1818. Chapter 1818 Bloodline Advancement

    [Thanks to Liu Yinglong's children's shoes for rewards, there are still 7 monthly tickets plus more, everyone is working hard, today is the first to send, ask for subscription, monthly ticket, recommended ticket]

    “Hey, Saint Mark Bloodline has the promotion permission, promotion stage:

    Fu Xi Bloodline LV2:

    One of the features of Fu Xi Bloodline: Inclusive of all things, the sun begins, the sun is over, everything is incompetent, and everything is unacceptable, accommodating the universe and the universe.

    Bloodline skills:

    **Innate eight trigrams chart : LV2, enhance the yin and yang gossip cosmic sentiment.

    Goggles LV1: Reduces energy consumption by 10% with any Bloodline skill.

    **Saint Mark body 10%

    Quick cure LV1: After the injury, it cures quickly and consumes certain energy. However, due to the physical quality, only energy will be consumed when the fatal injury recovers. At the same time, the energy consumption is very small. The general body will automatically heal after injury, and will automatically enter the healing state after injury. Energy 10, no cooling time.

    Ice knot field LV1: The range of 10 meters in diameter, the ability to stop all physical movements in the world, beyond the user's strength limit is not affected by this field, consume Energy 30 per second, cooling time 10 minutes.

    Straight Tuning Body Dressing LV1: Pandora uses the special form of molecules distributed throughout the body by Saint Mark's Strength. With a strong defense, it can be used to make a variety of clothing. Since wearing the dress for a long time puts a burden on the body, it is only allowed to be used during combat. But for those skilled Pandora, the dress is not only used in the battle, but even the usual uniforms are often used in the style of the dress, consume Energy 5 per second, no cooling time.

    Accel Turn: A technique for improving mobile speed. Increase the burden on the body of Saint Mark to the limit and then explode in one breath to gain accelerated skills. After using this technique, there will be a dramatic increase in moving Speed, but the difficulty of switching direction is a disadvantage of this technique. Each time Energy 20 is consumed, the cooling time is 5 seconds.

    **Ootsutsuki Hagoromo LV1

    *Byakugan LV1: Opens the eye, instant, and stops. Energy 10 is consumed every time it is turned on, and Energy 1 is consumed every minute when it is turned on.

    Eye of Insight LV1: It has the ability to gain insight into distant telescopes and see through objects. You can also see the other's meridian nerves and acupuncture points. The current field of view is 100 meters.

    Gentle Fist LV1: destruction The boxing of the opponent's meridian system. Directly hurting the opponent's internal organs, is a unique Taijutsu that injects from the inside to the destruction, with a continuous acupoint limit of 3.

    Eight Trigrams Palm LV1: Two palms, Secret Art by Hyuuga's family members, who correctly attacked the two acupoints of the opponent's body, thereby creating a barrier or increasing the flow of the opponent Chakra.

    *Sharingan LV1: Open the eye, left and right a tomoe, consume Energy 10 every time it is turned on, and consume Energy 1 every minute when it is on.

    Eye of Insight LV1: Can see the Chakra context, can see through all the subtle movements and hand seal of the opponent, consume Energy 10 per second, no cooling.

    *Ice Fairy LV1, Frost Attribute damage increased by 30%, state consumption is 10 per second, no cooling.

    * Flame true dragon LV1, flame Attribute damage increased by 30%, state consumption 10 per second, no cooling.

    *Holy Dragon LV1, Holy Attribute damage increased by 30%, state consumed 10 per second, no cooldown.

    *Gold should be LV1, full Attribute Attribute damage increased by 30%, state consumption 10 per second, no cooling.

    *Gift *Code Unknown LV1

    Unlucky Immunity LV1: Immunity is dead petrochemical, curse, toxin, etc. Strength, accumulates an immune force every hour, stacks up to 10 layers of immunity, and can use each immunity to immunize an ominous attack;

    Shattering Heaven and Earth LV1: Cohesive Power of Power, Destruction Everything you want to destruction, consume Energy 50 each time;

    Aurora Pillar LV1: Ultra-long-range attack with the power to break any barrier, consume Energy 100 each time;

    Gift Destruction LV1: Broken seal against the enemy's Bloodline ability, Bloodline lower, broken seal time is three days, Bloodline top, break seal time is one day, each time consume Energy 500, can be used every 30 days.

    Poseidon LV1, water Attribute damage increased by 30%, state consumption 10 per second, no cooling.

    Vampire Devil LV1, Dark Attribute damage increased by 30%, state consumed 10 per second, no cooldown.


    Please pay 1 million Silver Coin to open promotion…"

    On this day, Feng Yu Chen, who is realizing the power of yin and yang gossip, suddenly received a Floodline prompt from the system, and his face was filled with excitement at the moment.

    Since the beta, all players' Floodline has been lowered to the lowest level. He merged with Bloodline and acquired Fu Xi Bloodline, which included all the Bloodline in the main Bloodline.

    Although the all-inclusive Fu Xi Bloodline is very powerful, the first promotion cost is actually one million. This is completely rhythmic. If you want to understand it, then you need to pay more for the upgrade of Bloodline.

    Of course, this is also beyond reproach, now he is recognized by the system 10 bloodline, if all of the promotion, the cumulative cost is also very high, this is not really a loss of business, after all, Fu Xi bloodline inclusive of so many bloodline after each promotion, With a fee, it will allow other bloodline to ascend together.

    After the game started beta, all the players' strengths were returned to the prototype, including the players in the dominant world. The Bloodline was reduced to the lowest point, the internal test ended, the public beta began, and the remaining skills of Feng Yu Chen belonged to the internal test inheritance code. One class, once returned to liberation.

    However, after the public beta, the seal is only the first act, because –

    All players Bloodline is sealed to the initial stage. The Unlimited Anime system will never regain its original strength until it is closed, but it can be upgraded by itself. The enhanced Floodline ability will not be sealed again. The Bloodline ability will be sealed once, even after other worlds. No system seal will be made.

    In other words, there is no such thing as a Bloodline seal in the future world. The ability to seal is nothing more than the Unlimited Grade layout.

    Unlimited Grade is not the same as Bloodline.

    The system limits the segment, but does not limit the Bloodline after the beta.

    In the other words, now Feng Yu Chen as long as the promotion of bloodline, will not be sealed again, but, compared to the internal test of bloodline, after the public measurement of bloodline there is no infinite basic attribute promotion, the system really play A good means, even if the bloodline raised very high, Unlimited Grade can not keep up, the results are obvious, the forced use of certain bloodline ability to explode and die is certain.

    However, Feng Yu Chen's advantage is the highest rank of all players. Unlimited Grade is in the Crystal stage. Even if he enters the relevant world, he is still in the back, but his essence is still there. Even if he uses some infinite ability, it will not explode. The simplest example of death is the use of Mangekyō Byaku-Sharingan's Strength.

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