1809. Chapter 1809 is healthier

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    "Several of you, put these spells on a fixed position on the explanation book, don't try to change the body maid's outfit. This is the only spell that I can solve. If you force it to take off, the consequences…Oh, conceited! ”

    Before going out with Tsuchimikado Natsume, Feng Yu Chen moved out a box with a Zhang Fu and a floor plan.

    "You are a corporal punishment, teacher…"Kurahashi Kyouko looks at the inside of the box and a lot of spells, to cover the entire Onmyo Academy, is undoubtedly a huge project.

    "You can ask the students in the same class for their help. Don't underestimate the use of the maid's clothes. Use rational resources. Well, Natsume sauce, let's go shopping…"

    Feng Yu Chen waved his hand out of the office.

    "Absolutely a black teacher~!"

    Kurahashi Kyouko The bitter looks at the house are a few sisters who are sick and sick.

    "Well, I think the maid is very good…It’s quite full body…”

    Kanzaki Kaori looks at the leopard print of the body, a pair of capers.

    "Amount, your head has problems too…"

    Kurahashi Kyouko has no place to spit, but also likes the maid costume, this…

    "Well, that guy is right, acting cute, please help…"

    The ice tray moved the foxtail of his maid, feeling incredibly moe moe.

    "You have problems too!"

    Kurahashi Kyouko caressed her head, is she alone shame? No, I want to talk to my grandmother. How can such a person enter the Onmyo Academy to teach, it is completely playing, and she still worships the identity of his twelve gods. It turned out to be a problem teenager! ~

    "Your vomiting is more special. It is important to work hard to get the job done. You can help Shikigami of chopsticks."

    Tabitha took two spells and injected it into Spiritual Power and turned it into two simple artificial Shikigamis, manipulating the simple Shikigami and picking up the spells in the box for posting.

    "Tabitha, how are you smart…So you don't have to wear a maid to put out acting cute…Ten thousand years

    Kurahashi Kyouko suddenly burst into tears of excitement.

    “Some places still need to be hands-on, unless operating Shikigami is flexible…”Kanzaki Kaori frowns at the layout.

    "It doesn't matter, look at me – white Sakura (cherry)! Black Maple! ”

    With the call of Kyouko, two Shikigami appeared in front of her.

    Artificial Shikigami, and humanoid, with the height of an adult man, as tight and sturdy as a boxer, one white, the other black, white with a knife, and black with a kurokusanagi knife (a weapon that installs a machete on a long handle, similar to azure Dragon Yanyue The style of the Moon Knife), both of which are draped on the basis of the Knight armor and then added to the improved armed machine armor.

    "Yinyang Hall protection method [G2 type * Yaksha]? A type of man-made type that protects and obeys the Master command, a faithful man-made guardian, and Shikigami, which must be summoned for twenty-four hours, as well as the servant, is a very heavy burden for the ambassador, if not for Spiritual Power. A certain level of people can't control at all, so for Onmyouji, the servant-style or servant-style Shikigami is an expression of status. The Kurahashi family is worthy of the yin and yang family celebrities…"

    Bing Die looks at Kurahashi Kyouko's Shikigami, also reaching out to summon her Shikigami –

    "In the name of Bing Die, it's here – Phoenix Fire!"

    With the call, a frightening temperature came, a charming maiden appeared beside Bing Die, purple hair, like the sharp ears of the spirit, nails painted red, the left half of the face has a shallow purple phoenix tattoo, need to be carefully seen to be able to see, wearing a red-bottomed black cloud kimono, Around the purple-red flame.

    "This…this…"It is also the guardian Shikigami, is it wrong, is the spirit of the servant? Actually it was ancient Shikigami? ”

    Kurahashi Kyouko was amazed at the moment. She thought she could have white Sakura (cherry) and black maple. She couldn't think of an unknown person who had such a Shikigami.

    "I don't call Phoenix Fire, I am so happy! Will you call my name next time, can you hear it? Really

    Flame Spirit kimono girl suddenly dissatisfied with Bing Die.

    The amount, the Master and Shikigami who are not getting along well are also wonderful. Kurahashi Kyouko feels that this year is a year of problem teachers and problem students. Will this life not happen in the next three years?


    When Kurahashi Kyouko and others began laying the barrier spell, Feng Yu Chen and Tsuchimikado Natsume bought various utensils on the streets of Shibuya.

    "Ise teacher, well, no…"

    Tsuchimikado Natsume smiled bitterly, Feng Yu Chen actually took her to work hard, her double-handed has already mentioned a lot of things, hateful, if it is normal, how can she give a man a coolie! !

    "Well, there are also things to buy, but let's go to the bath shop, you come to help me back…Students must be 100% respectful to the teacher, do you know? ”

    Feng Yu Chen patted Tsuchimikado Natsume's room and took her to the bathing hall. After a separate sauna, she began to take a bath.


    "Hey, Natsume, don't you want to soak together?" A lot of sweat on the way? ”

    Feng Yu Chen looks at Tsuchimikado Natsume, who is nervously cringing.

    That…Teacher Ise, I still don't need it, hurry up, let's go back, Pegasus is dark…"

    Tsuchimikado Natsume sleepy at Feng Yu Chen The seductive sexy body, the man used sexy words is really not suitable, but Feng Yu Chen's skin is too beautiful, if his chest is flat, Tsuchimikado Natsume thought it was a Beauty…

    "Really?" Come on, help me back, well, let's go back…"

    Feng Yu Chen said on a massage rack.


    Tsuchimikado Natsume pushed the sleeves to the elbows, revealing the white arms of the powder, and a pair of small hands gently pressed on Feng Yu Chen's body.

    "Oh ?"

    The soft little hand can't help but let Feng Yu Chen squint.

    TeacherDon't bother to make such a loud voice…"

    Tsuchimikado Natsume heard Feng Yu Chen's 呻吟, his legs are a little soft.

    "Continue, very comfortable, harder…Mmm…It's pretty goodFeng Yu Chen closed her eyes and enjoyed it, so the service that was backed by the beautiful girl was the first experience. It was good, good, and healthier.


    The sound of Tsuchimikado Natsume is a little bit of a squeaky voice. "Do you not bother to be too tempting?"

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