1763. Chapter 1763 King of Asuka Avalon

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    With the annihilation of the Dark Troll Dragon, the magical Holy Dragon, Sky Dragon, Earth Dragon, and Water Dragon have been purified.

    The sword is in the flesh, the soul is the soul, the sacred sword is only evil, and the eternal EA of this conviction completes the destruction of the darkness.

    But there is still a region that has not been able to purify, and that is —

    In Shadru's slack split second, Feng Yu Chen suddenly looked up and looked in a certain direction. The general magic navigation airship is approaching Feng Ting City~!

    The battle has not stopped!

    "Citizens of Feng Ting City, hello, I am the third prince of the Chevron Kingdom – Uriel."

    Uriel, wearing a luxurious dress, stood on the deck of the magical guide Claude Solas, and his voice spread through the magical ship's loudspeakers to the city.

    Despicable fellow!

    At this moment, Eco's magic is consumed a lot, and it is impossible to maintain the dragon. Shadru also has some distraction. The Veronica and Silvia who stayed in the city and the magical water dragon who sneaked through the waterway also consumed a lot of Physical Strength. The only thing left is the battle. The strength of Feng Yu Chen is not in a state of prosperity. The body has been transformed from the third form of Gold Ying Long into the first form of the sacred Colossal Dragon.

    At this moment, Uriel's magical guide magical cannon was aimed at Feng Ting City, apparently threatening them with the public.

    "Please listen to the next word, the monster that has just protected the Encheng, and it is colossal Dragon, who forced the Continental conference" Ayniuschi neon "to stop halfway this summer, that you should still have fresh memories of this matter, and that the Knight government is hiding from the sovereign state Chevron, Secretly hidden in the kind of shocking biological weapons, such heinous crimes, even if it has always been forgiving spiritual to act as a man, it is difficult to forgive …therefore……"

    Under the direction of Uriel, the Knight of the Cross, Oswald, appeared on the deck of the magical guide. On the left and right sides of Oswald, there was a soldier with a long gun and a cold-looking soldier. The crown on his head represented the crown of the Cavaliers. Was taken off, looked awkward, and was replaced by the prisoner’s clothing…

    “So our sanction is that the first Princess Veronica, the fourth Princess Silvia and all of its subordinates surrendered to me, otherwise…”

    Just when Uriel was exposed to arrogance –

    "My Mirabel *Lautreamont represents my king Arthur, declare war on the Chevron kingdom, clarify that Eco is my king's Pal, not the creature weapon of the Knight State…And these ancient magic guide ships are the territory of our country! – The country of the sky [Isuka Avalon]! ”

    A ship's ancient-made magical guide ship slowly reached the sky above the front of Tien, the ship's magic guide ship is the legacy of the super-ancient civilization Sonorton civilization, the ship body is painted with ancient text, according to the pronunciation should be "Isuka Avalon ", may be the name of this ship magic ship.

    Although it was an ancient warship, the whole ship's magical ship was almost as good as ever, whether it was the king's Crow.Solas is also the Chiwanas of the Knights. Their hulls are all modern, and only the organs are using machinery excavated from ancient ruins. The Espada sacred hall is also the same as the temple ship Ace Peranza. .

    When I saw the appearance of Mirabel, Feng Yu Chen realized that, what happened? Mirabel also forced him to a king's road!

    Slowly, Feng Yu Chen took Shadru, Eco, Linda, Rebecca, Luca, and Scarlet to the Avalon Avalon, and then turned into a human form. The body projected a Gold armor. The Golden Sword of Certain Victory is condensed in the hand –

    "In the name of my Arthur *pendragon, the establishment of the country of the Sky" Isuka Avalon "at this time, and allied with Chevron's 108th heir, o Scarlet * bu Brailsford, to assist him to ascend to the throne of Chevron, and to be wanted for Che Uriel, the third Kingdom of the Kingdom of Vron, colluded with the Marquis of the Wadanhor border of the northern Zepharos Empire, and the Magic Ansullivan cadets and dragons almost destroyed the city of Ansullivan …

    Now make a wanted order to kill Uriel! ”

    After that, Feng Yu Chen's mouth Kakuzu showed a cruel sneer, and the dead camel was bigger than the horse, let Ureel take his anger!

    Appear it – Enkidu (Enchidu)!

    The projection magic unfolded, and a huge Gold chain came out from Feng Yu Chen's behind, and the Ureil's magical ship was suddenly bound. Then, the powerful Frost powered the entire magic chain along his chain. The ship was frozen.

    Some soldiers on the magical guide were frozen into ice sculptures, and Frost's power invaded the power cabin, freezing all the operators to death.

    Feng Yu Chen's manipulation of Frost's Strength is very powerful. After all, it is his most essential force to apply the skill of Frost from the Black Bullet.


    Ullerton was horrified at the sights at it all.

    Banshō Ten'in (Universal Pull) !

    "congratulations, entered hell!"

    Feng Yu Chen slowly extended his palms – Uriel was caught in his hands. Although the two magical ships were hundreds of meters apart, the tension-controlled Strength could still play.

    In Magic Index World, the ability to use drug stimulation to LV5 gravitational control is rarely used by Feng Yu Chen, because this strength is not required to be able to start without unlimited energy, relying on the body's physical strength and the like Life energy, so not to the critical moment generally will not use, after all, there is always a time to be exhausted, must have enough to promote the undercard.

    Don't……Do not kill me……What conditions do you want…Don't forget, I am the prince of Chevron. ”

    Uller widened his eyes and said in horror.

    "I am not a citizen of Lautreamont now, I am the new king, Dragon King Arthur *Pendragon, did not hear it, this ship Isuka Avalon magic guide is my territory, unfortunately, your death is here. ”

    Feng Yu Chen's playful look at Uriel is like watching a clown. In fact, even if Mirabel does not appear, he can defeat Uriel, but that would cause international problems, Chevron and Lautreamont. The covenant will end, but it will not happen now. After all, he is the king of an independent country.

    "King Arthur, don't kill him. I also use it. This guy must have imprisoned Celestine's mother. I need him to record a confession. Can you hand it over to me?"

    The failure of Uriel also indicates that the Austrian Scarlet has no threats and can successfully become the throne of Chevron.

    "Yes, but after you have finished speaking, I have to get Ansullivan to show off the people and pay homage to the people who died."I am the 'ambassador of justice', the volunteer of Isoka Avalon is to become a country of justice, where there is evil, where is our presence…"

    Feng Yu Chen sneaked at the Uriel, not easy to kill Linda's Elder Brother Ash, then take Ureel to open the knife.

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