1813. Chapter 1813 Ohtomo Jin and Transfer Students

    [Thanks to Black Yao Iron Captain Captain, I like to watch the big gods, Liu Yinglong, ShiroiNaoto, Chaos flame children's shoes, and 13 tickets plus more. Everyone is working hard, today is the first to send, ask for subscription, monthly ticket, recommendation ticket】

    When awake, Kurahashi Kyouko found himself lying in a small black house.

    No, no, this room looks like the office of Ise's teacher?

    After opening all the curtains, Kurahashi Kyouko discovered that she actually slept here for one night. If I remember that there was nothing wrong, I should have a hot pot party on the top of the building last night, and I still had a good meal. Then they were in the teacher’s The office was asleep, and the student residence was not with the Onmyo Academy.

    Onmyo Academy has prepared boarding rafts for the students who have gathered from the whole country. There are male students and female students. If you walk in the past, it will take about ten minutes. It only has a time limit for closing, and there is a dorm supervisor.

    The age of the students’ buildings is quite old, and it seems to be similar to the years of Onmyo Academy’s founding. The configuration is also very good, with a cafeteria and entertainment room, a shower room and a bathhouse.

    Just then, the three-color cat came in from outside the outer door –

    "Ise teacher…Ise teacher? ”

    AH HA…. Kurahashi, good morning, what's the matter? I will sleep again, and the class bell will ring and call me again…"

    Feng Yu Chen said confusedly on the table.

    "You guy, a little conscious? Okay? It is natural to ask you to get up! ”

    Kurahashi Kyouko stunned Feng Yu Chen with a look of helplessness, dragging him toward the long room.

    “It seems that Kyouko and Ise are getting along well? Is the interaction between Ise teacher and students very good? ”The tricolor cat said with emotion.

    "Hey, I really don't know how this guy will be the twelve gods, the impression is collapsed, but…As far as Onmyoudou is concerned, very good, and…Ok, I’m seeing the crazy teacher with the students for the first time. ”

    Kurahashi Kyouko feels that she has definitely encountered a wonderful encounter.


    After entering the long room.

    Kyouko threw Feng Yu Chen on the ground. After dragging it for so long, he was still asleep. Is this the case for a teacher?

    "It's time to get up, Ise teacher…"

    Kurahashi Miyo coughed his hand and said.

    "Oh, today's lesson is…Sleep, Kyouko, let everyone sleep for a morning…"

    Feng Yu Chen said casually.


    Suddenly a girl in the room almost fell down.

    "Don't be surprised, Ise teacher is such a casual person…"

    Kurahashi Kyouko is ashamed to look at two other people in the room, one is a girl of her age, wearing a long hair with a hairpin, a streamlined nose, wearing a jacket and a tight skirt, with a sharp eye that can't be ignored. The eyes don't seem to be what she can have at this age.

    The other is a tall man, who seems to be young, but gives a feeling of dryness, messy hair, rough-looking glasses, old white shirts and ties, and a cheap jacket. Also, the loose trousers and the delicate lines of the face show a gentle smile, although it is said that "gentle" is actually closer to the "unreliable" feeling.

    However, let Kyouko pay attention to the short stick held by the man's right hand. He is holding a short stick and can easily see that he sticks out a wooden stick from the right trouser tube. This is a prosthetic, or used like a medieval pirate. The kind of old righteousness that no one has used now.

    Aware of Kyouko's gaze, the man smiled softly and rolled up his pants to reveal his right foot: "Well, this?" Shuai stayed? Although it is a book lecturer, Yan Gu and count on Onmyouji 喔, do not want to decorate the head can not do it. ”

    "you are?!"

    Right here, Feng Yu Chen, who noticed the strong Reiatsu fluctuations, sat up from the ground and looked at the righteous man.

    "This is the teacher Ohtomo Jin who is teaching you together for the whole year…Although it looks like this, it is actually a very good talent…"

    Kurahashi Miyo said with a smile.

    "Amount, you have found a problem teacher for us…"

    Does Kyouko feel that her grandmother is deliberate?

    "Oh it's you!"

    Feng Yu Chen couldn't help but frown. "A year ago, you grabbed my prey…"

    "Well, I am not scared away by you?"

    Ohtomo Jin reached out and pushed his eyes. In this life, he lost in the hands of two people, one is D, the other is the Ise lord.

    "I don't think you are scared away!"

    Feng Yu Chen's body stood up slowly, and a clear golden visual aura burst out of his body, and the entire long room shook.

    A golden figure of Buddha-like Taoism is condensed in Feng Yu Chen's behind!

    Kurahashi Kyouko was sitting on the ground with this violent spiritual pressure, double-handed and pressed against his chest, unable to breathe~!

    How powerful is this aura to have such a phenomenon?

    And what is that virtual shadow?


    The girl in the room with a hairpin is beating wildly. This kind of intense Spiritual Power, she only felt in one person's body – Iwao Miyachi, known as the demon / the demon, the commander of the demon The commander of the Commander's Office of the Devil's Office, one of the most powerful independent sorcerers, one of the twelve gods, is regarded as the most powerful Onmyouji in the world…

    "Forget it, I won't shoot it until I have 100% confidence…"

    Feng Yu Chen puts aside the aura of the body and instantly transforms into a gentle boy who is approachable.

    "Well, you were already strong a year ago, now…"

    Ohtomo Jin had a cold sweat on his forehead and a smile on his face. Really, I knew that this guy was accepting this commission. Kurahashi was really good. It was obvious that Ise was already there, and he was going to serve. Teacher, is the opponent really so powerful? Need two of them to join hands?

    "Everyone else has 100% confidence, you, I don't have, the time is right, you can give up everything in order to reach your goal…And the endless stream of skills is also amazing…"

    Feng Yu Chen has a very high rating for Ohtomo Jin.

    "The chat between the two teachers is here, let me introduce the new student, Yuge Mari Nai…"

    Kurahashi Miyo said to the hairpin girl.

    "Yuge this last name?"

    Feng Yu Chen is clear to everyone who will be the twelve gods.

    "It’s the sister of Yuge Mari Miss…"

    Said Kurahashi Miyo.

    "Oh, it turned out to be the little girl who is a hard-working secretary…"

    Feng Yu Chen said awkwardly.

    Forehead, Kurahashi Miyo and Ohtomo Jin suddenly became ashamed, and Iwao Miyachi, the devil, was called a hard-pressed face. This is really…

    Have fun!

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