1757. Chapter 1757 confrontation between the Dragon and Holy Dragon

    [Thank you for the unparalleled, Mi Lumika, I like to watch the gods, the Ranger. Dragon Dance, Beichen? メ天狼, the heart of the children's shoes, the monthly ticket plus more conditions to meet, decisive plus more, today's six more 喵, the first more sent, seeking subscription, monthly ticket, recommended ticket]

    Under the guidance of Eco, Feng Yu Chen landed on Linda's street. At this moment, Linda's body was in a state of high temperature, and a little cute thing like a plush doll fell asleep on her chest.

    这是 Is it Linda's Pal? ”

    Shadru hugs the little cute, although the looks at is like a doll, but has a body temperature, moe moe with watery eyes and eyes at Shadru.

    "Let's take Linda up first, and we Speed ​​to the front of Tien City, to protect the Royal Castle before the blackened dragon arrives."

    Feng Yu Chen said.

    "Mm."However, Royal Castle is also there with the St. Dragon Knights, and Yusula Captain should lead the Knights to guard for a while. ”

    Rebecca was relieved, she understood that Royal Castle had people who were worried about Feng Yu Chen. Since Ash chose to be evil, it would definitely not let Silvia and Veronica go.

    "It's useless. Since Kuflin can't stop the eroded destiny, even the St. Dragon Knights can't do it. If you attack, it will increase the strength of the opponent, and with Veronica's personality, it will definitely be what the knight is spiritual. For the sake of choice, live with Royal Castle."Feng Yu Chen shook his head, if not for the sake of retaining his strength, then he would use the third form.

    "I will help…Don't underestimate me, people are Avalon Holy Dragon royal princess, so stupid stupid dragon, this princess will let them surrender to my feet! ”

    Eco confidently said that she was able to control the body of the dragon under Nabi's training.


    The front of the Tien Plain, where the capital of the Cavaliers is located, has a slightly higher hill at the southern end.

    Located in the hillside of the city, it is called the Kingsli Fortress. Once it is attacked by the enemy, the capital will open up with the portal and there is no power to fight. Therefore, it is also the last fortress.

    It was already anticipated that Veronica, who had been attacked by the enemy, would have left the Lautreamont St. Dragon Knight regiment early, and the Holy Dragon Captain Yusula*L* Sarvin was in command of the war before the war.

    The guards standing guard at the sentry tower screamed at the sights at the sights:

    "The enemy shadow confirmed! Two thousand! Number speculation…About eight hundred! ”

    In the darkness of the night, the Demon Dragons led by Ash kept on the road and finally invaded the Feng Teng Plain.

    Lautreamont Saint Dragon Knight Regiment has been assembled in the city of four weeks, Yusula led by the Knights of a total of 500 knights, each knight's pal is holy Dragon, without exception, and the captain level above the soldiers are all arch Drago NAR, such a team to perish a small country enough, just at the moment of the Yusula solemn looks at the invasion of the Black Magic Dragon Unit.

    The dragon dragons led by Ash have four Holy Dragons, about 300 sky dragons, about three hundred dragons, and two hundred water dragons. Although it seems that his troops are only a number stronger than the opponents. In terms of combat effectiveness, the Knights have an overwhelming upper hand. Even if the average dragon is assembled, it will not be as powerful as a Holy Dragon.

    But at this moment, Ash didn't have any fear. On the contrary, he was very excited. He ordered the water dragon troops to go up the river of Astor, which runs through the Cavaliers. This river has a tributary named St. Deidara, and it traverses. The center of the capital, Tien City. A total of two hundred water dragons attempted to enter the capital through this waterway, while looking at the side of the Krem Sheele: "Get started…"

    After seeing Ash’s actions, Yusula immediately waved and said: “Prepare the six Kakuzu defensive walls…”

    The St. Dragon Knights also have a reserve. The water dragons belonging to the lower class have already been deployed in the Astor River. The sky dragon forces are monitoring the capital throughout the day, and the Earth Dragons are responsible for patrolling the city, a state of order.

    Although there is Yusula's Captain, who is known as the Virgin Rosa Maria, the soldiers have a very high morale, but they can't kill the opposite dragon. After all, the dragon of Ansullivan College is the future. The reserve team of Lautreamont Dragon Knight, all killed will damage the national strength.


    The inexplicable singing came from the mouth of Krem Sheele, and the sound broke through the defensive wall and began to erode the mind of a Holy Dragon. These Holy Dragons began to transform into dark colors…


    “Can the songs transform my Pal?”

    "Full defense, the opposite dragon also has a Holy Dragon like Kuflin, don't underestimate the opponent…Work hard with your own Pal and get rid of it! ”

    Yusula screamed loudly.

    With the actions of Yusula, gradually, the Dragon Knights began to communicate intimately with their own Pal, and the reason for the Holy Dragon was that the erosion speed dropped significantly.

    "Haha!"It’s the Captain of the St. Dragon Knights. It’s still calm at this moment, but…You are all right now! In the name of the blood of Ash *Blake Holy Grail, Holy Dragon, listen to my command! ”|

    Ash slowly extended the hand, a fertile wave of rapids, penetrated the six Kakuzu defensive wall, all Holy Dragon in the split second transformed into the form of the dragon!

    How could

    Yusula couldn't help but be shocked to the extreme. The transformation of Ash and the song of Shereme Sheele are not at all a level, as if for the dragon, Ash is the dragon god.


    One by one, the Dragon Knight was smashed to the ground by his own Pal, and the seven sorrows that had been thrown were obviously missing.

    The Holy Dragons of the St. Dragon Knight group became the magic dragon of Ash at split second.

    At this moment, the number expanded to nearly 1,300 heads of dragons across the plains and headed for the capital of Feng Tien.

    "The desire of this King will be realized soon!!"

    Ash said with a sigh of relief, probably already thought about how to humiliate Silvia and Veronica.


    A sacred streamer leaps from a distance and is in front of the Dragon Dragon. It is Feng Yu Chen of the sacred Colossal Dragon.

    "So far, Ash!"

    Feng Yu Chen looks at thousands of dragon dragons, without a trace of fear, since his light can forcibly transform the Scarlet and Tristan into normal state, then the same Strength can be played at this moment, just The number of dragon dragons in front of him is beyond his imagination. The Holy Dragon has as many as 500 heads.

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