1792. Chapter 1792 protects Shikigami: Xiaoyu

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    After coming to the inner palace of Ise's outer palace, Feng Yu Chen saw the generation of the Ise Shrine Palace, the so-called priest is the most powerful cleric, usually by women, and also as a shrine of Shrine Maiden. existing.

    The classic white Shrine Maiden suit, with a blushing color (not pure red), long hair dragging on the ground, the headpiece is a twilight bow, and the two hairs are tied with the same color hair band. It’s up.

    The typical Shrine Maiden suit, the sleeveless Shrine Maiden suit with the shoulders and underarms (the sleeves are worn separately), the Shrine Maiden suit that reveals the underarms, makes Feng Yu Chen think that Hakurei Reimu is also dressed like this.

    Shrine Maiden holds the coins and the charms in his hands. It seems that he has just finished the celebrations. His face has sweat from his long activities. The huge and full **** will have Shrine Maiden clothes. Broken look, with a gentle smile on his face at the sight of Feng Yu Chen, then kneeling on the ground, said softly –

    "Welcome home to visit the outer palace, I am this generation of Shrine Maiden, Ise 绯菊, Qian Xue is my daughter…Please condescend the house today, and let's go tomorrow. Onmyo Academy has already greeted him. Mr. Dairenji Shidou, the minister of the Imperial Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, will receive you in Tokyo…"

    "Ahhhh……That, still stand up and talk about it…"

    Feng Yu Chen is faintly able to see the seductive milk-ditch of Ise Chrysanthemum in this direction. It seems that I can still smell the scent of some autumn chrysanthemums. It really makes people…It seems that this Shrine Maiden is a big nerve guy, and Shrine Maiden is originally a loose dress. Now she is so tossed, and the white shoulders are exposed.

    "Oh ?"Ok, then Qian Xue took the owner to the inner room to bathe and change clothes. I am ready to have dinner…"

    Ise chrysanthemum slowly stood up, and no one else used a small hand to correct the neckline of Shrine Maiden's suit. It seemed to be cool, but this move made her white skin more exposed.

    "Mother is an adult…You are really ~ ah~"

    Ise Qian Xue blushes to pull Feng Yu Chen and fleeing the room, I don’t know how to check it out!


    After coming to the bathroom, Feng Yu Chen took off his body clothes and stepped into the hot springs. This hot spring seems to be a artificial artificial hot spring formed by the guidance of the veins.

    Just as he was enjoying the hot spring, a glow of gold and silver glittering in his chest, and then a little Loli with a typical palace dress appeared in front of him, and the silver hair, with its pale golden glow, swung with the wind, and the hair of the temples was tied together with a golden wrap, with pure white long-legged socks , vaguely able to see two fluffy silver tails shaking, with golden hair at the end of the tail, two quivering protuberances on the head, which should look like ears, and ear hair on the top of the gold–

    Of course, the most striking is the beautiful eyes like the starry sky and the center can be called a thrilling face, such as the Snow Plum, powder white crystal clear, even if the age is still able to see clearly that kind of dazzling good face, even if you have seen a lot of beautiful women Feng Yu Chen can not help but have some move ——

    And the adorable little loli body, the comb of the perfectly simultaneous bangs, and the skin that is as white as the ****, the first part is very delicate and end. Matching these is even more difficult to teleportation.

    The silver-haired girl emerged with respect and respectfulness to Feng Yu Chen on the surface of the water. "This One Tamamo no Mae, first appeared, met with my Lord Yu Chen, and served as the guardian Shikigami of His Royal Highness. From then on, I will wait for my Highness. By the side…Listen to the imperial commander…You can call my nickname: Xiaoyu…"

    The mature sound that is extremely inconsistent with the appearance, the beautiful sound like a piano-like sound, gently into the ear, like a pot of sake, makes people can not help but be enchanted.

    "It turns out that you are my Shikigami Tamamo no Mae, please advise, you should use magical skills?"

    Feng Yu Chen asked.

    "Back to His Royal Highness, This One doesn't use enchantment. The reason is probably that This One's temperament is tempting. Even if it is depressed, the sound and the expression will make people lose themselves. This is the reason why This One's Spiritual Power is too strong. Please forgive me, This One does not dare to deceive His Highness anyway…"

    Tamamo no Mae was a little scared and said, a sincere and fearful look.

    "Don't be afraid, in the future, in this world, we are sharing the blessings…I am very interested to know if you have some memories, such as the fear of ****, such as the legend…"

    Feng Yu Chen asked and thought.

    "No.Is this One dull, **** Qingming is who? This One does not exist in this space itself. This One is like the gods of Shinto and the Buddha of Buddhism. It is the [spirit] that the creatures fantasize. It is transformed by some kind of graceful power into the current Shikigami. ……"

    Tamamo no Mae said in confusion.

    "So what strength do you have? Don't be nervous, peace of mind to communicate with me is…"

    Feng Yu Chen reached out and stroked Tamamo no Mae's soft hair. It was so soft, it was so cute, and the pillow should be very comfortable at night.

    That…After your Strength is strong, my remaining Strength can be unblocked. Now I can only use illusion. I have a total of nine tails. Now it is only the state of two tails. When Kyuubi (Nine-Tails), Strength will reach At the peak, my Spiritual Power can cover the whole of Japan. In this area, your Strength is infinite…"

    Tamamo no Mae said softly, from time to time, aiming at Feng Yu Chen's strong body and his face with a red face. His Highness is really a beautiful man. It is really lucky for her beautiful man to serve His Highness. If it is a lame man, She really wants to die…

    "Yu Chen, Master, I am coming to wipe you back…"

    At this time, Ise Qian Xue wore a loose bathrobe and walked in with a bath towel and tub.

    "You…What are you? \ unexpextedlyI dare to bother me and my Royal Highness! You choose, you are committing suicide, or I am killing you! ”

    Tamamo no Mae suddenly stood up in horror, and the body's Spiritual Power began to surge in the city, and the most hated duo world was broken! Obviously, you will be able to see the important part of Your Highness immediately (Amount, Xiaoyu, your exercise…).

    "Eh?This is the guardian Shikigami, is it your young master? Awesome Shikigami Oh, it looks like a fox, this kind of Shikigami is rare…Sure enough, the next owner of the Ise family, there is such a powerful Shikigami. ”

    Ise Qianshui surprised at the sight of Tamamo no Mae, very strong look…

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