky Xuan Giant Gate Star, the-Gi of Heaven, the literary star of Heaven, the Yuheng star of the day, the star of the Kaiyang, the broken star of the rocking light), the gossip (dry day, Kun's land, the wind of the Sunda, the thunder of the earthquake, the water from the fire, the mountain of the Dugong, the Ze), the Jiugong (the Dry palace, Kan, the Burgundy Palace, Earthquake Palace, the Chinese palace, Sunda Palace, Palace, Kun Palace, to the palace), 10 days dry (A, B, C, Ding, E, oneself, Geng, Xin, Siren, Oi), 12 branches (son, ugly, Yin, MO, Chen, Yuan, noon, not, Shen, unitary, Shu, hai) …

    However, it should be noted that [the way of eating the sky] is [the way to go against the sky], therefore, remember to eat more or eat less, the more you eat, the greater the cost, of course, the higher the return.

    Then throw out the basic surgery to go out and build the "Heaven and Earth". The "Heaven and Earth" constructed through the "Food Heaven" is completely controlled by you. The aura and other things are all controlled by you… ”


    Feng Yu Chen Seriously taught, let everyone stagnate, damn, when is this, facing the legendary big Demon Lord, the Emperor Zongde can be serious, the courage to be how big.

    But very quickly, everyone found that all the dogs in the space at this moment all stagnated and attacked Feng Yu Chen, but attacked the Emperor Zongde. For a time, the grotesque scene made it impossible for everyone to open the big one. The mouth is closed.

    "It turns out that you really are a genius, communication world? However, since I can summon them, I can cancel the call. ”Emperor Zongde, waved, all the dogs of the day disappeared into the space.

    "Really?" Where did you cancel? ”

    Feng Yu Chen's mouth Kakuzu showed an ironic smile, and the dogs of the day burst out again in a moment, launching a Spiritual Power light bomb attack to the Emperor of Chongde!

    "How is it possible, I obviously canceled the surgery!"

    The body of the Emperor Zunde propped up a dark mask to block the sudden attack.

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