1771. Chapter 1771, Glass Sword Technique and Dragon Heart

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    Feng Yu Chen, who scored 12 people, made Anigrot frown. Although it is not clear why these eyes seem to be afterimage, they can be kept for a long time, but there is a voice inside to tell her, immediately retreat. If you leave, you may suffer great damage.

    Obviously, Feng Yu Chen's goal is the doomsday seven-headed snake king, some magic is to kill the performer can end the disappearance, and some magic will not.

    The huge devil snake in front of you has a certain consciousness, and even if Anigrot disappears, it will still not change.

    "Steel-is-my-body, and-fire-is-my-blood (blood steel, heart is like glass fragile)…Glass swordsmanship is the most important – I hope that when I came to the world, Aunt Doro, Sancha, and Bodhi, my own light will be bright, shining innumerable and boundless world, with thirty-two husbands and eighty, with solemnity, ordering Everything is affectionate, as I am no different! ”

    A sound of singing makes Feng Yu Chen differentiation of the avatar gradually become thick up, flames all over its body, like the gods in the fire, then, Feng Yu Chen's body is divided into six, with the sword of the blaze in the hands for the Kakuzu point, two hexagonal stars are sketched out , and then a Feng Yu Chen began to turn, and the two hexagonal stars began to rotate at an extremely fast speed, as if two huge magic arrays, wrapped in the rapid rotation of the Doomsday Seven Serpent King–

    Moreover, the two six-pointed star sword arrays also began to replicate overlapping rotations, and one of the six-pointed star sword arrays continually condensed out, and Speed ​​is getting faster and faster…


    Doomsday The King of the Serpent wants to break free, but when the body touches the sword, it is like being burned by the fire. It is so painful that it is constantly raging and struggling. The remaining six snakes are constantly spitting lightning, but it seems to have no effect. , the moment between the moments will be resolved!

    Like a miracle, the people watching this battle can only see the light of the flames flying fast, and can't see the figure of Feng Yu Chen's. It can be seen with the naked eye as soon as it opens, and then the six-pointed star rotates. It’s time to see it, it’s not a sword that mortals can use.

    If you use a vocabulary to describe the current Feng Yu Chen's words, then the Magician of the sword, the sword and the magic can't be united together, but at the moment in the hands of Feng Yu Chen's, the sword's fast and magical brilliance are manifested. Make it clear whether this is sword or magic.


    The last sound was like a thunderous anger, and the countless six-man swords that wrapped the doomsday seven-headed snake king compressed in the middle of the split second, followed by the explosion of the original Bullets, like a thunder-like sound, like a volcanic eruption. The blushing flame rushes into the sky, making the entire sky a neon color.

    Such a gorgeous sword technique, its implementation began to complete no more than a second, no one knows how many swords Feng Yu Chen has played in this second, but if you want to count, maybe Gundam has been thousands of times! No, maybe even over 10,000!

    Shocking, gorgeous, unable to transcend, the god of the sword.

    Feng Yu Chen combines [bloodthirsty Innate Skill: murderous aura avatar], [Red A: Unlimited Blade Works], [Coherent Sword Skill: Wan Jian Gui Zong], [Buddha Heart: Liuli Wish] Sword skills, he is not the kind of fun-only ratio, can go to the point of today, he does have merit.

    He understands that the sword of the glass is not his limit. He also has room for improvement, and the sword is also a long way to go.

    But now he has only completed the first weight of the glass sword technology, a total of 12 heavy glass sword technology, according to his estimate, the 12th sword can destroy a dimensional World, of course, may be higher, after all, now his ability also limit, can not play out just, Need not to grind their own sword skills, and finally be able to climb to the pinnacle of glass sword technology.

    How come?

    Anigrot suddenly sat on the ground, and the gun in her hand, Gunn, instantly shattered, failed, completely defeated, and never seen the power, even if it was impossible to reach the limit of cultivation for many years, this is no longer Can be called the point that humans can reach.

    "Sister husband, the surrounding residents have been evacuated…Start hunting, it seems to have entered a lot of miscellaneous fish this evening, and some members of the Holy Wing Knights have also begun to betray, more serious is…The Captain Yusula of the Saint Dragon Knight Regiment also defected, and Yusula's strength was quite powerful, defeating the elite Arch of Rebecca, Lulu, AO Scarlet and more than 10 St. Dragon Knight Groups in succession Dragonar , walking towards Isuka Avalon's engine room, according to my investigation, buried in the Lautreamont of the Dragon Heart is the star Motive WA *, that is, Isuka Avalon's Magic Guide Engine … "

    Mirabel came to Feng Yu Chen's side and reported that he was panting, and it was obvious that the incident was urgent!

    "I didn't think that we had the power of Demiurges under the eyelids. The Captain of the St. Dragon Knights was rebellious. It was amazing. Well, you are going to tie Anigrot. She has such a Strength. It should be a high-rise. One of them…"

    Feng Yu Chen forced the unblocking strength to reach out in the void, and suddenly a space crack appeared. The next moment, Feng Yu Chen entered the crack and appeared in the cabin of the magical ship Isuka Avalon.

    At this time, he also officially saw the appearance of Captain, the St. Dragon Knight group in Yusula, the figure of the most powerful Arch Dragonar in Lautreamont.

    A female knight wearing a dazzling armor stands in front of Feng Yu Chen's, the body's armor is Ark Creation, and the knight's face has a shrine Maiden-like pure and holy atmosphere.

    Sure enough, it has the charm of a saint.

    "scared me……I thought I could get the star motivation smoothly…"

    Yusula looked at Feng Yu Chen like the flame of Spirit, and the flame sword of her hand, Revotin, made her feel a shocking Strong swing, which seemed to be ruined as long as she was hit once. Take a step back.

    As a master of Sword Technique, she naturally understands that Sword Qi from Feng Yu Chen body is as dazzling as she is. She has not seen the glass sword skills that Feng Yu Chen has just shown, but I also hear Veronica and the outside. The rumors that Mirabel's two unparalleled swords were defeated in his hands.

    "It seems that Demiurges can not be underestimated. It is obvious that the strategy has been well followed by several steps. Probably Penelope is found to be expected. Then you get a dragon heart of one of the five major stars?"

    Feng Yu Chen can't help but feel a little moved about Demiurges' strategy. He planned everything well and made a sense of abandoning some people in order to get five big stars. It is really a crazy organization!

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