1754. Chapter 1754 Storm of the Jedi Garden and Eco's Ark Creation

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    The sound of Krem Sheele’s singing voice shook the cold night air, and the starry stone in the eyes glowed, making the hollow pattern on the mask more prominent. Gradually, there was a strong demon that gradually enveloped the dragon house, which was originally sleeping. The dragons began to stir up, and they screamed. It sounds like a raptor's animal is barking.

    In a short while, the first to sixth dragon houses were destruction from the inside, and the sly dragon group of Krim Sheele appeared one after another. Once Dragon Clan heard her demon song, she only broke into the magic road, and It will also become a beast, a strange bird-like sky dragon, to Krim Sheele. Large lizard-like earth dragon. The snake-like water dragon is almost all the dragons of Ansullivan College, and about eight hundred dragons are all rushed out.

    I saw that the appearance of each dragon has turned black, and the eyes are glittering with the wolf-like fierce light. The mouth is drooping with saliva and giving a rough, low-pitched look. It doesn't look like an intelligent Dragon Clan. .

    However, this group of seemingly out of control black Dragon Clan accepted the command, they were completely simultaneous in the team under the leadership of Krem Sheele.

    "And there are a few Holy Dragons, but the Lancelot guy is not…Kuflin of Rebecca, Gawain of Luca, Tristan of Scarlett, Arianlode of Maximillian, Four Holy Dragon…"

    Ash looks at the four heads of Holy Dragon in the Seventh Dragon House. Three of them have been controlled. Only Rebecca's Kuflin is still struggling. It is the first of the Academy's strength, Arch Dragonar Rebecca's Pal, who can struggle. Long

    Look at the struggling Kuflin, Ash snorted, a wave of volatility from his hand into Kuflin's eyes, and soon, Kuflin and other dragons were quickly eroded by black evil spirits The body no longer has the glory of the Holy Dragon, and the other dragons generally become Darkdragon.

    "Sorry, Your Highness Ash, I don't have…"

    Klim Sheele apologized for the sights at Ash, did not control Kuflin for the first time, and the result was Ash.

    "My lovely Krim Sheele, don't need to apologize. If I don't shoot, Kuflin will launch an attack. When it hurts you, I will be very sad…Ok, let's go, go to Feng Tien, turn Silvia that slut into my slave! Also Veronica, the two sisters look exactly the same, and the play is really cool…"

    Ash smiled and held Krem Sheele's body to the top of Kuflin's head flying over. Then she looked at all the blackening dragons. "My servants, dance with this King." Well, this world is judged by this King! First, the first command, razed the city of Ansullivan, and then marched forward to the front, sky dragon followed me in the sky, the earth dragon went to the land, directed by Anya, the water dragon marched from the underground river! ”

    At that moment, Ash's body made an inexplicable wave, his voice was more confusing than the song of Krem Sheele, and a dragon's eyes flashed even more fierce.

    Ash understands Feng Yu Chen's Divine Strength, although he is confident enough to control all the dragons, but he did not do it, but let the blackened dragon destruction Ansullivan City, hey, he is the embodiment of the disaster, let the disaster come to this land, He who has been abandoned by the world will destroy this world!


    After practicing for a day, tired of just wanting to rest in bed, Feng Yu Chen, who is about to close his eyes, suddenly felt the unsettled breath, the disgusting atmosphere, like the Necromancia encountered before, but some Special is…

    "Hey! ~”

    Rebecca is wearing a bright red Ark Creation at the door, and is the second form of Ark Creation, which is stronger and stronger than the first form. The weapon held in the right hand is still a hit with the magic gun Kay Bolgu.

    "President, is this?"

    Feng Yu Chen immediately put on his coat, and even if he did, he understood that the situation should be – not optimistic.

    "I was preparing to fall asleep. I was suddenly put on Ark Creation by Kuflin, but there is no way to summon. There is nothing in the college, but you listen…From the buzz of the city, the dragon house was destruction, all the Holy Dragons in the college disappeared, and the sky dragon was looming to attack the city…"

    Rebecca said with a dignified face.

    "I just heard a weird song, and I almost confused me. Fortunately, Arthur's aroma made me stunned. A masked woman broke into my spiritual world!"

    Eco stood up in confusion.

    “It seems to be similar to Celestine’s Star Stone, and my Tristan is out of control…”

    Austrian Scarlet also ran over.

    "Gawain is also calling without a word…How should we do

    Luca also came over.

    "The ones that can now use the fighting power are me, the Rebecca President who wears Ark Creation, and the Shadru who masters the dragon magic, plus the Eco that can be dragonized but unstable, but how can we only have a few of them? Can you get it?"

    Feng Yu Chen had a dignified expression on his face.

    "Don't forget this princess, but I also have the strength of…"

    Mirabel came out.

    "I have a good way…"

    Eco looks at a picture of Ark Creation on the table, and immediately closed my eyes and began to imagine –

    Then the body of O'Scarlet and Luca was wrapped up in the light. O'Scarlet and Luca put on Ark Creation, and they also got their own magical costumes. The magical performance of the stage, Caratine].

    "This…this…"How could And Tristan gave me the same Ark Creation…"

    O Scarlet reveals an incredible expression.

    Eco suddenly showed a proud expression, waving his lovely hand on his waist and said, "So, please don't underestimate the strength of the Royal Princess of Avalon Holy Dragon…In fact, these days, I asked Shadru to try on a few drafts of Ark Creation for me. I suddenly found that I could put others on Ark Creation. In fact, Tristan and Gawain's Ark Creation design is in the memory of Dragon Clan. It’s very convenient to find it back to this princess…"

    "Eco, have you grown up…Then I am looking forward to the day when I put on the Ark Creation that you made for my novice…"

    Feng Yu Chen reached out and leaned on Eco's head to soothe it. It was a hard working Little Loli.


    Eco, who was stroking Feng Yu Chen, said, "Although it is very comfortable…But I am not a puppy, I will be happy when I touch it twice…"

    "Ahhhh……Ouch……Got it

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