1746. Chapter 1746 Sleeping Lancelot

    [Thank you for watching the big gods say that children's shoes are rewarded, the monthly ticket plus more conditions are satisfied, decisively add more, today is even more ambiguous, the first is sent, seeking subscription, monthly ticket, recommended ticket]

    At that moment, everyone, including O'Scarlet, thought she would die here.

    However, after being penetrated by countless lightsabers, she did not have any scars, and the body that was manipulated returned. Is this supposed to be a miracle?

    Fortunately, her actions were stopped, so everything was redeemed. Otherwise, all her efforts have been squandered, she has lost power and she can never sit on Chevron's throne.

    "do not move……O Scarlet, you were arrested! ”

    Rebecca, Maximillian, and Luca, respectively, drove their Holy Dragon to surround the Olympic Scarlet. Although she recovered her waking, she was able to give her a free temper after a rigorous interrogation and examination. After all, it caused such a big commotion. .

    The Dragon Knight Fighting Club will temporarily end and stop the game.

    Silvia hugged Feng Yu Chen tightly, buried in his chest and shivering. At that moment she was desperate, thinking that Ash would come to save her, but…No, the woman who saved her was a brother-in-law who she didn't like very much. In retrospect, when she was in Deidara Square, her brother-in-law saved her…

    Feng Yu Chen took off his body and put it on Silvia's body and said, "Okay, your boyfriend is coming, let him comfort you."

    Ash rushed over and worried about the sights at Silvia. He knew that Silvia's game was to get engaged with him, but in her most crisisful moments, he was indifferent. The feeling of not feeling Strong was really annoying!

    "Let me hold it for a while…"

    Silvia whispered in the arms of Feng Yu Chen's.

    Ash's face is a little bit blue, is the Princess's Highness disappointing him?

    "Hold your sister, for a while, Lancelot is dead, I am going to save it, how is your Master?"

    Feng Yu Chen didn't push Silvia away without a gentleman's style, and stalked to Lancelot's side. The look at a huge blood hole above his head was obviously hit, even though his healing magic was unable to revolving Heaven. .

    "Lancelot! Brother-in-law, you must save it, I beg you! ”

    Silvia suddenly hugged Lancelot's body and cried, blaming her pride…

    "I haven't saved it. It only has a lifetime of one day. Let's say goodbye…"

    Feng Yu Chen Although he treated Lancelot's wounds, its life essence has been destructed, which is irreparable.

    How come? Brother, are you not omnipotent? Are you so bad that you can't cure Lancelot? Please, let me do anything! ”

    Silvia double-handed grabbed Feng Yu Chen's shoulders hard, and the sound of weeping made people unable to calm down, the feeling of desperation…

    "Try this with this…"

    At this time, Shadru came over and took out a sacred crystal. There is a pair of angel wings in the center of this crystal, which is Feng Yu Chen's Dragon Crystal.

    What thing? Actually have such a strong vitality? ”Feng Yu Chen reveals an incredible expression (not sure of his own Dragon Crystal), "Maybe, you can try it…"

    Then Feng Yu Chen put Angel Crystal's Energy into Lancelot's head. Slowly, the glare made everyone blindfolded. Lancelot's body floated from the ground, and the body was entangled with a sacred light. The eyes gradually became angry. The place where the forehead was originally pierced slowly extended a dragon horn, and the body was enlarged. The momentum was stronger than before, but…

    Unexpectedly, Lancelot closed his eyes and fell to the ground, and a reticle wrapped it in it, preventing anyone from approaching.


    Silvia rushed over, but the mask blew her out.


    Princess… Your HighnessCosette suddenly picked up Silvia, who was flying on the ground.

    "You see what's going on, Dr. Angela?"

    After letting Maximillian take the Austrian Scarlet, Rebecca immediately called Angela, an expert on the research of Dragon Clan, hoping to be useful.

    Angela reached for a point on the reticle, and a sturdy Strength bounced back and took a few steps back.

    "Dr. be careful…"

    Rebecca helped Angela.

    "Lancelot should be an evolutionary period. Lancelot, originally a Holy Dragon, must have accepted something to force growth. The dragon has progressed toward the growing dragon, but Energy is not enough to complete the breakthrough, so it is asleep. Get up, maybe you can sleep for a few years…

    Life should be fine. After evolution, it should be at least twice as powerful, and not much weaker than Kuflin. Of course, if there is a previous energy body that allowed it to evolve, it should be able to recover immediately. ”Angela analyzed and said.

    "also? Shadru ? ”

    Feng Yu Chen asked Shadru.

    "Yes, but in your body…That's your Dragon Crystal, probably Gawain and Lancelot used to make Ark Creation once, and then I released so many combo magic through it, so Energy consumes a lot, so the effect is reduced and Lancelot is asleep. ”

    Shadru thinks that Feng Yu Chen’s scene of making Dragon Crystal is a little blushing, **** looks like…

    "What? My dragon…Yan Huajing! Stop joking around.

    Feng Yu Chen suddenly turned black and refused to do it.

    "The original Dragon Crystal that Luca lends to my brother-in-law, then please, brother-in-law, make another piece…"

    Silvia suddenly ignited hope, and without seeing Lancelot sober, she really couldn't easily get down.

    Don't……I have to go to dinner…Eco, Shadru, let's go…"

    Feng Yu Chen insisted on rejecting.

    "Can be Crepe…"

    Eco suddenly jumped up.

    How come?

    Silvia clenched the double-handed.

    "Hey, little Sylvie, if you want me, I can tell you the secrets of your grandfather, Dragon Crystal…"

    Mirabel and Universe appeared in the arena, and Celestine has been imprisoned.

    "Three sisters, can you help me?"

    Silvia grabbed the feeling of life-saving straw.

    "Of course, your third sister, I am a scholar, but the scholar has profound knowledge…"

    Mirabel confidently nodded, but actually felt sorry for Silvia's experience, because her temporary interest made Silvia almost lose Pal, but she did not regret it…

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